![]() | =============================== = LEVEL ONE ARCANE SPELLS {1} = =============================== -- ABJURATION 1 -- {1A} Endure Acid (Abjuration) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 2. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels. Endure Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 2. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels. Endure Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 2. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels. Endure Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 2. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels. Endure Sound (Abjuration) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 2. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target sound resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels. Erase (Abjuration) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Will negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. When cast, this spell erases magical writings as if they never were. It will destroy a glyph of warding or a manifestation of the symbol spell, as well as any number of spellbooks or scrolls on the ground, rendering the latter blank but physically damaged. Used against another creature, it will blank 1 randomly chosen scroll or spellbook in that creature's possession, plus one for every three full levels the caster has. A Will save negates the effect if the spell is targeted against a living creature. Mage Armor (Abjuration) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. No bonus damage. Base Success: 100%. This euphamistically-named spell created a ward around the mage's body which mystically dampens the lethality of attacks, manifesting through luck and coincidence (with no physical form) to protect her from harm. This effect is represented in game terms by granting the caster [4 + Luck modifier] levels armor in each armor catagory, or [6 + Luck modifier] if the caster is an Abjurer. Mage Armor is not compatible with real armor, and counts as medium armor for the purpose of abilities like defensive roll and Zen Defense. Protection from Chaos (Abjuration) [Lawful] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Shields you from chaos's influence with a tripartite effect: chaotic creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack you, you recieve a +4 bonus to save against enchantment spell effects and summoned creatures cannot physically attack you. Protection from Evil (Abjuration) [Good] Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Shields you from evil's influence with a tripartite effect: evil creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack you, you recieve a +4 bonus to save against enchantment spell effects and summoned creatures cannot physically attack you. Protection from Good (Abjuration) [Evil] Level: Mage 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Shields you from good's influence with a tripartite effect: good creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack you, you recieve a +4 bonus to save against enchantment spell effects and summoned creatures cannot physically attack you. Protection from Law (Abjuration) [Chaotic] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Shields you from law's influence with a tripartite effect: lawful creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack you, you recieve a +4 bonus to save against enchantment spell effects and summoned creatures cannot physically attack you. Protection from Undead (Abjuration/Necromancy) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1 Will negates. Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a mystical protection around you such that undead cannot physically strike you without first succeeding in a Will save against this spell. Shield (Abjuration/Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 1, Protection 2, Bard 2, Assassin 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a shield-shaped force construct that hovers nearby you, granting you a +5 defense class bonus versus physical attacks that you are aware of, so long as you are not being flanked, and rendering you immune to Magic Missiles. This bonus persists even during a spellcasting timeout. Spiritwrack (Abjuration/Weavecraft) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Alienist 1, Blackguard 1 Will negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. By casting this spell, a mage creates an intense dissonance between the fabric of the material plane and those nearby it, injuring and driving back creatures that reach into the Prime Material from other planes of existance. Incorporeal creatures (whether their existance overlaps into the astral, ethereal or negative energy planes) suffer 1d8 points of damage per caster level, material creatures native to the Outer Planes, astral or ethereal suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster level and creatures native to the elemental planes suffer 1d4 points of damage per caster level. The spell affects a 30 foot burst, and all damage is scaled after 9th level. A Will saving throw negates the damage completely, but failure also leaves the victim in a state of psychic shock causing a -4 circumstance penalty. Since the Spiritwrack effect is essentially an attack made of pure will, if an affected creature makes the Will saving throw and has a Wisdom score of 15 or higher, it may attempt to reflect the wave of torment back at the caster, making him subject to the damage from his own spell. This requires that the creature beat the caste in a contest of wills -- an opposed Concentration check. -- ARCANA 1 -- {1R} Chromatic Orb (Arcana/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 75%. Creates orbs of various color that inflict 1d8 points of damage (of varying types, or 1d6 for the white orb) per odd caster level and cause various special effects on a failed saving throw. A ranged touch attack determines if the orb hits a desired target or not. Clear Orb (Level 1, 4 mana): Inflicts pure magic (like magic missile) damage, and strikes true against incorporeal creatures. White Orb (Level 3, 5 mana): Inflicts sunlight-based damage, and causes targets who are vulnerable to light to become frightened for 1d4 rounds. Red Orb (Level 5, 6 mana): Inflicts fire damage and illuminates the target as per faerie fire. Orange Orb (Level 7, 7 mana): Inflicts psychic damage and confuses the target for 1d6+1 rounds if they fail a Will save. Yellow Orb (Level 9, 9 mana): Inflicts lightning damage and stuns the target for 2d8 rounds if they fail a Will save. Feather Fall (Arcana) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. While this spell is active, you float gentley downward rather then plummeting, suffering no damage for falls and not becoming prone as a result of them, though you can still be tripped. Grease (Arcana) Level: Mage 1, Slime 1, Bard 1, Alienist 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 75%. Creates a patch of grease on open ground that can cause foes to slip and fall. Knock (Arcana) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Magically causes all doors in your line of fire within 60 feet to open. This spell opens locked doors but does expose secret doors. This spell opens wizard-locked doors but does not remove the wizard-locked enchantment. Mending (Arcana) Level: Mage 1, Craft 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Repairs 1d6+[caster level] hit points of damage to any non-metallic item in the player's possesion. Obscurement (Arcana) [Air] [Water] Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Ranger 1, Alienist 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Conjures a bank of fog which travels with you and limits normal vision and infravision to 10 feet. Wood Elves, second level Druids and other creatures with the Nature Sense ability can see through fog. The fog bank has a radius of 30 feet (3 squares) plus 10 feet (1 square) for every two caster levels. The fog also muffles sound a bit, granting the caster a +2 bonus to Move Silently checks. Wall of Fog (Arcana) [Air] [Water] Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Weather 1, Air 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a curtain of fog useful for, among other things, blocking spellcasters and archers' lines of sight. Characters with true sight or Nature Sense can see through fog clearly, and anyone can see creatures within one square of the fog on either side. Wizard Lock (Arcana) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Magically closes, locks and wizard-locks all doors you can perceive. A wizard-locked door has double the normal hardness and the DC to pick its locks increases by +10. You can open one of your wizard-locked doors instantaneously with a mental command when next to it. You can close one of your wizard-locked doors normally. Doors that are already wizard-locked are unaffected by this spell. -- DIVINATION 1 -- {1D} Arrow Mind (Divination) Level: Mage 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 3. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell, a mage or ranger enters a trance state of preternatural awareness and acute focus on her archery. She gains the benefits of the Zen Archery and Defensive Shot feats, as well as a +3 bonus to hit and a +25% bonus to speed on attacks with a bow. At the end of the spell's duration, the caster loses one Fatigue point from the intense devotion of the trance. The effect lasts 10 rounds, plus three rounds per point of the caster's Constitution bonus (if any). Daggerspell (Divination) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. In casting this spell, a mage grants herself the facility to use a dagger as an instrument of divination like the classical dowsing rod -- a symbolic weapon to cut away obfuscation and reveal truth. Instead of attuning it to seek out water, however (as is done with a dowsing rod), the mage attunes the dagger to seek out flaws and weaknesses. In the hands of a mage with this spell, a dagger is drawn intuitively to the flaws in a structure or enemy's armor. A specialist Diviner recieves an insight bonus to damage rolls equal to her Intelligence bonus when using a dagger; for other mages, this bonus caps out at +2. In any mage's hands the base threat range of the weapon is treated as being 18-20. When using a dagger, she can halve the hardness of an object when she attacks it, and an armor-wearing enemy's Coverage is reduced by 4 against her attacks. Creatures with Nondetection are unaffected by this spell, and the caster gains no extra damage or increased threat range aainst them. Detect Secret Doors (Divination) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Reveals the presence of secret doors. The range of this spell is 25 squares plus 2 squares per caster level. Detect Stairs (Divination) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 10. Base Success: 95%. Tells you where the staircases (up and down) and portals on the current level are, and reveals them on the map. May not reveal some hidden, secret of special types of staircases. Detect Undead (Divination) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all Undead creatures, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. Read Magic (Divination) Level: Mage 1, Knowledge 1, Bard 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell grants you an exceptional facility for reading and correctly interpreting magical writings, granting you a bonus to the Read Magic skill equal to your caster level (minimum +5). True Strike (Divination) Level: Mage 1, Luck 2, Fate 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1, Alienist 1, Assassin 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 2. Extended duration. Base Success: 90%. Grants you a +10 insight toHit bonus (due to preternatural perception) on your next single attack roll. -- ENCHANTMENT 1 -- {1E} Cause Fear (Enchantment) [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Bard 1, Blackguard 1 Will negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 75%. Causes one target creature to be overcome with mortal terror, such that it will flee from you to the best of its ability for the spell's duration. Charm Person (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Beauty 1, Bard 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Will negates. Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Improves a hostile, sapient humanoid's temperment towards you, such that it ceases attacking and becomes a neutral creature. Friends (Enchantment) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell imbues you with an aura of affiability and good candor, causing other creatures to react favorably to you. You recieve a +2 (+4 for specialist Enchanters) social modifier to all social actions taken against other characters, and shop prices are calculated for you as if your Diplomacy skill rating was that much higher. Nystrom's Magical Aura (Enchantment/Illusion) Level: Mage 1, Magic 1 Mana: 3. Persistant. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell imbues a chosen item with a surreal quality of power and mystique that misleads the intuition and divinations of others into believing that items is a powerful magical treasure surpassing all others, and they will be led by the spell to covet it intensely. Intelligent, tool-using monsters will seek to acquire this item, and will equip it in preferance to others if this possess it. Thus, this spell can be used as a kind of trap, causing monsters to not use their real magical equipment in favor of fakes, or as a thrown lure to draw a monster to a specific location. The item is also much more desirable to thieves and pickpockets than a normal item of its type would be, but most merchants have devised a way of detecting the use of this spell. Selling an item affected by this spell is a chaotic act; if the seller is not evil, it is also an evil one. Sleep (Enchantment/Thaumaturgy) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Night 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1, Assassin 1 Will negates. Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Causes creatures whose levels are half your own or less within a 20 foot (2 square) radius globe to fall into slumber until woken or attacked; creatures with two or fewer Hit Dice are affected regardless of their level. Spook (Enchantment) [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Manifests a disquieting aura around you, such that living beings are unsettled and demoralized, and suffer a -2 morale penalty to all their rolls. -- EVOCATION 1 -- {1V} Burning Hands (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 1, Fire 1 Mana: 2. No AoO. Base Success: 95%. Causes jets of flame to spread out of your outstretched fingertips in a fan pattern, striking creatures in the three squares nearest you in the direction you select for 1d4 points of damage per caster level (max 5d4). Color Spray (Evocation/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Reflex negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 75%. This spell projects a splash of multicolored light that may blind or stun creatures it strikes -- creatures whose CR is less than half the caster's level are blinded and stunned for 2d6 turns, other creatures whose CR is lower than the caster's level are blinded for 1d6+1 turns and stunned for 2 turns and creatures whose CR equals or exceeds the caster's level are merely stunned for 2 turns. A Reflex saving throw negates the effect, but the spell gains a +4 bonus to its DC. Dancing Lights (Evocation/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a number of glowing globes of light not unlike a will o' wisp that move about as you direct. The globes shed light in a 20 foot radius around them, and can be used to distract creatures with Intelligence below 14, and frighten creatures of CR 2 or lower; on a critical hit, they can also blind. The globes are incorporeal, but very weak, possessing only one hit point and thus being easily dispelled by any attack which can strike them. Floating Disc (Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. You create a slightly concave, circular plane of force that follows you about and carries your pack for you. The disk is 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch deep at its center. The disk floats approximately 3 feet above the ground at all times and remains level. It floats along horizontally with you and will accompany you as you move. While this spell is in effect the weight of your backpack (and its contents) will not count against your encumbrance. Force Bolt (Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 1, Strength 3 Reflex partial. Mana: 4. 1 round duration. Base Success: 75%. Projects a powerful unseen force that batters a single target for 1d12 points of blunt damage, plus 1d12 for every three additional caster levels; the bolt may also knock its victim back, and if the victim fails the Reflex save for half damage, they are also stunned for one round. Force bolt is a weapon-like spell and requires an attack roll to hit. This spell has an inherant +6 bonus to its save DC. Magic Missile (Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 1. No bonus damage. Base Success: 90%. Strikes a visible foe with bolts of magical energy inflicting 1d4+1 damage; creates 1 bolt every odd level. Minor Light (Evocation) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 95%. Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a torch and provides illumination out to 40 feet (4' squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Shield (Abjuration/Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 1, Protection 2, Bard 2, Assassin 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a shield-shaped force construct that hovers nearby you, granting you a +5 defense class bonus versus physical attacks that you are aware of, so long as you are not being flanked, and rendering you immune to Magic Missiles. This bonus persists even during a spellcasting timeout. Shocking Grasp (Evocation/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Projects lightning through your grip, inflicting 1d8 + you caster level points of damage on the first target you touch. You may use this touch attack one time per caster level (minimum 3 times). -- ILLUSION 1 -- {1I} Change Self (Illusion) Level: Mage 1, Trickery 1, Assassin 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 5. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell crafts a dynamic illusion over your body, allowing you to use the Disguise skill with a +10 magic bonus. The spell also removes the need to spend an hour preparing the disguise, and removes the need for a disguise kit. However, the effect is an illusion, and is automatically penetrated by anything which penetrates illusions, including true sight. Chromatic Orb (Arcana/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 75%. Creates orbs of various color that inflict 1d8 points of damage (of varying types, or 1d6 for the white orb) per odd caster level and cause various special effects on a failed saving throw. A ranged touch attack determines if the orb hits a desired target or not. Clear Orb (Level 1, 4 mana): Inflicts pure magic (like magic missile) damage, and strikes true against incorporeal creatures. White Orb (Level 3, 5 mana): Inflicts sunlight-based damage, and causes targets who are vulnerable to light to become frightened for 1d4 rounds. Red Orb (Level 5, 6 mana): Inflicts fire damage and illuminates the target as per faerie fire. Orange Orb (Level 7, 7 mana): Inflicts psychic damage and confuses the target for 1d6+1 rounds if they fail a Will save. Yellow Orb (Level 9, 9 mana): Inflicts lightning damage and stuns the target for 2d8 rounds if they fail a Will save. Color Spray (Evocation/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Reflex negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 75%. This spell projects a splash of multicolored light that may blind or stun creatures it strikes -- creatures whose CR is less than half the caster's level are blinded and stunned for 2d6 turns, other creatures whose CR is lower than the caster's level are blinded for 1d6+1 turns and stunned for 2 turns and creatures whose CR equals or exceeds the caster's level are merely stunned for 2 turns. A Reflex saving throw negates the effect, but the spell gains a +4 bonus to its DC. Dancing Lights (Evocation/Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a number of glowing globes of light not unlike a will o' wisp that move about as you direct. The globes shed light in a 20 foot radius around them, and can be used to distract creatures with Intelligence below 14, and frighten creatures of CR 2 or lower; on a critical hit, they can also blind. The globes are incorporeal, but very weak, possessing only one hit point and thus being easily dispelled by any attack which can strike them. Nystrom's Magical Aura (Enchantment/Illusion) Level: Mage 1, Magic 1 Mana: 3. Persistant. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell imbues a chosen item with a surreal quality of power and mystique that misleads the intuition and divinations of others into believing that items is a powerful magical treasure surpassing all others, and they will be led by the spell to covet it intensely. Intelligent, tool-using monsters will seek to acquire this item, and will equip it in preferance to others if this possess it. Thus, this spell can be used as a kind of trap, causing monsters to not use their real magical equipment in favor of fakes, or as a thrown lure to draw a monster to a specific location. The item is also much more desirable to thieves and pickpockets than a normal item of its type would be, but most merchants have devised a way of detecting the use of this spell. Selling an item affected by this spell is a chaotic act; if the seller is not evil, it is also an evil one. Phantasmal Force (Illusion) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates an illusionary creature, force or object. The illusion affects only one sense, and is therefore automatically disbelieved by any creature with tremorsense, sharpened senses, scent or blindsight. An illusion created by this spell winks out of existance if even one person (other than the caster) disbelieves it. Sustaining a Phantasmal Force requires concentration -- the caster suffers a -2 general penalty while the illusion is active, and suffering damage requires a Concentration check (DC 11 + the amount of damage) to avoid the illusion winking out of existance. Ventriloquism (Illusion) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 95%. Allows you to project your voice, which will typically cause monsters to investigate the target area. The target for this spell is a location on the map to which you project your voice. All monsters within a 16 square radius of the target square will hear the projection. -- NECROMANCY 1 -- {1N} Chill Touch (Necromancy) [Cold] Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Your hands glow with a cold blue aura of negative energy, and your touch inflicts 1d6+[Caster Level / 2] points of damage (max 1d8+10) to the living, as well as draining 1d2 points of Strength. Against undead, your touch causes great terror. You may use this touch attack one time per caster level (minimum 3 times). False Life (Necromancy/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Bard 2, Ranger 3 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. You draw upon eldricht energies to toughen your body against harm and injury. While this spell is in effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + 1 per caster level (scaled after 9th level). Halt Undead (Necromancy) Level: Mage 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Reduces the movement rate of any undead within 90 feet (9 squares) of the caster to 0%, effectively freezing them in place and preventing them from approaching. A Fortitude save negates the effect. Minor Drain (Necromancy) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 75%. With this spell, the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to his own. The target creature suffers 1-4 damage, while the wizard gains 1-4 hit points. Protection from Undead (Abjuration/Necromancy) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1 Will negates. Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a mystical protection around you such that undead cannot physically strike you without first succeeding in a Will save against this spell. Rigor Mortis (Necromancy) [Death] Level: Mage 1, Death 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 75%. Induces the effects of rigor mortis in a still-living creature, causing 1d8 points of Dexterity damage if the creature fails a Fortitude save. -- THAUMATURGY 1 -- {1T} Convulsion (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1, Assassin 1, Blackguard 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 4. Short duration. No bonus damage. Base Success: 90%. This spell briefly disrupts the biology of a living being, inducing a brief state of system shock where the victim's muscles clench and she suffers a kind of seizure. Creatures with Constitution 12 or less are automatically affected, whereas those with Constitution scores of 13 or higher recieve a Fortitude saving throw to negate the effect. The effect lasts for only 1d4 rounds, causing the victim to suffer a -6 circumstance penalty to all rolls. Enlarge (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Strength 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes a target creature to become larger, increasing their size catagory by one level. Expeditious Retreat (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Increases your movement rate by 100%, while decreasing your attack speed by 50%. False Life (Necromancy/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Bard 2, Ranger 3 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. You draw upon eldricht energies to toughen your body against harm and injury. While this spell is in effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + 1 per caster level (scaled after 9th level). Jump (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. The target gains a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks, +2 per caster level. Reduce (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Ranger 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Causes a target creature to become smaller, lowering their size catagory by one level. Shocking Grasp (Evocation/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Projects lightning through your grip, inflicting 1d8 + you caster level points of damage on the first target you touch. You may use this touch attack one time per caster level (minimum 3 times). Sleep (Enchantment/Thaumaturgy) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Night 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1, Assassin 1 Will negates. Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Causes creatures whose levels are half your own or less within a 20 foot (2 square) radius globe to fall into slumber until woken or attacked; creatures with two or fewer Hit Dice are affected regardless of their level. Spider Climb (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 1, Spider 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell causes your hands to become adhesive, granting a +10 bonus to Climb checks for the duration, and removing the need for a climbing set when using the skill. You also gain the Brachiation feat while the spell is active. -- WEAVECRAFT 1 -- {1W} Alarm (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 1, Protection 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell wards an area you intend to use as a campsite with a kind of magical early warning system, making you psychically aware when hostile creatures breach its boundries. In effect, this causes your character to rest, similarly to the 'z' command. If you have an encounter, however, you are instantly alert and the monsters do not get the chance to make a string of attacks against you as usual. Call Companions (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Mage 1, Planning 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 95%. This spell teleports your companions or followers (if you currently have any) to the area surrounding the target empty square. This spell is useful for helping wayward summoned monsters and animal companions navigate difficult terrain or for encouraging them to face a particular challenges on your behalf. Magic Weapon (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, War 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1, Assassin 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell temporarily enchants a single weapon (or a stack of ammunition) with a +1 magical bonus. This bonus does not stack with any other magical bonus the weapon may have. Magical weapons strike true against undead, outsiders and many other fiends. Monster Summoning I (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 1 to fight in the caster's name. Mount (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 1, Nobility 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Summons a horse that the caster begins to ride. At fifth level it summons a warhorse instead. If the caster is size Small (or smaller), a pony (or warpony) is summoned instead. You must be a humanoid with limbs and a non-zero skill level in Ride to take advantage of this spell. Phase Door (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 1, Bard 1 Mana: 2. No AoO. Base Success: 75%. Teleports you randomly 1d4+4 squares away. Spiritwrack (Abjuration/Weavecraft) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 1, Alienist 1, Blackguard 1 Will negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. By casting this spell, a mage creates an intense dissonance between the fabric of the material plane and those nearby it, injuring and driving back creatures that reach into the Prime Material from other planes of existance. Incorporeal creatures (whether their existance overlaps into the astral, ethereal or negative energy planes) suffer 1d8 points of damage per caster level, material creatures native to the Outer Planes, astral or ethereal suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster level and creatures native to the elemental planes suffer 1d4 points of damage per caster level. The spell affects a 30 foot burst, and all damage is scaled after 9th level. A Will saving throw negates the damage completely, but failure also leaves the victim in a state of psychic shock causing a -4 circumstance penalty. Since the Spiritwrack effect is essentially an attack made of pure will, if an affected creature makes the Will saving throw and has a Wisdom score of 15 or higher, it may attempt to reflect the wave of torment back at the caster, making him subject to the damage from his own spell. This requires that the creature beat the caste in a contest of wills -- an opposed Concentration check. =============================== = LEVEL TWO ARCANE SPELLS {2} = =============================== -- ABJURATION 2 -- {2A} Gaze Reflection (Abjuration) Level: Mage 2, Retribution 1 Mana: 15. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Creates a reflective shield, redirecting any incoming gaze attacks back at the gazer. If both the attacker and the defender both have gaze reflection, the gaze is reflected to the original attacker. The ability of a nymph's beauty to strike a man dead is considered a gaze attack for the purpose of this spell. Iron Mind (Abjuration) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2 Mana: 15. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the chosen target a +10 enhancement bonus to her next Will saving throw. Protection from Arrows (Abjuration) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders a target of the caster's choice immune to any arrows or bolts with a bonus of less than +3. Resist Acid (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target sound resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Water (Abjuration) [Water] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Water 1, Ranger 2 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target an immunity to rusting, soaking and decay, three of the ravages of water. In addition, it grants the target a bonus to Swim skill checks equal to your caster level (scaled at 10th). This mundane-seeming spell is of critical importance to mages interested in protecting their spellbooks from soaking traps or underground rivers. -- ARCANA 2 -- {2R} Animate Rope (Arcana) Level: Mage 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell imbues a coil of rope with a semblance of life and motion, causing it to animate and attack the caster's enemies. The animated rope has Strength and Dexterity equal to the caster's Wisdom and Intelligence, hit points and damage based on the type of rope the spell is used on and the same Hardness it has when inanimate. Casting animate rope consumes 30 feet from a coil of rope, so a well-equipped caster can animate several distinct coils at the same time. Glitterdust (Arcana) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything in the area, causing creatures to become blinded (Will save negates) and visibly outlining invisible or hiding creatures. All within the area are covered by the dust (no save), which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades. Any creature covered by the dust takes a -40 penalty on Hide checks. Passwall (Arcana) Level: Mage 2, Liberation 2, Assassin 1 Mana: 4. Base Success: 60%. Allows the caster to phase through solid stone or wood, moving two squares in the indicated direction even if the middle square is blocked by a door or wall. Pyrotechnics (Arcana) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Bard 2 Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. To cast this spell, you must target an already existing fire, such as a wall torch, a fire elemental or even something fire-related like a flow of magma. You can also target any creature carrying a lit torch; in this case the torch is consumed in the casting of the spell. The spell transforms the fire in one of three ways, at your option: Cloud of Smoke: The fire instantly begins emitting a greasy, unnatural and thick black smoke, filling an area with a radius of 3 squares around the fire. This blocks sight like fog, and breathing creatures in the area must make a Fortitude save each turn or begin choking. Fireworks: The fire explodes into a brilliant display of fireworks. Everyone within 40 feet of it (other then the caster and his allies, who are assumed to be prepared) must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. Further, creatures with an aversion to light (such as orcs and wraiths) must make a second save or become afraid for a much longer duration. Explosion: The fire explodes outward in a sizzling blast, striking everyone within two squares of it for 3d8 fire damage and 2d6 blunt damage. Additionally, creatures in the area must save or be knocked down. The caster is not immune to the effects of this version. Spirit Net (Arcana/Necromancy) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Mystically inscribes open surfaces and wall edges within a volumetric 'blast' of radius 40 feet (4 squares) with warding runes. The runes prevent incorporeal creatures and summoned creatures from passing. Such creatures can still attack and cast spells. The runes appear simultaneously but fade and disappear at a slightly staggered rate. Wall of Doors (Arcana) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid barrier made out of wooden doors, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. The doors are initially locked but can be opened or destroyed normally. At caster level 5 the doors are created Wizard Locked (+10 to Lockpicking DC, double hardness, but they open automatically for you). At caster level 7 the doors are created with wards that prevent incorporeal and summoned creatures from passing through a door while it is closed. Web (Arcana) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Ranger 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 60%. Creates a mass of sticky webbing that holds enemies in place and slows their attacks. Wind Wall (Arcana) [Air] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Air 2, Bard 3, Ranger 1, Ranger 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a vertical curtain of wind that deflects all arrows, bolts and throws weapons weighing less than three pounds crossing its area. -- DIVINATION 2 -- {2D} Detect Objects (Divination) Level: Mage 2, Planning 2, Craft 2, Bard 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all items, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. ESP (Divination) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders the caster telepathic, allowing him to sense the presence and location of any thinking creatures within 40 feet (4 squares) of him. Identify (Divination) Level: Mage 2, Knowledge 2 Mana: 10. Base Success: 95%. Identifies the basic magical nature of one chosen item. This spell requires a ritual which takes one hour to perform and costs two fatigue points. Infravision (Divination) Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the caster temporary magical infravision out to a range of 60 feet (6 squares), or increases his existing infravision by a similar amount. Revealed Lore (Divination) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Alienist 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. By casting this spell, the mage gains a divinatory capacity toward whatever problems she focuses on, and solutions are revealed to her that she could not otherwise have known. In game terms, this spell grants the subject a magic bonus to their Intelligence of 1d4+1 points. See Invisibility (Divination) Level: Mage 2, Guardian 2, Bard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell allows the caster to see invisible creatures normally; it also renders visible creatures on the etherial plane, who normally cannot be seen by observers from the material plane. -- ENCHANTMENT 2 -- {2E} Dire Charm (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Passion 2, Hatred 2 Will negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. Causes a creature to be overwhelmed with bloodthirst, going berzerk and racing forward to attack the caster in melee in preferance to all other actions. Eagle's Splendour (Enchantment) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Improves your Charisma score by 1d4+1 points for the duration. Hideous Laughter (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Passion 1, Bard 2 Will negates. Mana: 4. Short duration. Base Success: 75%. Causes a sapient creature to be completely overcome with uncontrollable laughter for 1d4 rounds. Hypnotism (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Mysticism 2, Bard 1 Will negates. Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Causes a creature immediately beside you to become entranced if it fails a Will save, such that it will not act until it suffers damage or is otherwise shocked back to its senses (though it is not helpless as with Hold Person, and cannot be Coup de Grace'd). This spell has a +4 spell bonus to its save DC. Touch of Idiocy (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Alienist 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 95%. With a touch, you reduce a sapient target's mental faculties. Your successful touch attack does 1d6 points of damage to the target's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores. You may make one such Touch attack per level. -- EVOCATION 2 -- {2V} Acid Arrow (Evocation) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 60%. A magical arrow of acid springs from your hand and speeds to its target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The arrow deals 2d4 points of acid damage with no splash damage. For every caster level, the acid, unless somehow neutralized, lasts for another round, dealing another 1d4 points of damage in that round. Decastave (Evocation) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a force staff in the caster's hands that inflicts 1d10 (1d8 vs. large creatures) points of blunt damage, 1d6 points of sonic damage, scores at threat on 17-20 (crit x3) and has a speed modifier of +25%. Electric Loop (Evocation) Level: Mage 2 Reflex partial. Mana: 3. 1 round duration. No AoO. Base Success: 95%. Creates a ring of electricity that deals 1d4 points of lightning damage (max 5d4) to all creatures adjacent to the caster. In addition, creatures that fail a Reflex save are stunned for one round. Flaming Sphere (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Fire 3 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a boulder-sized globe of fire that rolls around and burns your enemies (approximate CR 3). Globe of Shadow (Evocation) [Darkness] Level: Priest 2, Mage 2, Night 2, Bard 2, Assassin 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a 10' (1 square) radius globe of magical gloom and shadows that travels with you and grants all creatures within it a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide and a 25% miss chance versus ranged attacks due to concealment. Gust of Wind (Evocation) [Air] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Weather 2, Bard 2 Mana: 4. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. Creates a tremendous blast of wind that forces enemies it strikes 1d4 + 1 per three levels starting at 1st backwards. The wind can also be used to disperse fog created by spells like obscurement, fog cloud, mind fog, stinking cloud or pyrotechnics, or the similar conjurations of rainstorm, summon swarm or insect plague, or the fumes produced by a thunderbeast. This dispersal is automatic. Scorcher (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 2, Destruction 2 Reflex partial. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Projects a ray of fire at the caster's enemies inflicting 2d8+[caster level, max 15] points of damage. A Reflex save halves the damage. Shatter (Evocation) [Sound-Based] Level: Priest 2, Mage 2, Destruction 1, Bard 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Creates a harmonic sound that shatters objects, inflicting 1d4 sonic damage per caster level, scaled after 9th, to each exposed item in the target creature's inventory. If the target is a construct, it also suffers this damage directly. -- ILLUSION 2 -- {2I} Blur (Illusion) [Water] Level: Mage 2, Slime 2, Bard 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes your image to ripple and become distorted as if reflected on the surface of water, giving attacks a 20% miss chance against you. Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Alienist 2, Assassin 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Will negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Causes creatures in a 20-foot globe to become entranced with a display of weaving lines and images, standing rapt and motionless, provided that their Intelligence is lower then 14, their CR is lower than half your caster level (rounded up) and they are able to see the pattern normally. Attacking an entranced creature ends the trance. Improved Phantasmal Force (Illusion) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 6. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates an illusionary creature, force or object, just as Phantasmal Force does, but the illusion affects all natural and supernatural senses, and is thus believable to creatures who have scent, tremorsense, sharp senses or blindsight. Invisibility (Illusion) Level: Mage 2, Trickery 2, Moon 2, Bard 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Renders a chosen character unseen by others. The magic creates a faint shimmering effect around the character's location that might be spotted by powerful (CR 5+) creatures when the invisible creature moves within 30 feet, or if they are alerted by the invisible creature making noise or turning invisible within their line of sight. A Spot check (DC 20) allows them to discern the invisible creature's location (as an unclear shape -- they still cannot 'see' the creature) for the remainder of the day. Even if the invisible creature drops and reactivates her invisibility magic, alerted monsters will still be able to track her via this shimmer. However, creatures only get one Spot check per day to notice the shimmer of an invisible creature. Mirror Image (Illusion) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 90%. Creates 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels illusionary images of you. Foes have an equal chance of striking each individual image as they do of striking the real you. Tremorsense, blindsight, telepathic awareness or true seeing all allow an enemy to strike unerringly at the real you. Scare (Illusion/Necromancy) [Cold] [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Blackguard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Will negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell weaves material drawn from the Negative Energy Plane into a swirling stream of translucent, ghostly figures -- beastial, snarling faces tapering off into indistinct bodies. The swarm of apparitions only lasts for a few seconds, flying through the air at considerable speed and passing through the bodies of the caster's foes, carrying with them an icy, unnatural chill. This spell arcs to a number of targets equal to the caster's level, requiring each target to make a Will saving throw or become afraid for 1d4 rounds plus one round for every three full caster levels. Creatures who fail the save also take 2d4 point of psychosomatic cold damage. Creatures who are blind, mindless, have sharpened senses, tremorsense or blindsight are immune to this effect. (The apparitions are intangible and thus can't be revealed as illusions via Scent). Visage of Death (Illusion/Necromancy) Level: Mage 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell allows you to alter your appearance to that of a zombie of the same size class. Your body temperature will feel cold and your limbs will appear stiff, putrid and rotting; you lose six points of Charisma. This spell does not actually make you undead or grant the usual undead abilities or resistances. However, it does grant resistance to cold and electricity and you do not need to breathe while the spell is in effect. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the spell makes you neutral to undead by default. -- NECROMANCY 2 -- {2N} Aura of Death (Necromancy) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. No bonus damage. Base Success: 100%. Envelops you in a shroud of crackling black energy that deals (1d4 + [caster level / 2]) points of necromatic damage to anyone who attacks you in melee. Bladethirst (Necromancy) Level: Mage 2, Death 2, Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 2. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Imbues a blade with negative energy, causing it to drink the blood of its next victim, inflicting a bonus 2d8 points of necromantic damage. Choke (Necromancy/Thaumaturgy) [Air] Level: Mage 2, Slime 3, Assassin 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Causes spectral hands to appear around the target's neck, choking him for 1d8 points of damage every turn and lasting a number of turns equal to half your caster level. Ghoul Touch (Necromancy) Level: Mage 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Your touch can paralyze a creature (Fortitude negates) and cause it to emit a stench similar to a ghast's. Scare (Illusion/Necromancy) [Cold] [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Blackguard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Will negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell weaves material drawn from the Negative Energy Plane into a swirling stream of translucent, ghostly figures -- beastial, snarling faces tapering off into indistinct bodies. The swarm of apparitions only lasts for a few seconds, flying through the air at considerable speed and passing through the bodies of the caster's foes, carrying with them an icy, unnatural chill. This spell arcs to a number of targets equal to the caster's level, requiring each target to make a Will saving throw or become afraid for 1d4 rounds plus one round for every three full caster levels. Creatures who fail the save also take 2d4 point of psychosomatic cold damage. Creatures who are blind, mindless, have sharpened senses, tremorsense or blindsight are immune to this effect. (The apparitions are intangible and thus can't be revealed as illusions via Scent). Spectral Hand (Necromancy) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell conjures a ghostly hand with a sympathetic bond to the caster's own life aura, such that any touch spell the caster has active can have its effects delivered at a distance by the hand. The hand is a very minor magical creation, a wisp of negative energy, but still an undead creature in its own right. It is considered a summoned creature and can be banished or held at bay by protection from evil and similar magics. Since the hand is shaped from your own life force, you lose 1d4 hit points when casting the spell. Spirit Net (Arcana/Necromancy) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Mystically inscribes open surfaces and wall edges within a volumetric 'blast' of radius 40 feet (4 squares) with warding runes. The runes prevent incorporeal creatures and summoned creatures from passing. Such creatures can still attack and cast spells. The runes appear simultaneously but fade and disappear at a slightly staggered rate. Visage of Death (Illusion/Necromancy) Level: Mage 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell allows you to alter your appearance to that of a zombie of the same size class. Your body temperature will feel cold and your limbs will appear stiff, putrid and rotting; you lose six points of Charisma. This spell does not actually make you undead or grant the usual undead abilities or resistances. However, it does grant resistance to cold and electricity and you do not need to breathe while the spell is in effect. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the spell makes you neutral to undead by default. -- THAUMATURGY 2 -- {2T} Bear's Endurance (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Constitution of 1d4+1 points. Bull's Strength (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Strength 2, Bard 2, Paladin 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Strength of 1d4+1 points. Cat's Grace (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Dexterity of 1d4+1 points. Choke (Necromancy/Thaumaturgy) [Air] Level: Mage 2, Slime 3, Assassin 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Causes spectral hands to appear around the target's neck, choking him for 1d8 points of damage every turn and lasting a number of turns equal to half your caster level. Heightened Senses (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This dwenomer heightens the caster's sensory input to an incredible degree, giving her a +4 insight bonus to Search, Spot and Listen and the ability to detect secret doors as an elf does, along with 4 squares of low-light vision. Levitation (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Allows you to float a foot off the ground and move normally, thus avoiding many traps, becoming invisible to tremorsense and gaining the ability to cross pits and chasms safely, but halving your movement rate, granting you a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, and a -15% circumstance penalty to spell failure chances. You also suffer the normal penalties for flying, needing a Balance check to cast spells with somatic components and potentially suffering knockback when you are struck in combat. Ray of Enfeeblement (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 2, Domination 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Projects a ray from your hand that drains 1d8 points of Strength, plus one point per two caster levels, from any living target that it strikes (ranged attack roll required) that fails a Fortitude saving throw. -- WEAVECRAFT 2 -- {2W} Apportation (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 2 Will negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell allows you to teleport a Large or smaller inanimate object into your hands from up to 80 feet away. When an unattended object is the focus of this spell, the effect is automatic; when the spell targets a creature, the caster may select any one object in the creature's inventory to claim, but the creature is entitled to a Will save to resist the magic. This saving throw is modified by the difference between the victim's Spot skill rating and the caster's Pick Pockets skill rating. Ethereal Blade (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. By casting this spell, a wizard weaves the materiality of a specific object -- traditionally a dagger or sword -- into the tapestry of reality on a more fundamental level, making it capable of striking true against incorporeal creatures that dwell on the ethereal, astral or negative energy planes. The weapon effectively gains the Ghost Touch quality while the spell is active. Mana Theft (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 2, Magic 2 Will partial. Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. By casting this spell, you turn your body into a natural conduit for magical energies, allowing you to steal the mana of other creatures with a successful touch attack. Your touch causes other creatures to lose 1d8 points of mana for every caster level, and you gain a similar amount -- up to a maximum of whatever the target had to lose. A Will save allows the target to halve the mana loss. Mana Theft cannot replace mana allocated to persistant spells like Mage Armor, and any mana above the caster's normal maximum fades after a brief period -- although mana stolen from a victim does not regenerate. Channeling magical energies in this manner is draining and costs you a point of Fatigue when the spell is first cast. A single casting gives you two touches for every caster level you have. Monster Summoning II (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 2, Bard 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 2 to fight in the caster's name. Summon Swarm (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Spider 2, Bard 2, Ranger 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a cloud of stinging, biting insects that inflict 1d2 points of damage to everyone within every turn, along with inflicting a -2 general circumstance penalty. Transposition (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. This specialized form of phase door allows the caster to swap locations with any other creature within [Caster Level + Wisdom Modifier] x 10 feet of her. A Fortitude saving throw on the target's part negates the effect; the save recieves a +4 circumstance bonus if the caster is standing on dangerous terrain (including dry land for aquatic creatures), and this modifier raises to +8 if the caster is flying or levitating over a chasm and the target creature can't fly. ================================= = LEVEL THREE ARCANE SPELLS {3} = ================================= -- ABJURATION 3 -- {3A} Dispel Magic (Abjuration) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Magic 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. Negates standing magical effects within a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe, if the opposed caster level check (made once for each effect) succeeds. Magic Circle vs. Chaos (Abjuration) [Lawful] Level: Mage 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of summoned creatures, inflicts a -3 penalty to all chaotic creatures' attacks and saves, and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Circle vs. Evil (Abjuration) [Good] Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of summoned creatures, inflicts a -3 penalty to all evil creatures' attacks and saves, and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Circle vs. Good (Abjuration) [Evil] Level: Mage 3, Blackguard 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of summoned creatures, inflicts a -3 penalty to all good creatures' attacks and saves, and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Circle vs. Law (Abjuration) [Chaotic] Level: Mage 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of summoned creatures, inflicts a -3 penalty to all lawful creatures' attacks and saves, and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Circle vs. Undead (Abjuration) Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of Undead creatures and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Minor Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a zone 30 feet (3 squares) in radius that moves with the caster in which spells of 3rd level or lower cannot be cast by anyone other then the globe's creator. -- ARCANA 3 -- {3R} Alisdair's Fundamental Breakdown (Arcana) Level: Mage 3 Reflex partial. Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. Potions contain a complex synthesis of rare alchemical elements and potent, potentially destructive magical energies bound with precise skill into a stable configuration. Casting this spell induces entropy in that balance, causing the elements of a chosen potion to decompose and become unstable -- essentially turning it into a kind of magical grenade that the caster can throw at square within 60 feet of her. The potion explodes into a volumetric blast or flame and toxic smoke inflicting 1d6 points of damage per caster level, plus an added number of dice of damage based on the potency of the potion used. This causes half fire damage and half toxic damage to all creatures caught in the area; a Reflex save halves the damage. Explosive Runes (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Mage 3, Destruction 4, Ranger 4, Alienist 3 Reflex negates. Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. Turns one chosen floor square into a rune that explodes for 1d6 damage per caster level (max 10d6) when stepped on. Keen Edge (Arcana) Level: Mage 3, Craft 3, Bard 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Imbues all of your non-blunt, non-missile weapons with a supernaturally sharp edge, doubling their threat ranges. Minor Creation (Arcana) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 12. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell allows a mage to create any object make of organic material -- wood, hemp, cloth, etc. -- or stone. The mage must make a Craft check to create an item of any notable complexity, or must make a Poison Use check against the poison's save DC + 5 to conjure a poison. Metal items, magical materials and some rare synthetic poisons are beyond the domain of this spell, as is anything which contains writing (such as a spellbook). Created items are permanent, but drawing forth matter from nothing costs a mage 25 XP, plus 1 XP per 25 gp the created items are worth. Stinking Cloud (Arcana) [Air] Level: Mage 3, Alienist 2 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Creates a 30 foot (3 square) radius cloud of noxious vapors, causing all breathing creatures within the cloud to make a Fortitude save (DC 20) every round or suffer nausea for 2d4 additional rounds. Nauseated creatures cannot attack or cast spells and are considered flat-footed for the purposes of sneak attacks. The caster is not immune! Wall of Ice (Arcana) [Cold] Level: Druid 3, Mage 3 Mana: 6. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid barrier made out of ice, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. -- DIVINATION 3 -- {3D} Anyspell (Divination) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 35. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell mystically reveals to the mage knowledge of any single arcane spell of 2nd level or lower, just as if she had learned the spell herself. This kind of revealed knowledge only lasts for a short time, but for that duration the mage can cast the gained spell just as if she knew it naturally. When the duration of Anyspell expires, any persistant effects of the revealed spell cease. Gaining knowledge in this manner is intensely straining, costing the mage two Fatigue points. Specialist Diviners are able to make more efficiant use of this spell than other mages -- they spend only one Fatigue and gain any arcane spell of 3rd level or lower. Clairvoyance (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Knowledge 4, Bard 3, Ranger 4, Assassin 3 Mana: 15. Base Success: 95%. Allows the caster to scry around the nearby area. Detect Monsters (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Planning 3, Bard 2, Diviner 2, Ranger 4 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all creatures, seen or unseen, within (15 + caster level) squares of the caster; specialist Diviners have an exceptional facility with this magic, and instead gain a range of 30 + [caster level x 2]) squares. Insightful Stroke (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Planning 4, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell reveals the hidden weaknesses of a target and the most perfect pattern of attack specific to a given target in a given instant, granting the caster a bonus to her next single physical attack's damage equal to her caster level plus her Wisdom modifier. Lorecall (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Knowledge 3, Alienist 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 17. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell, you greatly enhance your proficiency via magically revealed knowledge. You select any one skill that you have as an affinity skill, and you gain a magic bonus to that skill equal to the number of ranks invested into the skill. This bonus caps at +5, or +10 for specialist Diviners. Magic Mapping (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Travel 2 Mana: 20. Base Success: 95%. Reveals to the caster the physical layout of the nearby area out to a range of (100 + [Caster Level x 40]) feet. This spell does not detect monsters, objects or terrain. Warning (Divination) Level: Mage 3, Luck 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell grants the caster a preternatural awareness of danger and threats, giving her a +4 bonus to save versus traps as well as granting her the Improved Initiative feat while it is active. -- ENCHANTMENT 3 -- {3E} Deep Slumber (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 3, Assassin 3 Will negates. Mana: 7. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Causes creatures whose levels are equal to your own or less within a 20 foot (2 square) radius globe to fall into slumber until woken or attacked. Fire Charm (Enchantment) [Fire] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 3, Ranger 4 Will negates. Mana: 9. Base Success: 90%. This spell enchants a source of open, sustained flame or molten stone (such as a wall torch, fire elemental or magma square), causing it to be hypnotically compelling and forcing creatures to stare at it blankly, paralyzed. You must target a square with a source of flame for this spell to be effective, and it only affects creatures who can see and have a mind. Heroism (Enchantment/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the chosen subject a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Hold Person (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Law 2, Domination 3, Bard 2, Twilight Huntsman 3 Will negates. Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Paralyzes one chosen humanoid, provided they fail a Will saving throw. Minor Malison (Enchantment) Level: Mage 3, Fate 2 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Afflicts a target with ill luck, causing him to suffer a -2 penalty to all saving throws. Sign of Discord (Enchantment) [Chaotic] Level: Mage 3, Chaos 2, Blackguard 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. By making an archaic gesture, the caster curses a single creature, causing discord between it and all nearby creatures. All creatures within 120 feet, even the victim's allies, who fail a Will saving throw will view that creature as hostile and act accordingly to it. The target herself is not affected and does not make a saving throw. This spell is considered a considered a confusion effect, and save bonuses for such apply against it. Suggestion (Enchantment) Level: Mage 3, Beauty 3, Bard 2 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell allows the wizard to weave a post-hypnotic suggestion into normal speech, leading others into doing what she wants imperceptably. In game terms, the dwenomer gives the mage a +10 magic bonus to her next single Diplomacy check, unless the target is immune to Enchantment magic, in which case the spell has no effect. Though there is no saving throw, if the target has a bonus to save versus Enchantment spells, that is applied as a penalty against the bonus given, to a minimum of 0. The Diplomacy check must be made shortly after casting the spell for it to be effective. -- EVOCATION 3 -- {3V} Deeper Darkness (Evocation) [Darkness] Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Assassin 3, Blackguard 2 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Creates a 60' (6 squares) radius globe of inpenetrable magical darkness that obscures all natural and magical sight. The spell will also negate the effects of a call light spell existing in its area when it is cast. Fireball (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 3 Reflex partial. Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Creates a volumetric blast of fire that inflicts 1d6 points of damage for every caster level. The blast can also disperse magical fog if it inflicts more than five times the creator's caster level in fire damage. Flame Arrow (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms: Augment Existing Arrows: This version of the spell imbues a stack of piercing missile weapons with the flaming quality for the next thirty turns. Conjure Arrows of Flame: This version of the spell creates bolts of solid flame inflicting 5d6 points of fire damage. The caster gains one such bolt in the turn the spell was cast, and one bolt for every turn thereafer, until the spell is cancelled or the duration expires. An attack roll must be made to hit with the bolts. A reflex save may be made to halve the damage from a flame arrow. Icelance (Evocation) [Cold] Level: Mage 3 Mana: 6. Short duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell fires a magical lance of ice at a target of the caster's choosing. It automatically hits, inflicting 5-30 points of damage and forcing the target to make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1-4 rounds. Lightning Bolt (Evocation) Level: Mage 3, Weather 4 Reflex partial. Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Creates a bolt of lightning that inflicts 1d6 points of damage for every caster level. Mystic Lantern (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3 Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a divine lantern and provides illumination out to 80 feet (8 squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Thunderlance (Evocation) [Sound-Based] Level: Mage 3 Reflex partial. Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates a lance of force, extending from the caster to a specified point 60 feet in the distance. Any creatures in the lance's path take 5d4 points of crushing damage, +2 points of damage per level of the caster (maximum of +30). Victims can Reflex save for half damage. -- ILLUSION 3 -- {3I} Adamant Facade (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Blackguard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This powerful spell wraps an illusion around the caster's body, causing her to appear to be in full health and unharmed by any attacks or maladies. Even should a sword stroke all but cripple her, it appears to onlookers as nothing more than a glancing blow. This has the effect of causing sapient monsters to have a chance of retreating as if afraid after they or their allies strike the caster with no apparent effect. The chance of this happening is 1 in (10 - the caster's Charisma mod), and lowers by one for every attack from the same group of monsters after the first, until it reaches 1 in 1 and is certain. When it does occur, all members of the same group of monsters will flee at the same time. This is not magical fear, instead being a rational choice made in the face of a seemingly invincible foe. As such, it is unaffected by fear immunity and no saving throws apply. Creatures with an Intelligence of 14 or higher have a chance of recognizing the guise for what it is and thus disbelieving it -- this chance is 5% per point of Intelligence above 14, rolled after every hit. If this spell is cast at caster level 9 or higher, it conveys an additional benefit: when the caster is struck with a metal weapon, the weapon will seem to shatter upon hitting her, when in fact it merely falls from the attacker's hand and turns invisible to the attacker on the ground. Animate Shadows (Illusion) [Darkness] Level: Mage 3, Alienist 3, Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell causes all of the shadows around the caster in a mobile globe with an 80-foot radius to begin to pulse and writhe unnaturally. The effect is initially very subtle, but increases as the victims of the spell become more and more agitated. Sometimes monsterous shapes can be seem within the area for a brief period of time, while at other times tendrils of shadow stroke at characters within the area almost lasciviously. All hostile characters within the area of effect that are not blind, mindless or gifted with true seeing must make a Will saving throw every turn or suffer a -1 morale penalty to all rolls. Multiple failed saving throws are culmulative; when the penalty exceeds -5, creatures enter a state of panic and flee. A call light spell or similarly bright, sustained radience will cancel the effect within its area, but a lantern is insufficient. Creatures immune to fear will not panic, but still suffer the morale penalty. Any creatures in the area also suffer a -6 circumstance penalty to Spot checks. Displacement (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Trickery 5, Mysticism 3, Bard 3, Assassin 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes the caster to appear to be about 2 feet from where he actually is, thereby giving all attacks -- ranged and physical -- against him a 50% miss chance. Group Invisibility (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Bard 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Renders the caster and all allies within 60 feet (6 squares) of her invisible. Illusory Stance (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Assassin 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell causes the caster's body to become a confusing blur of afterimages, making it difficult for foes to percieve the real positioning of her arms and legs and the location of her melee attacks. She gains a +2 bonus to hit, and for every melee attack foes must make a successful opposed Spot test against her Illusioncraft skill or be treated as flat-footed. Possessing true sight negates these bonuses in regard to any true-seeing opponent, and they do not apply against mindless or blind opponents. Nondetection (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Trickery 3, Bard 3, Ranger 2, Assassin 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. The warded creature or object becomes difficult to detect by divination or other non-standard means. Scent, Telepathy and Detection are all blocked. The creature can still be tracked or perceived visually. Note that this does *not* by itself hide or otherwise make the wearer invisible. Spectral Force (Illusion) Level: Mage 3, Moon 4, Bard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 8. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates an illusionary creature, force or object, just as Phantasmal Force does, but the illusion has a greater depth and independance to it -- it does not wink out of existance when a single character sees through it, and any psychosomatic damage it inflicts lasts for (3d6 x 100) turns, as opposed to 3d6. More significantly, it is self-sustaining -- the caster does not need to concentrate to keep it active, and it can move outside the caster's line of sight. -- NECROMANCY 3 -- {3N} Animate Dead (Necromancy) Level: Death 3, Mage 5, Necromancer 3, Blackguard 4 Mana: 6. Base Success: 30%. Casting this spell causes humanoid corpses within 60 feet of the caster to animate, permanently taking on unlife as either skeletons or zombies (at the caster's elective), enslaved to her. There are two metaphysical powers that can be invoked on Theyra to animate the dead. The first is various archfiends, notably Orcus -- the demon lord of undead. The second is the goddess of death, Mara. As such, casting this spell is an evil act (as a result of allying with fiends) unless the caster is devoted to Mara or has earned at least two blessings from her as a lay worshipper. Blackmantle (Necromancy) [Death] Level: Mage 3, Pain 3, Hatred 4, Blackguard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 5. Base Success: 60%. Brings into existance around the target a black aura that prevents supernatural healing of any sort (but does not prevent regeneration). Major Drain (Necromancy) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. With this spell, the wizard drains the life and vital force from a target and adds it to his own. The target creature suffers 1d4 vampiric damage per caster level. If this spell kills a target and the caster is a specialist necromancer, she can gain potencies and resistances as if he had devoured the corpse. Skull Trap (Necromancy) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 9. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell enchants a mundane skull, turning it into a malignant magical trap. The skull remains dormant until such a time as any living creature steps near it, at which point is rises up from the ground and spins around, jaw-bone clacking up and down as it emits a piercing howl inflicting 2d6 points of sonic damage and awakening all creatures within 60 squares. All creatures that witness this spectacle must make a Will saving throw or become afraid. Then, malignant red light begins to pour from the skull's eyes, and after several seconds it explodes, inflicting 1d6 points of fire damage per even caster level and 1d6 points of necromantic damage per odd caster level, to the creature that awoke it. A Reflex saving throw negates this damage. Spirit Armor (Necromancy) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. No bonus damage. Base Success: 100%. Forges a protective shield out of your own life essence, giving you defenses similar to plate armor (9 + 1/3 caster levels armor rating) but costing you 3d6 of your own hit points. Spirit Armor counts as hwavy armor for the purposes of abilities like Defensive Roll, and is not compatable with mundane physical armor. Vampiric Touch (Necromancy) Level: Mage 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Fortitude partial. Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Causes your touch attack to inflict 1d6 points of necromantic damage per odd caster level to living creatures; you also heal damage taken up to the damage this spell actually inflicts. One casting of this spell gives you a number of touches equal to your caster level. -- THAUMATURGY 3 -- {3T} Fly (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3, Travel 3, Bard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants advantages similar to levitation, but without the penalties and grants an additional +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and defense class. You cannot fly while mounted, and the spell affects only humanoid casters. When flying, you need to make a Balance check to cast spells with somatic components and potentially suffer knockback when you are struck in combat. Gaseous Form (Thaumaturgy) * * * NOT IMPLEMENTED YET * * * [Air] Level: Mage 3, Air 3, Bard 3, Assassin 3 Mana: 1. Base Success: 90%. Transforms the caster into an animate cloud of grey vapours. In this state the caster cannot cast spells, but it also immune to most forms of physical attack. The gaseous form moves very slowly at 30% of normal human speed. Haste (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3, Time 4, Bard 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. IMultiplies one chosen target's attack speed and movement by 150%, and grants that same target a +4 circumstance bonus to Defense. Alternatively, negates slow. Heroism (Enchantment/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the chosen subject a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Polymorph Self (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3, Moon 3, Bard 5, Ranger 4 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Changes you into a random monster of your own challenge rating or lower, at the cost of 2 fatigue points. Slow (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 3, Time 2, Bard 3 Will negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Slows the motion of all creatures in a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe at the time the spell is cast, causing them to suffer a -50% attack speed and movement rate, and a -2 circumstance penalty to defense. Alternatively, cancels haste. Water Walking (Thaumaturgy) [Water] Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Water 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes one target creature to be able to walk on water. That creature will suffer no ill effects from crossing deep water and need not make swimming checks. -- WEAVECRAFT 3 -- {3W} Blink (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3, Bard 3, Ranger 3, Assassin 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes the caster to flicker in and out of the etherial plane, giving attacks against him a 50% miss chance. Creatures that can see invisible or are using a ghost touch weapon ssuffer only a 25% miss chance, and creatures who can do both do not suffer any miss chance at all. Conjure Vortex (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3 Mana: 15. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell opens a conduit to the turbulent para-elemental or quasi-elemental planes, calling forth a vortex with a Challenge Rating of up to five. The creature lasts longer then one summoned with Monster Summoning III, and is typically more powerful, but opening the conduit is draining for the caster, costing her two Fatigue points. The caster also needs to succeed on a Knowledge (Planes) check against DC 10 to open the conduit, or the effect is wasted and the caster suffers 2d6 points of damage from trauma. Dimension Door (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3, Travel 4, Bard 4 Mana: 6. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell teleports you randomly 2d20+(caster level) squares away. Greater Magic Weapon (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Bard 3, Assassin 3, Blackguard 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell temporarily enchants a single weapon (or a stack of ammunition) with a magical bonus of +1 per three caster levels, to a maximum of +5 at 15th. This bonus does not stack with any other magical bonus the weapon may have. Magical weapons strike true against undead, outsiders and many other fiends. Monster Summoning III (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3, Bard 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 3 to fight in the caster's name. Phantom Steed (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3, Nobility 3, Bard 3, Ranger 3, Blackguard 3, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Summons a quasi-real horselike creature that the caster begins to ride. The steed can be ridden by you quite rapidly (half again as fast as a warhorse or warpony). It can also magically traverse dangerous terrain (e.g., icy floors, brimstone). Rope Trick (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 3, Bard 2, Ranger 3, Assassin 2 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell enchants a rope, causing it to rise up and seem to hang down from empty air; when the caster climbs the rope, she vanishes. In truth, the rope leads to a tiny extradimensional space -- a kind of safe sanctuary where the caster can rest and recuperate. Casting this spell thus consumes 15 feet of rope. The caster is safe to rest for as long as desired in the pocket space created by the spell, but as soon as she leaves the portal and re-enters the real world, the effect ends and the rope is drawn back up into the space. However, the tiny pocket dimension serves as only a weak bulkhead against the entropy and dissolution of the astral plane, and those who rest there often find that the mental plane's nearness saps away some of their recent learning and will -- in game terms, costing 150 XP. Since the tiny pocket world is created anew with every casting of the spell, any items the caster has left on the floor in the extradimensional space will be cast out into the depths of the astral plane when the caster herself leaves, thus being lost forever. Taking other extradimensional spaces, such as a bag of holding or a Howard's Handy Haversack, into the space created by a rope trick causes a disasterous magical explosion with unpredictable effects. ================================ = LEVEL FOUR ARCANE SPELLS {4} = ================================ -- ABJURATION 4 -- {4A} Abjure (Abjuration) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4 Will negates. Mana: 12. Casting this spell forces summoned creatures to return to their own plane of existance. It affects all creatures within a 60-foot radius burst centered on a point of the caster's choice. Summoned creatures are entitled to a Will saving throw to avoid the spell's effects, but the save DC has a +8 bonus for a given creature if that creature was summoned by the caster herself. Note that the spell is not discretionary and will send friendly summons home as easily as enemy ones. Aura of Abjuration (Abjuration/Weavecraft) Level: Mage 4, Succor 3 Mana: 40. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell evokes an invisible aura around the caster's body that casts away anyone who tries to contact her physically, whether with an unarmed attack or a melee weapon -- thrown or fired weapons do not trigger the effect. For every such attack, the victim must make a Will saving throw or be teleported away from the caster as per the spell phase door. A single successful save renders that given creature immune to the spell for the remainder of the day, but does not break the spell with regard to other creatures. Dismissal (Abjuration/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4, Nobility 4, Bard 4 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. Teleports an enemy who fails a Will save 4d12+(caster level x 2) squares away. The save DC of Dismissal gains a +4 spell bonus. Endure the Elements (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Protection 3, Bard 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels against Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid and Sound. Protection from Acid (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Wandwierd (Abjuration) Level: Mage 4, Magic 4, Bard 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a zone 90 feet (9 squares) in radius that moves with the caster in which nobody other than the caster can use wands. -- ARCANA 4 -- {4R} Copy (Arcana) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 50. Base Success: 95%. Creates a duplicate copy of any spellbook that you choose to cast it upon. Fabricate (Arcana) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 25. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell allows a mage to shape inanimate material with her mind alone, doing the work of a master craftsman without the need for tools. Raw material can be turned into a finished product with ease. In game terms, casting this spell grants the mage a +10 bonus on her next single Craft skill check, and also frees her from the requirement to have a skill kit or forge to perform certain functions with Crafts. Solid Fog (Arcana) [Air] [Water] Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Slime 4, Bard 4, Ranger 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Creates a bank of solid fog. Solid fog reduces movement to 15% of normal and deflects all physical missiles. Transmute Rock to Mud (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Earth 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Turns all walls within a 30 foot (3 square) radius of the targeted square into mud. Tremor (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Mage 4, Destruction 3 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Causes a 60 foot (6 square) radius area to shake violently, knocking anyone who fails a Reflex save off their feet and inflicting 2d12 points of blunt damage to those who fall. -- DIVINATION 4 -- {4D} Detect Magic (Divination) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4 Mana: 40. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all magical items or creatures carrying magical items, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. Mord's Lucubration (Divination) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell allows you to cast any other arcane spell of up to sixth level that you know but do not have a scroll or spellbook for -- the Lucubration allows perfect recall of the spell's details without a physical referance. A single casting of Lucubration allows you to so recall 1d4 spells, plus 1 per 5 caster levels. Nemesis Spell (Divination) Level: Mage 4, Fate 4 Mana: 26. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell, the wizard designates herself as the Fates' chosen instrument of vengeance against a single chosen target, which must be a creature possessed of a mind and native to the Prime Material plane -- outsiders are not influenced by fate in the sense this spell affects. Once cast, for the next 13 rounds the wizard gains such exceptional insight into the target creature that she recieves a +5 bonus to hit and damage that creature, and a +5 bonus to defense class against that creature's attacks. However, this power comes at a price. All attacks made against other creatures while the spell is active suffer a -5 penalty to hit and damage, and the caster has a -5 penalty to her Defense Class against others' attacks on her. If the caster has not destroyed the target by the time the spell expires, the fates extract a penalty from her own karma, costing her 2000 XP permanently. If the target is subject to nondetection or a similar effect, no insight (and thus no bonuses) are gained, but the penalties remain and the creature must still be destroyed within 13 rounds. Premonition (Divination) Level: Mage 4, Time 3, Luck 4, Bard 4, Ranger 4, Alienist 4, Assassin 4 Mana: 3. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Gives you forewarning of the next attack made against you, granting a +15 insight bonus to your Defense Class versus the next single melee, unarmed or missile attack made against you. Track Monster (Divination) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4, Assassin 4, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 3. Persistant. Base Success: 95%. Allows you to mystically track a single creature in a manner similar to a ranger's tracking ability. Mindless and non-living creatures are immune. -- ENCHANTMENT 4 -- {4E} Charm Monster (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Beauty 4, Bard 3 Will negates. Mana: 9. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Improves a hostile, sapient creature's temperment towards you, such that it ceases attacking and becomes a neutral creature. Confusion (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Trickery 4, Chaos 3, Bard 3, Alienist 4, Twilight Huntsman 3 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. Causes all living creatures within 30 feet of the target point to become confused, if they fail a Will saving throw. Crushing Despair (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Domination 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Projects a ray of despair at the caster's enemies inflicting at -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, spellcasting, and weapon damage rolls. There is no resistance to this effect. Emotion (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Passion 3, Bard 3 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. Allows you to inflict one of six emotions (love, hate, despair, terror, fury or hope) on a single target, with varying game effects. Fear (Enchantment) [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Bard 3 Will negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Produces an invisible cone of terror out to a range of 80 feet, causing all creatures with minds within its area of effect to drop their weapons and flee if they fail a Will saving throw; this spell grants a +4 bonus to its save DC. -- EVOCATION 4 -- {4V} Chill Shield (Evocation) [Cold] Level: Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Envelops you in an aura of frost with give you fire resistance (12 + [caster level / 2]) and inflicts 1d8+caster level (max 1d8+15) points of cold damage on anyone who attacks you in melee. Fire Shield (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 4, Sun 5, Retribution 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Envelops you in a shroud of flames with give you cold resistance (12 + [caster level / 2]) and inflicts 1d8+caster level (max 1d8+15) points of fire damage on anyone who attacks you in melee. Force Missiles (Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. This spell creates a brilliant globe of magical energy that streaks forth from the caster's hand to unerringly strike its target, much like a Magic Missile spell. Each missile does 2d4 points of damage and the caster fires one missile for every three caster levels. In addition, the missiles burst on impact and deal concussive damage equal to twice the caster's level to all creatures within a 10 foot (1 square) radius. Ice Storm (Evocation) [Cold] Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Weather 3, Bard 4, Ranger 4 Reflex partial. Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms, at the caster's elective, as follows: Hail Storm: Conjures a brief storm of biting cold and huge, hard hailstones in a 60 foot (6 square) radius area, inflicting 3d10 points of damage, plus one per caster level. Half this damage is cold damage; the other half is trauma damage, and cannot be avoided by resistances. Sleet Storm: Driving sleet blocks all sight (even darkvision) within it and causes the ground in the area to be icy. A creature can walk within or through the area of sleet at half normal speed with a DC 15 Balance check. Failure means it can't move in that round, while failure by 5 or more means it falls. Shout (Evocation) [Sound-Based] Level: Mage 4, Strength 4, Passion 4, Bard 4 Fortitude partial. Mana: 12. Base Success: 90%. Amplifies a shout into a shattering cone of sound that inflicts 1d10 points of damage for every 2 caster levels (Fortitude save for half) and stuns anyone who fails a Will save. Vitriolic Sphere (Evocation) Level: Mage 4, Pain 5 Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. Projects a emerald globe of acid that strikes a target to inflict 1d8 damage per two caster levels (max 5d8) instantly, plus 1d4 points of lingering acid damage every turn thereafter for the duration (1 round/caster level). Wall of Fire (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Fire 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: 8. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a curtain of violet flames which causes (2d6 + caster level) points of fire damage to any creature which passes through it. -- ILLUSION 4 -- {4I} Hallucinatory Terrain (Illusion) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 16. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell weaves an elaborate illusion of terrain features over a globe 30 feet in radius, with a point of origin that you select. The illusory terrain appears only in map squares containing a normal floor, and can simulate magma, a deep pool of water, a gaping chasm, entangling webs or sticky slime. Just like an illusionary creature, the effects of this terrain are real in the case of those who believe in it, and can inflict psychosomatic damage normally, though it can have no effect on those who are able to see through the illusion. Like the spell phantasmal force, this illusion affects only sight and hearing, and is thus automatically seen though by sharpened senses, blindsight, tremorsense or scent, as well as magics designed specifically to penetrate illusions, like true seeing. However, hallucinatory terrain does not require concentration or line of sight in order to maintain. Improved Invisibility (Illusion) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4, Assassin 4 Mana: 40. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. As one might expect from the name, this is a superior version of the 2nd-level spell invisibility. It functions like that spell in all respects, except that if the invisibility effect is broken due to attacking or a similar cause, it will automatically recur in 1d4+1 rounds, at no cost in mana or time and with no chance of failure. Improved Invisibility lasts a full day, but if dispelled or cancelled by means other than attacking, it does not recur. Improved Spectral Force (Illusion) Level: Mage 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates an illusionary creature, force or object, combining the advantages of both Spectral Force (resilience, independence, longer-lasting psychosomatic damage) and Improved Phantasmal Force (affecting all senses). Phantasmal Killer (Illusion) [Fear] [Death] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 4, Night 5, Bard 4, Alienist 4, Assassin 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. Summons a phantasm of the target's worst fear, which the target may make a Will save to disbelieve absolutely. If the target fails, a second Fortitude save determines if the target is slain outright, or merely becomes Afraid and suffers 1d6 points each of Wisdom and Charisma damage. Shadow Magic (Illusion) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. This spell draws forth matter from the Demiplane of Shadows in order to create a blast of elemental force duplicating certain wizard evocation spells of 3rd or 4th level. However, the magic, created from shadow, is only 30% real, and all creatures who are subject to it recieve an immediate chance to disbelieve. All creatures suffer 30% of the duplicated spell's normal damage; creatures who fail the disbelief check also suffer the remaining 70% as psychosomatic damage. Shadow Monsters (Illusion) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell draws material from the Demiplane of Shadow in order to form partially real illusions of one or more monsters to fight in the caster's name. These creatures are functionally identical to the creature illusions created by spectral force, but they are 20% real -- their attacks inflict 20% real damage to all creatures (and 80% psychosomatic damage to any creatures that do not see through the illusion). Likewise, they can affect inanimate objects with a Strength score equal to 20% of the Strength of a real creature of their type. The downside of this is that they only have 20% of the hit points of a normal creature of their type -- if a creature that sees through the illusion strikes them for damage, or they suffer damage from an inanimate source such as a trap, and this damage brings their current hit points to less than 80% of their total, they are dispelled and cease to exist with regard to all characters. Summon Shadows (Illusion/Necromancy) Level: Mage 4, Night 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Summons a group of shadows worth CR 6. Casting this spell costs one fatigue point. -- NECROMANCY 4 -- {4N} Contagion (Necromancy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Blackguard 3 Fortitude negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Infects a living creature with one of the following diseases if they fail a Fortitude saving throw: blinding sickness, cackle fever, filth fever, red ache, mindfire, the shakes or slimy doom. Enervation (Necromancy) Level: Mage 4, Assassin 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Produces a bolt of negative energy that inflicts a -(1d4+1) general penalty if it strikes a living target. You must make a ranged attack roll to hit with this spell. Revenance (Necromancy) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Channels negative energy to strengthen all undead within 60 feet (6 squares) of you, giving them all a +2 profane bonus to hit, damage and saves, and a +4 turn resistance. Summon Shadows (Illusion/Necromancy) Level: Mage 4, Night 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Summons a group of shadows worth CR 6. Casting this spell costs one fatigue point. -- THAUMATURGY 4 -- {4T} Burning Blood (Thaumaturgy) [Fire] Level: Mage 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Causes a victim's blood to boil, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage and 1d6 points of unblockable damage to him every turn for your caster level in rounds. Can only be cast on victims that possess blood. Evard's Black Tentacles (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4, Alienist 4, Blackguard 5 Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. This spell causes 1d4 tentacles, plus one per caster level, to grow out of the nearby stone, earth, wood or any other surface and lash out mindlessly to entangle whatever might be nearby. The tentacles have Strength 18, Dexterity 18, 3 hit dice, a +3 base attack bonus and are DC 13 with +5 natural armor. The tentacles cannot move from the spot they first appear, which will be within 50 feet of the spell's chosen point of origin. The tentacles are not summoned creatures -- they are grown by thaumaturgic means out of nothing -- and are unaffected by spells and powers which affect summoned beings. Further, they are not subservient to the caster, attacking him as casually as anyone else who comes within their reach. Fortunately, no tentacles will grow in the squares directly surronding the caster. If the spell is cast is a very constricted area such as a corridor, less then the normal number of tentacles may appear. Polymorph Other (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 4 Fortitude negates. Mana: 8. Extended duration. Base Success: 75%. Changes one target creature into a different, random creature of the same challenge rating or lower. Stoneskin (Thaumaturgy) [Earth] Level: Mage 4, Earth 5, Ranger 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Turns your skin as hard as rock, automatically and completely negating 1d4+(caster level/2) blows from any weapon of less than +5 enchantment. Critical hits damage you, but only as much as a normal hit would usually. Waves of Weariness (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 4 Fortitude negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Creates a grey wave which saps vitality from everyone it strikes, draining 2d8 fatigue points from any living creature that fails a Fortitude save. -- WEAVECRAFT 4 -- {4W} Aura of Abjuration (Abjuration/Weavecraft) Level: Mage 4, Succor 3 Mana: 40. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell evokes an invisible aura around the caster's body that casts away anyone who tries to contact her physically, whether with an unarmed attack or a melee weapon -- thrown or fired weapons do not trigger the effect. For every such attack, the victim must make a Will saving throw or be teleported away from the caster as per the spell phase door. A single successful save renders that given creature immune to the spell for the remainder of the day, but does not break the spell with regard to other creatures. Dimensional Anchor (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4, Guardian 4, Paladin 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Produces a thin bolt of green energy that, upon striking a target (ranged attack roll), locks that target into place and prevents them from teleporting, being teleported or plane-shifting. Creatures already phased will be forcibly returned to their natural plane of existance. Dismissal (Abjuration/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4, Nobility 4, Bard 4 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. Teleports an enemy who fails a Will save 4d12+(caster level x 2) squares away. The save DC of Dismissal gains a +4 spell bonus. Lesser Planar Conjuration (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: 65. Base Success: 60%. This spell -- the first hint young mages recieve of the true art of conjuration -- allows a caster to summon a powerful creature with a CR of up to (6 + caster's Charisma mod) from the outer planes in order to serve her for a full day. This kind of summoning is extremely difficult -- in addition to a staggering mana cost, it requires that the caster stand next to a specially perpared summoning circle (which, fortunately, are sometimes found in dungeons already prepared by ancient mages) to conduct a two hour ritual, and it costs the caster 2 fatigue points. Opening the outer-planar conduit correctly requires a Knowledge (Planes) check against DC 15 -- if this check fails, the creature is unbound and arrives hostile. If the check is successful, however, the caster can proceed to negotiate terms of service with the creature by means of an opposed Diplomacy test. [ For now, if the creature wins, it just leaves -- later, the spell will have more complexity, allowing the caster to pay the creature to stay, maybe stays for a shorter term, different modifiers, etc. Creatures summoned with this spell have +200% movement until we can fix the companion AI.] A caster can only have one creature summoned with lesser planar conjuration at a time, though she may summon others with spells like planar conjuration or conjure earth elemental. Monster Summoning IV (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 4, Bard 4 Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 4 to fight in the caster's name. Shift Level (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 4 Mana: 12. Base Success: 90%. This unusual variant of dimension door allows the caster to travel on the vertical plane, either ascending by teleporting through the ceiling to the next stable surface that can support her weight above her, or similarly travelling through the floor and whatever depth of stone seperates her from the nearest open area immediately below her. ================================ = LEVEL FIVE ARCANE SPELLS {5} = ================================ -- ABJURATION 5 -- {5A} Energy Buffer (Abjuration) Level: Mage 5, Luck 5, Guardian 5 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Absorbs the first [1d12 / caster level] points of damage you take from elemental (i.e., fire, cold, lightning, poison, sonic or acid) sources. Mooncloak (Abjuration/Evocation) Level: Mage 5, Moon 5, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell evokes a shimmering silver lumenescence around the mage's body not unlike that produced by faerie fire, but the Mooncloak has a much greater effect then that. The dwenomer abjures several kinds of protection against the next applicable attack she suffers -- a Cold Resistance of 7, a +5 bonus on saving throws versus paralyzation and petrification and absolute immunity to a single negative energy effect. Once the Mooncloak has offered its protection against one of these effects, it is expended and the radiance vainshes. Alternatively, once the Mooncloak is in effect, the caster can choose to expend its magic at any time (by 'a'ctivating it) as a destructive silvery bolt. This bolt inflicts 5d6 points of pure magic damage, triple that against lycanthropes. If victims fail a Fortitude save for half damage, they are also confused for 3d6 rounds -- literally, they are moonstruck. The bolt hits a single creature and requires a ranged attack roll to successfully impact. Resist the Elements (Abjuration) Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Community 5, Ranger 3 Mana: 35. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. -- ARCANA 5 -- {5R} Cloudkill (Arcana) [Air] Level: Mage 5, Destruction 5, Air 5, Assassin 5 Fortitude partial. Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Creates a cloud of poisonous gas that kills outright any creature of CR 2 or less, kills any creature of CR 3 to CR 5 on a failed saving throw, and inflicts 1d4 toxic damage per caster level on everything else (Fortitude for half). Only creatures who breathe are affected. The caster is immune. Major Creation (Arcana) Level: Mage 5, Craft 4 Mana: 15. Base Success: 90%. This spell functions similarly to minor creation, but the restrictions on items which may be created are less severe. The mage can now conjure crafted metal, including swords, armor and other steelworks. She may also create exceptionally rare special materials like adamant, silver, gold or mithril -- but doing so increases the experience cost of the spell based on the specific rare material she chooses to conjure. Wall of Stone (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Craft 5 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid stone wall, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. Watery Double (Arcana) [Water] Level: Mage 5, Water 5 Mana: 22. Base Success: 60%. To cast this spell, a wizard must target an opponent standing in a water square, whose Challenge Rating is less than or equal to her caster level. A watery duplicate of the target rises up -- a creature identical to the target with the aqueous template applied. This creature is not considered summoned, but can be dispelled. It cannot be ordered, and fights relentlessly with only one goal in mind: to slay utterly the creature the spell targeted. The watery double is immune to fear, mind-affecting spells and death magic. A given caster can sustain only one watery double at once, and the spell can be cancelled at any time. -- DIVINATION 5 -- {5D} Dream (Divination/Enchantment/Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Passion 5, Bard 5, Alienist 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 20. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell sends a beguiling and seductive dream to all sleeping creatures on the current level within [caster level x 50] feet, even those outside your sight, leading them to see you as a friend and ally -- failing a Will save causes the affected creature to be charmed. Regardless of whether you manage to ensnare a creature with this spell, you can sense their presence for the remainder of the day in which it was cast. (Remember that spells have verbal components, and casting near sleeping creatures will awaken them before they can be affected -- but Dream has a greater range then the 120 feet away from which spellcasting can be heard.) Open the Third Eye (Divination/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 5, Alienist 5 Mana: 100. Base Success: 30%. Casting this irrevocable spell opens a mystical third eye in the center of the caster's forehead. The caster gains a +6 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks as well as 60 feet of infravision. The caster also gains a gaze attack that confuses victims for 1d8 rounds (Fortitude save, DC 14). Casting this spell costs the caster 5000 XP. Power Word: Stop (Divination) [Sound-Based] Level: Mage 5, Assassin 5 Mana: 30. Base Success: 30%. Power words are ancient pieces of the sorcerous truespeak from the dawn times of the world. They are inherantly unknowable, and creatures who hear one spoken irresistably forget the exact structure of its syllables immediately after hearing it. They can not be recorded, transcribed or preverved by any mortal magic; however, certain powerful divinations can grant a skilled mage knowledge of a Power Word just long enough to speak it once, allowing its terrible effect to take hold on the world. One of the earliest and simplest power words, 'Stop' freezes a single target creature in place, preventing it from walking, running, jumping or otherwise moving naturally. The effect does not prevent teleportation, nor does it stop the creature from being knocked prone or bull rushed. The creature is not paralyzed, simply fixed in place, and can still make melee and ranged attacks. Free action negates this power word, but like all power words there is no saving throw against its effects. Wizard Sight (Divination) Level: Mage 5, Mysticism 5, Knowledge 5, Bard 5, Ranger 5, Assassin 5 Mana: 50. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Allows the caster to percieve everything within 60 feet of himself, even through walls. -- ENCHANTMENT 5 -- {5E} Dominate Person (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] Level: Mage 5, Domination 5, Bard 4 Will negates. Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Gives you telepathic control over a single intelligent, medium-sized humanoid. Dream (Divination/Enchantment/Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Passion 5, Bard 5, Alienist 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 20. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell sends a beguiling and seductive dream to all sleeping creatures on the current level within [caster level x 50] feet, even those outside your sight, leading them to see you as a friend and ally -- failing a Will save causes the affected creature to be charmed. Regardless of whether you manage to ensnare a creature with this spell, you can sense their presence for the remainder of the day in which it was cast. (Remember that spells have verbal components, and casting near sleeping creatures will awaken them before they can be affected -- but Dream has a greater range then the 120 feet away from which spellcasting can be heard.) Hold Monster (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Priest 5, Mage 5, Bard 4, Bard 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Fortitude negates. Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Paralyzes one chosen creature, provided they fail a Fortitude save. Lesser Symbol (Enchantment/Necromancy) Level: Priest 5, Mage 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 60%. This spell creates an ornate rune imbued with magical power, a kind of mystic trap that is triggered whenever a character comes close enough to see it by stepping onto the square which contains it. A symbol trap is very difficult to detect and disarm (DC 30). When the spell is cast, the caster can determine what effect the symbol will have from the following options: Symbol of Sleep: All creatures with Challenge Rating less than or equal to 10 within 60 feet (6 squares)) fall asleep for 3d6x10 minutes. The caster is not immune. Symbol of Pain: When the trap is triggered, all creatures within 60 feet (6 squares)) suffers wracking pain that imposes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack, defense, saving throw, spell success, damage and attack speed. These effects last for one hour. The caster is not immune. Lower Resistance (Enchantment/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 5, Mage 5, Planning 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 90%. This dwenomer strips outsiders, creatures of the Underdark and powerful supernatural horrors like hags of their inherant resistance to magic. The spell must first penetrate that resistance to take effect, but once it does no saving throw applies and the creature's Magic Resistance is halved; this is a damage penalty. The spell is targeted on a point, affecting all creatures within 60 feet of that point, but is selective and excludes the caster and her allies. -- EVOCATION 5 -- {5V} Cone of Cold (Evocation) [Cold] Level: Mage 5 Reflex partial. Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Projects a cone of numbing frost out in a direction you select, inflicting 1d8 points of damage per caster level, scaled after 9th level. Fire Lotus (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Mage 5 Reflex partial. Mana: 10. Base Success: 90%. A fire lotus is an explosive burst of flame similar to a fireball, but centered on the caster. All creatures (except the caster!) within 60 feet (6 squares) of the caster take 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (scaled after 9th). A Reflex save halves the damage. Mooncloak (Abjuration/Evocation) Level: Mage 5, Moon 5, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell evokes a shimmering silver lumenescence around the mage's body not unlike that produced by faerie fire, but the Mooncloak has a much greater effect then that. The dwenomer abjures several kinds of protection against the next applicable attack she suffers -- a Cold Resistance of 7, a +5 bonus on saving throws versus paralyzation and petrification and absolute immunity to a single negative energy effect. Once the Mooncloak has offered its protection against one of these effects, it is expended and the radiance vainshes. Alternatively, once the Mooncloak is in effect, the caster can choose to expend its magic at any time (by 'a'ctivating it) as a destructive silvery bolt. This bolt inflicts 5d6 points of pure magic damage, triple that against lycanthropes. If victims fail a Fortitude save for half damage, they are also confused for 3d6 rounds -- literally, they are moonstruck. The bolt hits a single creature and requires a ranged attack roll to successfully impact. Telekinesis (Evocation) [Force] Level: Mage 5, Strength 5, Assassin 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 90%. This spell can be enacted in one of two forms, as chosen when the spell is cast: Violent Thrust: This form of Telekinesis targets a single creature of your choice, causing them to be knocked down and back up to one square per caster level and to suffer 1d4 points of blunt damage for every caster level, scaled after 10th. Sustained Force: This version of the spell allows you to exert force at a range of 10 feet per caster level. You can use the combat maneuvers Grapple, Punch, Trip and Bull Rush in this manner, with your Wisdom standing in for Strength and Intelligence for Dexterity. You can also open or kick doors, pick up items or try to disarm traps at range. -- ILLUSION 5 -- {5I} Advanced Illusion (Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 12. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. An advanced illusion is a complex and responsive dwenomer that includes all the properties of an improved spectral force, as well as a powerful enhancement: the illusion can spawn secondary illusionary effects that are consequences of its actions or existance. This means that an illusionary monster can make use of that monster's special attacks or equipment typical to a monster of its type -- an illusionary dragon can produce an illusionary blast of fire, and an illusionary kobold can fire illusionary crossbow bolts. The illusion is still unreal and can't affect inanimate matter in any way, but it can simulate those effects remarkably -- an illusionary basilisk's gaze would cause people to become paralyzed for a period, for example, believing they had been petrified. This facility also allows the illusion takes active and intelligent measures to preserve its own believability: the shadows cast by an illusionary fountain change position as new light sources manifest, an illusionary wall creates illusionary dust as it is hacked apart, and even the illusion of the scent of cooler air wafting in through a created hole into the room beyond. Illusions that inflict damage create illusionary blood and bruises rather than merely psychosomatic shock. As a result of these improvements, advanced illusions are not subject to disbelief checks when they appear out of nowhere, someone passes through them or ignores their attacks, they cause a victim to fall unconscious or so forth. The magic creates secondary illusions to cover over the things which might cause disbelief checks -- an adavanced illusion appearing out of nowhere might seem to jump out of a previously unnoticed illusionary skylight in a shadowy area of the ceiling, for example. Color Burst (Illusion) [Light] Level: Mage 5, Bard 4, Twilight Huntsman 5 Reflex negates. Mana: 9. Base Success: 75%. Projects a burst of multicolored light that may blind or stun creatures it strikes briefly, dependant on their CR in contrast to the spell's caster level. The spell is selective -- the caster and her allies are immune, but neutral creatures are not. Demi-Shadow Monsters (Illusion) Level: Mage 5 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell functions identically to shadow monsters, except that the created creatures are 50% real, and thus inflict 50% if their normal damage on disbelieving characters and can suffer up to 50% of their total hit points from disbelievers before being dispelled. Dream (Divination/Enchantment/Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Passion 5, Bard 5, Alienist 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 20. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell sends a beguiling and seductive dream to all sleeping creatures on the current level within [caster level x 50] feet, even those outside your sight, leading them to see you as a friend and ally -- failing a Will save causes the affected creature to be charmed. Regardless of whether you manage to ensnare a creature with this spell, you can sense their presence for the remainder of the day in which it was cast. (Remember that spells have verbal components, and casting near sleeping creatures will awaken them before they can be affected -- but Dream has a greater range then the 120 feet away from which spellcasting can be heard.) Misdirection (Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Chaos 6, Assassin 5 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This clever deception weaves an illusion over a large area, causing hostile enemies to mistake other characters for you, directing their ranged attacks against others -- potentially including their teammates -- believing them to be you. The delusion affects all enemies within a 90 foot radius field that moves with you, but if the only creature in the field percieved by a given enemy is you, that enemy will target you normally. Intelligent enemies recieve a chance to disbelieve this spell when they hit the wrong target; this chance is 5% per point of Intelligence about 12. Nightmare (Illusion) Level: Mage 5, Night 3, Fate 5, Bard 5, Alienist 5, Blackguard 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 45. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell sends a horrific nightmare to all the sleeping creatures on the current level within [caster level x 50] feet, even outside your sight. The creatures suffer 2d6 points of fatigue loss, 1d8 damage to Wisdom and Charisma and 1d6 points of psychic damage per odd caster level. (Remember that spells have verbal components, and casting near sleeping creatures will awaken them before they can be affected -- but Nightmare has a greater range then the 120 feet away from which spellcasting can be heard.) -- NECROMANCY 5 -- {5N} Create Corporeal Undead (Necromancy) Level: Mage 6, Necromancer 5, Blackguard 6 Mana: 15. Base Success: 30%. Casting this animates a single humanoid corpse as a type of greater corporeal undead. Based of the caster's caster level, she may choose to create different forms of undead. Certain types are available only to Marists, while others are inherantly evil. There are two metaphysical powers that can be invoked on Theyra to animate the dead. The first is various archfiends, notably Orcus -- the demon lord of undead. The second is the goddess of death, Mara. As such, casting this spell is an evil act (as a result of allying with fiends) unless the caster is devoted to Mara or has earned at least two blessings from her as a lay worshipper. Create Spectral Undead (Necromancy) Level: Mage 7, Necromancer 5 Mana: 25. Base Success: 30%. Casting this calls forth an incorporeal undead creature from the remains of a single humanoid corpse. Based of the caster's caster level, she may choose to create different forms of spectral undead. Certain types are available only to Marists, while others are inherantly evil. There are two metaphysical powers that can be invoked on Theyra to animate the dead. The first is various archfiends, notably Orcus -- the demon lord of undead. The second is the goddess of death, Mara. As such, casting this spell is an evil act (as a result of allying with fiends) unless the caster is devoted to Mara or has earned at least two blessings from her as a lay worshipper. Eldritch Bolt (Necromancy) [Death] Level: Mage 5 Fortitude partial. Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Projects a bolt of negative energy that, with a successful ranged attack roll, inflicts 1d8 points of necromantic damage per caster level (scaled beginning at 10th level), allowing a Fortitude save for half damage. A target who fails their save also gains a negative level. Lesser Symbol (Enchantment/Necromancy) Level: Priest 5, Mage 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 60%. This spell creates an ornate rune imbued with magical power, a kind of mystic trap that is triggered whenever a character comes close enough to see it by stepping onto the square which contains it. A symbol trap is very difficult to detect and disarm (DC 30). When the spell is cast, the caster can determine what effect the symbol will have from the following options: Symbol of Sleep: All creatures with Challenge Rating less than or equal to 10 within 60 feet (6 squares)) fall asleep for 3d6x10 minutes. The caster is not immune. Symbol of Pain: When the trap is triggered, all creatures within 60 feet (6 squares)) suffers wracking pain that imposes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack, defense, saving throw, spell success, damage and attack speed. These effects last for one hour. The caster is not immune. Skeletal Spikes (Necromancy) Level: Mage 5 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell causes the target's bones to warp and writhe until large, wickedly sharp spikes burst forth from under its skin. These bony spikes grant three additional goring attacks, each one of which deals 1d6 piercing damage, as well as the multiattack feat. Only undead and constructs can be targeted by this spell. -- THAUMATURGY 5 -- {5T} Baleful Polymorph (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 5, Mage 5 Fortitude negates. Mana: 10. Extended duration. Base Success: 60%. Changes one target creature into a giant rat, provided that it fails its fortitude save. Force Shapechange (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 5, Bard 5, Ranger 5 Mana: 9. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Forces shapechanged and polymorphed creatures back to their natural form and prevents them from changing form for a while, inflicting 3d12 damage in the process. Open the Third Eye (Divination/Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 5, Alienist 5 Mana: 100. Base Success: 30%. Casting this irrevocable spell opens a mystical third eye in the center of the caster's forehead. The caster gains a +6 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks as well as 60 feet of infravision. The caster also gains a gaze attack that confuses victims for 1d8 rounds (Fortitude save, DC 14). Casting this spell costs the caster 5000 XP. -- WEAVECRAFT 5 -- {5W} Distance Distortion (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 5, Alienist 5 Mana: 16. Persistant. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell produces a globe 60 feet in radius, targeted on a point of the caster's choice, where distance and geometry simply do not work in normal Euclidean ways, instead melting and flowing in a perverse and disturbing manner to make distances shorter for the caster's allies and the reverse for her enemies. Creatures within the spell's area of effect may suffer one or more of the following effects: * The caster and her allies find that their movement rates are doubled within the area. * Enemies of the caster find that their movement rate is halved as long as they are in the area. * Any creatures of Challenge Rating 4 or lower are automatically nauseated while inside the area; this element of the effect does not discriminate between friend and enemies. Lower Resistance (Enchantment/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 5, Mage 5, Planning 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 90%. This dwenomer strips outsiders, creatures of the Underdark and powerful supernatural horrors like hags of their inherant resistance to magic. The spell must first penetrate that resistance to take effect, but once it does no saving throw applies and the creature's Magic Resistance is halved; this is a damage penalty. The spell is targeted on a point, affecting all creatures within 60 feet of that point, but is selective and excludes the caster and her allies. Monster Summoning V (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 5, Bard 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 5 to fight in the caster's name. Steal Magic (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 5 Will negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell grants you a touch attack which allows you to steal the innate magic of supernatural creatures. Only those abilities which mimic spells (arcane, divine or otherwise) can be stolen in this manner. When you touch a creature with innate spell-like abilities, they must succeed in a Will saving throw or they lose access to one of their spell-likes for the remainder of the day, and you gain same. Casting this spell gives you one touch per three caster levels, so you have the potential to steal several different spells from one or more creatures while the effect is active. This spell itself only lasts a short time, but any spells stolen remain usable by you all day. Teleport (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 5, Travel 5 Mana: 10. No AoO. Base Success: 75%. Teleports you up to 120 squares away in the general direction you specify. =============================== = LEVEL SIX ARCANE SPELLS {6} = =============================== -- ABJURATION 6 -- {6A} Banishment (Abjuration) Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Paladin 5, Alienist 5 Will negates. Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. This spell enables you to force an extraplanar creature out of your home plane, effectively destroying it here. You may affect a creature with up to twice your level in hit dice. When you cast this spell you make a Knowledge (Theology) skill check with DC 20. If you succeed the Will save DC for this spell is increased by +2 (representing your ability to call upon substances and ideals that the target hates, fears or opposes). Protection from Elements (Abjuration) Level: Druid 6, Priest 6, Mage 6, Ranger 4 Mana: 45. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. -- ARCANA 6 -- {6R} Disintegrate (Arcana) Level: Mage 6, Destruction 6, Assassin 6 Fortitude negates. Mana: 22. No bonus damage. Base Success: 75%. This terrifying spell creates a wan green ray that utterly destroys anything it touches, erasing up to 10 cubic feet of matter and leaving behind only a tiny trace remnant of grey dust. If a creature, or an item in a creature's possession, is the target of this spell, the victim recieves a Fortitude save to negate the effect. Since disintegration utterly destroys the target, no body remains for ressurection. There are some other defenses against disintegration, of course. It's a ray, so reflection and absorbtion both negate it. Huge or larger creatures lose 10 cubic feet of mass on a failed save, suffering 20d6 points of untyped damage and possibly losing limbs or being otherwise maimed. Creatures wearing armor with the Fortification quality are resistant to this spell -- a creature with Light Fortification takes 20d6 (and possible maiming) on a failed save, Medium Fortification reduces this to half, and a creature wearing Heavy Fortification armor is immune to disintegration. This spell is not a death effect, however. Disintegrate cancels, and is cancelled by, stoneskin; this occurs before the saving throw. If a character's total Fortitude save bonus is higher than the saving throw DC of this spell, the character is considered immune as well -- the saving throw isn't rolled, so the character doesn't die on a natural 1. -- DIVINATION 6 -- {6D} Power Word: Stun (Divination) [Sound-Based] Level: Mage 6, Assassin 6 Mana: 15. Base Success: 30%. Power words are ancient pieces of the sorcerous truespeak from the dawn times of the world. They are inherantly unknowable, and creatures who hear one spoken irresistably forget the exact structure of its syllables immediately after hearing it. They can not be recorded, transcribed or preverved by any mortal magic; however, certain powerful divinations can grant a skilled mage knowledge of a Power Word just long enough to speak it once, allowing its terrible effect to take hold on the world. This power word scrambles a creature's mind, preventing it from acting coherantly. The victim becomes stunned for a duration that is dependant upon their current hit points -- 1d4 rounds if the victim has 250 or more HP, 3d6 rounds if the victim has 150 to 249 HP, 10d6 rounds if the victim has 149 to 75 HP and a full day if the victim has 74 or fewer HP. True Seeing (Divination) Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Liberation 5, Knowledge 6, Paladin 5 Mana: 60. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This august divination shatters all deceptions, causing the caster to inherantly see through every spell of the Illusion school -- the effect is automatic and uncontested, unless the creator of the illusion has a false vision spell active. Shadow creatures and effects still affect the caster with regard to the percent that they are real, but she automatically disbelieves them and never suffers full damage. -- ENCHANTMENT 6 -- {6E} Immortal Grandeur (Enchantment) [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Mage 6, Beauty 6, Twilight Huntsman 6 Mana: 50. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell wraps a character in an aura of radiant, terrifying glory so palpable as to almost be a physical force. Her force of presence is augmented to the point where she seems to formidable to even offend, let alone actually attack. To attack a character under the effect of this spell head-on requires a Will saving throw; making a ranged attack also requires a saving throw, but this save have a +4 bonus from the distance. Every attack requires a seperate Will save, but every past successful saving throw against this spell grants a +1 culmulative circumstance bonus to further saves against this spell. The psychological exertion requires to defy this spell is tremendous, and no matter how strong one's will, no one can last forever against it. Every saving throw made against it costs the maker a point of Fatigue. Elves have a special advantage with regard to this ancient magic -- after all, it originated with them. If they both have this spell active and use their Manifestation ability, their force of presence is so overwhelming that living creatures of Challenge Rating 5 or lower die instantly, their hearts stopped in shock, should they fail to save against this spell when trying to attack. This additional aspect is a death effect and a fear effect, and can be avoided accordingly. -- EVOCATION 6 -- {6V} Chain Lightning (Evocation) Level: Mage 6 Reflex partial. Mana: 18. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell causes a stroke of lightning to arc from the caster's hand to an enemy of her choice, inflicting 1d6 points of damage per caster level with no scaling. After striking the first foe, the lightning arcs to the next creature hostile to the caster nearest to the original target, and from there to the next, and so forth. The lightning can arc up to one time for every four caster levels, so at 12th level it hits a minimum of four targets -- the original and three arcs. Every arc decreases the damage by 2d6. Note that the lightning can concievably hit a creature more than once in the process of arcing from creature to creature (but it only *arcs to* any given creature once); furthermore, it can strike creatures the player does not percieve, for example turning 90 degrees to strike a hiding creature further down an unexplored hallway. -- ILLUSION 6 -- {6I} Demi-Shadow Magic (Illusion) Level: Mage 6 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. This functions similarly to shadow magic, except that the spells it can duplicate are 3rd and 4th level, and the damage it inflicts is 50% real. Mirage Arcana (Illusion) Level: Mage 6 Mana: 16. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell is similar in effect to the 4th-level illusion hallucinatory terrain, but much improved and wider in scope. Like the improved illusion spells, it affects all natural and exceptional senses and can only be seen through with true seeing or similar magic. It affects a 60-foot radius rather than a 30-foot one. Most significantly, however, it allows the illusionist to conceal terrain as well as create it -- a river of magma could be made to look like a shallow stream, or a chasm could be concealed with the illusion of smooth floor. The concealed terrain is real, of course, and has its full normal effect if monsters (or the player character) are tricked into walking over it, though these effects are concealed from their perception. Shades (Illusion) Level: Mage 6 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. This spell functions identically to shadow monsters, except that the created creatures are 70% real, and thus inflict 70% if their normal damage on disbelieving characters and can suffer up to 70% of their total hit points from disbelievers before being dispelled. -- NECROMANCY 6 -- {6N} Necrosynthesis (Necromancy) Level: Mage 6, Necromancer 4 Mana: 35. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell imbues an undead with a permanent channel to the negative energy plane, allowing them to automatically replenish their form, regenerating 5 + 1 per 3 caster levels points of damage per round. This effect is permanent, and costs the caster [25 x Target's Challenge Rating] xp. Undeath to Death (Necromancy) [Death] Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Paladin 5 Mana: 12. Base Success: 90%. Destroys any undead creature caught within a 60-foot globe centered on the caster that currently has fewer than (1d8 per caster level) hit points. The effect is all-or-nothing, and no saving throw is allowed. -- THAUMATURGY 6 -- {6T} Fiendform (Thaumaturgy) [Evil] Level: Mage 6, Evil 5 Mana: 20. Base Success: 60%. By casting this inherantly evil spell, you polymorph yourself into one of the following six forms, randomly chosen: osyluth, barbazu, hamatula, babau, jovoc or palrethee. Tevlar's Transformation (Thaumaturgy) Level: Mage 6 Mana: 36. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell, the mage becomes a veritable combat juggernaut. She adds her Wisdom modifier as a magic bonus to her Strength and Constitution, her Intelligence modifier as a magic bonus to Dexterity, and her Charisma bonus becomes a natural bonus to armor, overlapping any natural armor she might already possess. She also gains 1d10 temporary hit points per caster level. These great benefits come at a price. While this spell is active, the mage cannot cast spells, read scrolls, invoke innate abilities, zap wands or make ranged weapon attacks. As always with effects that grant temporary hit points, the caster should have a source of healing ready -- if the spell expires and her wounds exceed her true hit points, she will die. Regardless, when the spell expires the caster loses three Fatigue points. Tevlar's Transformation can be cancelled at will. -- WEAVECRAFT 6 -- {6W} Monster Summoning VI (Weavecraft) Level: Mage 6 Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. Summons a living creature of CR 6 to fight in the caster's name. {MM} Return to Main Help Menu | ![]() |