![]() | ============ = CONTENTS = ============ -- {MM} Return to Main Help Menu CORE CLASSES -- {BA} Barbarian -- Bard -- {DR} Druid -- {MA} Mage -- {MO} Monk -- {PA} Paladin -- {PR} Priest -- {RA} Ranger -- {RO} Rogue -- {WA} Warrior PRESTIGE CLASSES -- {1A} Alienist -- Assassin -- {1B} Blackguard -- Bladesinger -- {1C} Celestial Initiate -- Crimson Adept -- {1D} Duelist -- {1E} Earthsinger -- Elementalist -- {1H} Horizon Walker -- {1I} Inquisitor -- {1L} Loremaster -- {1M} Master Archer -- {1S} Sentinel -- Shadowdancer -- {1T} Tattoo Mystic -- Twilight Huntsman -- {1U} Undead Slayer -- Underdark Warrior ====================== = CLASS DESCRIPTIONS = ====================== BARBARIAN {BA} HitDie: d12 Mana: d4 Skills: 6 Saves: Frw Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 100%, Melee 100%, Thrown 75% He may be born out of the harsh winters of Njordland, or from the expansionist peoples of Arasaki. He could be a gladiator-lord from the fallen Empire of Mohandi, or a tribesman from the dense and humid jungles of Angla Maua. Regardless, the Barbarian is a fierce berzerker-warrior, well-trained in brutal combat and wilderness survival, but not as accustomed to the subtle intrigues and unseen dangers of the civilized world. Uncivilized inherantly makes the barbarian neither stupid nor evil, thoughh of course many members of this breed may be both. At his (or her) noblest, the barbarian is the champion of a simpler time, when might did not make right, but simply defended it, and the most major problems could be solved with a sword and a battlecry. The Barbarian's physical toughness is unmatched by any other class in the game, though the Warrior exceeds her in skill. In straight-up melee combat, the Barbarian excels. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the barbarian are Athletics, Climb, Craft, Heal, Intimidate, Intuition, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Spot, Swimming and Wilderness Lore. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the barbarian. * Proficiencies -- The barbarian is proficient with simple weapons, impact weapons, long blades, polearms, spears, axes and flails, and with light and medium armors. * Berserk Rage -- Barbarians are well-known for going berserk in combat, augmenting their strength and terrifying their foes. Upon entering a berserk rage, a barbarian gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +20% bonus to Speed and a +2 bonus to Will saves. The rage lasts for a base duration of 10 rounds, plus three rounds per barbarian level -- provided that the barbarian remains in combat. If a barbarian is out of combat long enough to become flat-footed, their rage ceases. This battle rage requires a certain purity of mind, and thus multiclass barbarians with fewer than 3 barbarian levels halve the modifiers (+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +1 to Will saves). Upon reaching 8th level, the barbarian is immune to all confusion effects while raging; at 13th, the barbarian cannot be stunned while raging. At 9th level, the raging barbarian's bonuses increase to +6/+6/+30%/+3, and at 16th level they reach their maximum potential of +8/+8/+40%/+4. Barbarians from naturally Small races apply only half the normal bonus to Strength when they Rage, and apply the other half to their Dexterity. Their rages resemble the fighting of a panicked cat, and tend to throw enemies off balance -- every time they make a successful attack while raging, they make a Charisma check against a DC of 11 + their opponent's Wisdom modifier; success causes the opponent to suffer a -1 penalty to attack, damage, defense class and most other rolls for the next 1d4+1 rounds. Further enraged attacks increase both the magnitude and duration of this penalty culmulatively; multi-class barbarians can inflict a maximum penalty equal to their barbarian levels, while straight barbarians can inflict an unlimited penalty. Entering a rage costs a barbarian four fatigue points if they are in heavy armor, three in medium armor, two in light armor and one if they are unarmored. The fatigue cost of raging while armored decreases by one at 4th level, and an unarmored barbarian of 4th level or above may make a Con check against DC 20 to avoid fatigue loss when raging; failing this check costs one fatigue point. A raging barbarian is never considered to be fatigued or exhausted, though they suffer the effects of those traits as soon as the rage ends, if applicable. A raging character may not cast spells, don or remove armor or clothing, pick locks or search through a container (such as his backpack) for items. * Tough as Hell -- A barbarian recieves double the normal number of bonus hit points from a high Constitution score for all of his barbarian levels. When struck for physical damage, an unarmored, single-classed barbarian can subtract his Constitution modifier from the damage suffered (to a minimum of one point). A multiclass barbarian subtracts a proportion of his Constitution modifier from damage equal to his number of barbarian levels proportionate to his total level -- for example, a barbarian 2/warrior 1 would subtract 66% of his Con modifier from damage. This proportion is always rounded down, so even one non-barbarian level reduces the amount subtracted by at least one. If the barbarian wears armor, every 'degree' (light, medium, heavy) of armor worn counts as three non-barbarian levels added to his total for the purposes of reducing this bonus. Finally, starting at 7th level the barbarian has a natural armor rating similar to a monster's. This value is identical against slashing, piercing and blunt damage, is not penetrated by weapons of any plus and increases by +1 for every odd barbarian level. * Increased Move -- A barbarian, like a monk, naturally moves faster than other characters. Barbarians gain a culmulative bonus of +10% to their movement rate for every even barbarian level. * Hardy Lifestyle -- Barbarians lead perhaps the harshest and most physically demanding existance of any of the adventuring classes, surviving brutal raids and inhospitable terrain that would break weaker men and women. This constant forcing of their bodies to the limit ends up tempering them into beings of incredible physical prowess. In game terms, barbarians recieve a +1 inherant bonus to either Strength or Constitution at every even level, chosen randomly, up to the maximum possible inherant bonus for their race (+5 for most characters, or +8 for humans). Barbarians of a Small race naturally improve their Dexterity in this manner as well. Characters who start play as barbarians have assumed to have lived this lifestyle all their life, and therefore have a +1d2 inherant bonus to Strength and Constitution (and Dexterity, for Small barbarians) from the very start of their career. (This is balanced by the fact that barbarians have the weakest starting equipment of an class.) * Uncanny Dodge -- Like the rogue, the barbarian is possessed of preternatural agility and instincts that allow her to avoid harm. Starting at 2nd level and beyond, the barbarian is never caught flat- footed -- no matter how many rounds have passed since her last combat exchange, she is always alert. At 4th level, her uncanny instincts allow her to wake alert if she has an encounter while resting, avoiding being flat-footed, vulnerable to Coup de Grace attacks and being able to act immediately as the encounter begins. At 5th level and above, she suffers no ill effects from having enemies on either side and is effectively immune to flanking. Starting at 6th level and above, the barbarian recieves gradually increasing bonuses to all saving throws against traps -- her instincts tell her exactly when to dodge or pull back. Levels of this ability from the barbarian and rogue classes stack. * Spellbreaker -- Barbarians recieve experience points for the destruction of magical items other then weapons or armor. When they destroy such an item, they recieve experience equal to that gained from killing a creature with a CR two below the item's level. Multiclass barbarians recieve a fraction of the experience proporational to their barbarian levels -- a barbarian 2/warrior 3 would recieve 2/5ths of the normal experience for breaking an item. Use the Break verb on the [Y]use menu to break items in your inventory. Characters with arcane spellcasting ability recieve no experience for destroying magical items. * Mighty Stroke -- Starting at 3rd level performing a Great Blow costs a barbarian only one fatigue point. When they achieve 6th level, they can perform this maneuver without expending any fatigue at all. * Small Barbarians -- In addition to the changes to the Berserk Rage ability listed above, barbarians from Small races also recieve the Defensive Roll ability (from the rogue's higher-level special ability list) upon attaining four combined levels of warrior, ranger, paladin, monk or barbarian. * Starting Benefits -- Barbarians start with a racially-determined heavy weapon, a loincloth and potentially hide armor. Their starting equipment is the weakest of any class, which balances the powerful inherant bonus a character who enters play as a barbarian gains. THE BARBARIAN Level Def Fort Refl Will Move Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +0 -- Rage (+4/+20%/+2) 2 +1 +3 +0 +0 +10% Never Flat-Footed 3 +1 +3 +1 +1 +10% Mighty Stroke I 4 +2 +4 +1 +1 +20% Rage (Less Fat.), Wake Alert 5 +2 +4 +1 +1 +20% Immune to Flanking 6 +3 +5 +2 +2 +30% Mighty Stroke II, Trap Sense +1 7 +3 +5 +2 +2 +30% Natural Armor +1, 8 +4 +6 +2 +2 +40% Rage (vs. Confus.) 9 +4 +6 +3 +3 +40% Trap Sense +2, Natural Armor +2 10 +5 +7 +3 +3 +50% Rage(+6/+30%/+3) 11 +5 +7 +3 +3 +50% Natural Armor +3 12 +6 +8 +4 +4 +60% Trap Sense +3 BARD HitDie: d6 Mana: d10 Skills: 8 Saves: fRW Defense: 1/3 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 50%, Melee 75%, Trown 75% This is not some merry minstrel or casual playwright, but a dynamic figure whose powerful charisma and diverse skills inspire and fortify those around him. The bard is a magnetic personality; admirers want to be near him, while enemies fear him. He's very world-learned and cosmopolitan, being familiar with many different legends and customs and having travelled to all manner of exotic lands. He dabbles in magic, scholarship, intrigue and skullduggery and even in the combat arts, not trusting any one field alone to protect him in the world. Like the Rogue, he relies first and foremost on his wits and charisma to get him out of trouble. Many Bards eventually join one of the bardic colleges that dot the world, ancient institutues of hallowed mystery, revered heritage and grand political power. The Bard is a jack-of-all-trades class, with a lot of diverse abilities. He has a wide selection of skills, including stealth, a dabbling of arcane magic and competant fighting skill with a wide variety of weapons and armor. He also has entirely unique abilities, such as the power to hearten and augment his allies supernaturally with music, and a diverse body of knowledge that gives him a good chance to automatically identify items and monsters. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the bard are Alchemy, Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Crafts, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Perform, Spellcraft, Swim, Tumble and Use Magic Device. CLASS FEATURES All the following are class features of the bard. * Proficiencies -- The bard is proficient with simple weapons, light weapons, short blades, daggers, archery and light armor. * Spells -- Though not nearly as skilled as wizards or druids, bards do dabble in magic. They cast spells from memory, having no need for spellbooks or paraphenelia. Their spell list lacks the raw power of the primary casters, but it is very diverse, including enchantments, illusions, minor evocations and even low-grade healing spells. Bards recieve one sorcerous spell level at every even class level, and start with a single, bonus 1st-level spell slot at 1st level. Bardic spells are not negatively impacted by light armor or shields. * Bardic Music -- Bards excel at performance, whether it be singing or using a musical instrument. In fact, bardic adventurers can create works so moving as to have a tangibly supernatural effect upon their audience. This ability is a valued secret passed down by the bardic colleges, and is the source of much mystique and legend. Bards can produce the following musical effects as they advance in level. All bardic music effects are based on a Perform skill check; creatures unwilling to be affected may counter with a Will-based saving throw. Bardic music does not affect mindless or deaf creatures, for obvious reasons, and has a range equal to the bard's Perform skill rating plus two. Each use of bardic music costs 1 Fatigue Point, unless otherwise noted. Maintaining a bardic music effect requires singing, which prevents spellcasting (barring the use of Vocalize Spell) and imposes a -2 circumstance penalty to attack and defense. You automatically stop singing whenever you change map screens as well. Inspire Courage (1st): The bard is able to inspire great valor in her allies and friends. When this bardsong is sung, all allies are freed from the effects of the Afraid status, and gain a morale bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the bard's Charisma modifier; for multiclass bards, this modifier is capped at their total bard levels. Fascination (3rd): The bard causes a single creature to become enraptured with his music, unable to move or attack for as long as she sings. Attacking the creature of otherwise inflicting damage will break the spell. A Will save against DC (10 + 1/2 bardic music levels + Charisma modifier) negates this effect. A bard with 10 levels of bardic music is skillful enough to fascinate entire groups of creatures -- when she uses this song, every hostile creature who can see and hear her is affected. Countersong (5nd): This ability allows a bard to counter sound-based mystical effects that might harm her or her allies, such as a banshee's wail or the shout spell. Inspire Competance (7th): The bard's music can inspire allies to great feats of heroism, granting them a competance bonus equal in magnitude to the bard's Charisma bonus (capped at bard level for multiclass characters) to attack rolls and saving throws. The effect also grants +15% attack speed per level of Charisma modifier, and twice the modifier to Defense Class. Hymn of the Phoenix Arisen (9th): The bard sings a primal, life-affirming ballad that establishes a kind of psychosomatic bond among herself and all allies who hear the song. Any healing effect on any member of the party thereafter affects all members of the party equally, whether from potion, spell or other source. Additionally, all listeners -- including the bard -- are treated as having a Fire Resistance equal to the bard's Perform skill rating and gaining six temporary Fatigue for the duration of the song. Spellbreaker Chant (11th): A bard with this level of ability is able to sing a baritone chant with intensely difficult phonetics that duplicate and confuse the verbal components used by spellcasters, hypnotically leading them to mispronounce syllables. Anyone attempting to cast a spell who can hear the chant must make a Concentration check opposed to an immediate Perform check by the bard. If the bard's check is higher, the spell is disrupted. Additionally, the spellcaster must then make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Bardic Music level + Charisma modifier) of become confused for 2d4 rounds. Dirge (13th, Uniplmemented): The deep harmonics of the bard's music evoke a supernatual dread and despair in all who hear it, causing them to become Afraid and flee for the length of the song. Inspire Greatness (15th, Uniplmemented): The bard's music augments the power, endurance and general heroic ability of her party, adding a morale bonus based on her roll to all of their attack and damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks and other rolls. She also grants them extra temporary Hit Dice (d10s) and the accompanying temporary hit points. Finally, her party is made immune to fatigue and fear effects for the duration of the song. Ensnare the Heart (18th, Uniplmemented): The bard is able to produce a strain of music so pure and beautiful that it will echo throughout the heartstrings of another for eternity, binding them to the bard's service willingly and gladly. Only one being may be so enthralled at a time, and that being's CR may not exceed the bard's level plus her Charisma bonus. No loyalty checks are made for this creature, and it does not count toward either the bard's party HD or summoned/charmed HD. * Legend Lore -- Bards are familiar with a wide variety of legends, and have a reasonable chance of identifying any item or monster on sight. A bard makes a one-time lore check when first picking up any unidentified item; success allows the bard to fully identify the item. The check is not a skill check, but an opposed roll of the character's bard levels versus the item's own level. Bards have a similar chance to identify monsters completely upon first inflicting damage upon a given monster. * Storycraft -- Artifacts are more then magical items; they are legends. Quite literally, an artifact gains its enchantment not from a mage's workings, but from the shifting of the tapestry of fate and the recognition and blessing of the gods after a legendary deed is performed with it. Even normal magical items gain power when the raw stuff of stories is woven around them. Bards tell stories, craft reputation and carve the very fabric of legend with their words. Needless to say, this gives them no small degree of power over magical items and artifacts. In game terms, every bard level taken after the first gives a character the ability to increase the magical plus of any single magical item by one. This can only be done if doing so would not increase the item's Item Level to a greater total then the bard's [Bard Level + Charisma modifier]. The increase is permanent and irreversable, and is not refunded if the item is destroyed. [ In the full-release version of Incursion, this will only be possible in a tavern, where the bard can tell stories to an appreuciative audience. In this version, it can be done anywhere, at any time. In the full release, bards will also gain the following ability related to magical items: If a bard performs a legendary deed -- killing a quest nemesis or a creature whose Challenge Rating is six or more above his own -- using a magical item, that item has a chance (5% per bard level) of becoming an artifact and gaining extra powers. ] * Bonus Feats -- Reflecting the diverse tricks they pick up on their travels, bards gain a bonus feat slot at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels. These feats may be chosen from any feat in the game that does not have another feat as a prerequisite. * Starting Equipment -- Bards start with a musical instrument, a short bow and light melee weapon (if they don't already have better from a different source), noble attire and a significant supply of gold -- the largest allotment of any class. Bards, as the most social class, also start out with a humanoid companion willing to quest with them to explore the dungeon and discover new treasures under a kind of apprenticeship. THE BARD Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Inspire Courage 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 +1 CL, Storycraft 3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Fascination 4 +1 +1 +4 +4 +1 CL, bonus feat 5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Countersong 6 +2 +2 +5 +5 +1 caster level 7 +2 +2 +5 +5 Inspire Competance 8 +3 +2 +6 +6 +1 CL, bonus feat 9 +3 +3 +6 +6 Mass Fascination 10 +3 +3 +7 +7 +1 caster level 11 +4 +3 +7 +7 Inspire Heroism 12 +4 +4 +8 +8 +1 CL, bonus feat DRUID {DR} HitDie: d8 Mana: d12 Skills: 6 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/3 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 100%, Melee 75%, Thrown 50% Revered and mysterious nature priests, the Druids are an invisible faction on Therya. They are rarely seen, and those that are most often are neither imposing nor terrible, but their agenda -- the pursuit of political balance and stability -- weaves its tentacles into every level of society none the less. They have been accused of worshipping the status quo as a religious ideal, and its quite true that their militant neutrality holds a complete disregard for most civilized ideas of morality. In truth, they see man as just another beast -- one who can be nurtured when his presence supports the balance of elements in an area, and trimmed back when he exceeds his natural niche. Druids collect knowledge, the better to manipulate people with, and have a strict and secret hierarchy of their own that has endured for millenia. A beginning Druid character is not recognized as a true Druid in the social sense; rather, she is an Initiate, a journeyman in training to become a true Druid. Regardless, the character's powers include mighty elemental magics, shapechanging and a natural affinity for nature that grants her the companionship of animals and allows her to sway many types of natural monsters to her side. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the druid are Animal Empathy, Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Oceans), Knowledge (Theyra), Ride, Spellcraft, Swim and Wilderness Lore. Druids recieve Bluff and Diplomacy as class skills at 9th level, when they take on the full formal title of Druid and begin moving within the worldwide hierarchy of the Druidic Enclaves. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the druid. * Proficiencies -- The druid is proficient with simple weapons, quarterstaves, sickles, scimitars, scythes, short bows and light armor. * Spells -- Druids cast primal spells from the special druid spell list, which includes magics relating to plants, animals, natural forces and elemental power. They have a full spellcasting progression, just like mages and clerics. Like priests, druids can cast spells while wearing armor. However, druids suffer an 80% spell failure rate while wearing metallic armor and when holding metallic items in their hands. Leather, hide, ironwood and darkwood are all favored materials for the druid, and do not invoke this penalty. * Nature Sense -- At 2nd level, a druid gains a flawless mystical knowledge of plants and natural animals, and can identify such with perfect accuracy. Specifically, the druid may automatically identify the different magical herbs and mushrooms that grow in dungeons and can be used as components or enhancers for spells and poisons, or as magical treasures in their own right. * Animal Companions -- Druids can tame animals using their Animal Empathy class skill, and if successful add those companions to their adventuring party. A druid character recieves a free 'buffer' of (approximately) two hit dice per druid level for animal companions; these hit dice worth of animals do not count toward the total hit dice of the party for purposes of party loyalty checks or gaining new party members. Levels of this ability from the druid and ranger classes stack. * Woodland Stride -- Starting at 3rd level, a druid's movement rate is never modified negatively by the terrain she is standing on (as with brambles, hedges, rubble or webbing). * Pass Without Trace -- At 3th level, the druid may use the pass without trace spell at will as a spell-like ability. This spell (which is not currently implemented) will make it effectively impossible for encounters to chase after a character on the wilderness screen. * Vitality of Life -- At 4th level and above, druids recieve a +2 bonus to saving throws versus necromantic damage and effects. * Sylvan Affinity -- Also starting at 4th level, true faeries and faerie creatures (not mere elves) will never attack the druid unless she attacks them first, as a result of ancient pacts between Maeve and the druidic circles dating back millenia. * Wild Shape -- Upon reaching 5th level, the druid gains the ability to shapechange into any natural animal of CR 3 or lower. This is largely identical to a mage's polymorph spell, but the druid is able to pick the animal form she wishes to take, and may terminate the effect at will. Using wild shape costs a druid one fatigue point. Unlike a polymorphed creature, a wildshaped druid retains the benefits of equipped magic items in 'unavailable' slots (e.g., a ring of the inferno will continue to provide fire resistance even if your new form has no fingers). In the full release game, higher level druids will be able to change into dire animals, legendary animals, mythic beasts and even elementals as they advance in level. * Venom Immunity -- Druids of 7th level and above are completely immune to poisons and toxins; their body is able to instantly metabolize such noxious foriegn agents. * Starting Benefits -- Druids begin the game with either a quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear or scythe, a short bow (if they don't already have better), a random magical ring, robes and extra potions of healing and dimension door. All wooden items are instead from darkwood and are thus twice as durable. All iron items are instead made from ironwood. THE DRUID Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Animal Companions 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 Nature Sense 3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Woodland Stride, Pass without Trace 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 Sylvan Affinity, Vitality of Life 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 Wild Shape 6 +2 +5 +2 +5 7 +2 +5 +2 +5 Venom Immunity 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 9 +3 +6 +3 +6 Bluff, Diplomacy 10 +3 +7 +3 +7 11 +4 +7 +3 +7 12 +4 +8 +4 +8 MAGE {MA} HitDie: d4 Mana: d20 Skills: 4 Saves: frW Defense: 1/5 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 50%, Thrown 50% Powerful, mysterious and feared, the mage is a student of the arcane arts and a seeker of occult mysteries. Most mages adventure to gain access to ancient, powerful magics and to hone their spellcasting prowess. The lifestyle of a mage is tiring, combining academic focus with a draining of vital forces to power eldritch magics; as such, mages tend to be weaker than other adventurers, but they are second to none in the sheer bredth of their magical knowledge. There are many, many mages on Theyra. Most are mere prestidigitators, having learned a few parlor tricks to enliven their lives. The most serious often find their way to the High College of Wizardry in Erisia and study high ritual magic full-time, initiating into one of the seven gemstone orders (Ruby, Opal, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire or Amethyst) that govern the formalized study of magic in the Kinlands. Others scribe ancient secrets from librams purchased or stolen, keeping a fierce independance in their studies. Regardless, the mage is a figure of awe and fear to his fellow man, and even millenia past the memory of the Mage Wars still taints the image of the wizard. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the mage are Alchemy, Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (all), Metamagic and Spellcraft. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the mage. * Proficiencies -- The mage is proficient only with daggers and staves. Few mages rely upon material weapons with any regularity. * Spells -- Mages recieve one spellcasting level for every mage class level they possess. Mage spells must be studied and cast from spellbooks, and are all but impossible to cast while wearing armor. However, the mage spell list is the most flexible and diverse list in Incursion. They have access to all arcane spells, though they must study them from a spellbook in order to learn them. * Magical Diversity -- The arcane knowledge of mages is truly peerless, unequalled among all the other classes. Mages gain two bonus spell slots of every spell level they can cast, the level after they gain access to that level of spells. Thus, mages gain two bonus 1st-level slots at 2nd level, two bonus 3rd-level spell slots at 6th level, and so forth. * Arcane Will -- The spellcasting power of elder mages exceeds that of any other class. The arcane will ability represents this superior power by increasing the DC of saving throws against all mage spells cast by the character in question. Mages recieve a +1 arcane will at 8th, +2 at 11th, +3 at 13th, +4 at 17th and +5 at 19th. * Skill Benefits -- Representing their supreme mastery of the magical arts, mages recieve a +1 competance bonus to Decipher Script, Metamagic, Spellcraft and Use Magic every level starting at 10th level. * School Specialist -- All mages choose one of nine schools of magic (Abjuration, Arcana, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Thaumaturgy or Weavecraft) in which to focus their study; mages may not specialize in Theurgy or Naturalism. This choice modifies their spell success rates for spells of every school, with the highest modifier going to the mage's school of choice. Specialization also determines what the third spellbook the mage enters play with is, which has a strong influence on spell selection in the early game. * Bonus Feats -- All mages recieve the Scribe Scroll feat for free at 1st level. In addition, mages recieve a bonus feat chosen from either the Metamagic or Item Creation feat lists at every 5th level -- 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and so forth. * Starting Benefits -- Mages start with a quarterstaff and daggers, potions of mana, a stone +2 of channeling, a collection of scrolls and the spellbooks [Adventurer's Arts] and [Fundamentals of Magick], along with two specific to their chosen specialty school. Illusionists also start with 2d4 scrolls of Improved Phantasmal Force and 1d3+1 scrolls of Spectral Force, to help them face monsters immune to lower-level illusions. THE MAGE Spells Known Level Def Fort Refl Will Specials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Scribe S. 1 - - - - - - - - 2 +0 +0 +0 +3 2 - - - - - - - - 3 +0 +1 +1 +3 2 1 - - - - - - - 4 +0 +1 +1 +4 3 2 - - - - - - - 5 +1 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Ft. 3 2 1 - - - - - - 6 +1 +2 +2 +5 4 3 2 - - - - - - 7 +1 +2 +2 +5 5 4 3 1 - - - - - 8 +1 +2 +2 +6 A.Will +1 6 5 3 2 - - - - - 9 +1 +3 +3 +6 6 6 3 3 1 - - - - 10 +2 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Ft. 7 6 4 3 2 - - - - 11 +2 +3 +3 +7 A.Will +2 7 7 5 4 3 - - - - 12 +2 +4 +4 +8 7 7 5 4 4 1 - - - MONK {MO} HitDie: d8 Mana: d4 Skills: 6 Saves: FRW Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 100%, Melee 75%, Thrown 75% An asectic mystic, the monk disciplines his mind, body and spirit to perform incredible feats. Monks uphold the traditions of mysticism and martial arts in the Kinlands, and their practices and rituals date back nearly two millenia. Once, at least in mythology, all monks were united in perfect worship of Immotian, but that unity has long since been lost, and now every monastary teaches a different ideology and tradition of worship. A monk owes absolute loyalty to his monastary and his patron father, at least in theory. In addition to their legendary prowess with martial arts, monks practice calligraphy, meditative trances, lucid dreaming and scholarship. Monastaries boast private libraries that often rival the largest government institutions of major cities, and these private collections often boast mystical works that have long since been lost to the public eye. Despite their spiritual focus, there is a great deal of worldly politics at the higher levels of the average monastary. Some are xenophobic, others militant, but no elder monk is unaware of the degree of real power their mystic secrets and martial skill gives them in the world. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the monk are Alchemy, Appraise, Athletics, Balance, Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Find Weakness, Healing, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Mythology, Nature, Planes, Theyra and Theology), Listen, Move Silently, Poison Use, Spot and Tumble. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the monk. * Proficiencies -- Monks are proficient with staves, thrown weapons and their own special catagory of martial weapons. They have no proficiency with any type of armor or shields. * Unarmed Attack -- Monks do not provoke an attack of opportunity when they attack an armed foe unarmed. In addition, they inflict additional damage with their bare-hand attacks, as shown on the class table below. Monks that have a natural attack sequence (i.e., lizardfolk and kobolds) can choose to punch and kick as human monks do, or to use their natural attack sequence and gain a +1 inherant bonus to hit and damage using their natural attacks every even monk level. This choice is made on the tactical options panel. * Stun Attack -- A monk's attacks have a chance of stunning their opponent. Whenever a monk scores a critical hit or performs a Great Blow, or on 1 in 3 randomly chosen normal attacks, an enemy who is hit must make a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + the monk's Wisdom modifier, or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. * Flurry of Blows -- At the cost of one fatigue point, a monk can perform a Flurry of Blows, increasing her unarmed speed, and speed when using martial weapons, by 100% for (10 + Wisdom modifier) rounds. The monk suffers a -2 penalty to her attacks while flurrying; this decreases to -1 at 5th level and to nothing at 9th. * Increased Move -- Monks inherantly move faster than other creatures. A monk recieves a +20% bonus to her movement rate at every odd level starting at 3rd. * Evasion -- Starting at 1st level, when a monk successfully makes a Reflex saving throw against an area-effect attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage (such as a dragon's fiery breath or a mage's lightning bolt), he takes no damage at all. At 9th level and above, the monk takes only half damage on a failed Saving Throw. Levels of this ability from the monk and rogue classes stack. * Zen Defense -- At 1st level, the monk recieves the Zen Defense feat for free. This allows her to add her Wisdom modifier, if positive, to her defense class. * Deflect Arrows -- At 2nd level, the monk recieves the Deflect Arrows feat for free, even if she does not meet the normal prerequisites. * Still Mind -- At 3rd level, the monk gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus enchantment effects, representing her superior mental discipline. * Slow Fall -- Starting at 4th level, the monk gains the ability to avoid or reduce falling damage. She takes 5 points off of all falling damage at 4th level, and an additional 5 points every even level thereafter. * Master Trip, Disarm -- The monk recieves the Master Trip and Master Disarm feats for free at 5th level. * Purity of Body -- Upon reaching 6th level, the monk learns to purify her body completely, and is forever after completely immune to diseases. * Leap of the Clouds -- Upon reaching 7th level, the monk attains a mystical prowess at jumping, gaining a +10 competance bonus to all Jump skill rolls. * Wholeness of Body -- Also beginning at 7th level, the monk is able to heal injuries to her body through meditative exercizes. At the cost of four fatigue points, the monk may heal three times her full character level in hit points simply by focusing her mind. * Diamond Body -- Starting at 10th level, the monk has perfected her body to the extent that she is completely immune to poisons of all kinds. * Abundant Step -- At 11th level, the monk gains the ability to use dimension door at will as a spell-like ability. * Transcendant Sight -- at 12th level, the monk gains the inherant ability to see invisible creatures. * Small Monks -- Starting at 3rd level, monks of races who are naturally Small size (kobolds, gnomes and halflings) learn to use the size of other races against them, and recieve the Redirect Attack feat for free. Monks that are Medium-sized or larger do not gain this benefit. Small monks also never suffer a penalty to damage when fighting unarmed as a result of a low Strength score. Finally, Small races recieve the Defensive Roll ability (from the rogue's higher-level special ability list) upon attaining four combined levels of warrior, ranger, paladin, monk or barbarian. * Starting Benefits -- Monks start with a sizable stock of potions of dimension door, robes, a martial arts melee weapon (quarterstaff, fighting stick or 2 nunchaku) and a chakram. Evil monks also begin with a randomly chosen vial of poison. THE MONK Level Def Fort Refl Will Damage Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +2 +2 1d6 Evasion, Zen Defense 2 +1 +3 +3 +3 1d8 Deflect Arrows 3 +1 +3 +3 +3 1d10 Still Mind, Redirect 4 +2 +4 +4 +4 1d10 Slow Fall, Ki St. +1 5 +2 +4 +4 +4 1d12 Master Trip, Master Disarm 6 +3 +5 +5 +5 1d12 Purity of Body 7 +3 +5 +5 +5 4d4 Leap of the Clouds, Wholeness of Body 8 +4 +6 +6 +6 4d4 Ki Strike +2 9 +4 +6 +6 +6 3d6 Improved Evasion 10 +5 +7 +7 +7 3d6 Diamond Body 11 +5 +7 +7 +7 1d20 Abundant Step 12 +6 +8 +8 +8 1d20 Transcendant Sight PALADIN {PA} HitDie: d10 Mana: d8 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 75%, Melee 100%, Thrown 75% Like Priests, Paladins are holy warriors, and they share the most kinship with that class, but they are not the masterful theurgists that their contemporaries are. Though deeply religious, they draw their power primarily from the metaphysical force of good itself. Seeming to be the very embodiement of virtue, the Paladin lives by a rigourous code but shines brighter than the sun itself, an example to all those around them. Paladins are exceedingly rare in contrast to the other classes, each being a personally selected champion of virtue. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the paladin are Appraise, Athletics, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Healing, Knowledge (Planes, Theology, Theyra and Undead), Ride and Seneschal. CLASS FEATURES All the following are class features of the paladin. * Proficiencies -- Paladins are proficient with simple weapons, long blades, polearms, lances and flails, as well as with all categories of armor. * Lay on Hands -- At will, a paladin can lay his hands upon himself or another living creature, causing them to heal hit points of damage equal to 2d6 plus his level multiplied by his primary Charisma modifier plus two (minimum 1). This healing costs two fatigue points, but no mana. * Divine Grace -- The paladin benefits from an extraordinary, sacred protection from harm. His primary Charisma modifier (if any) is added as a grace bonus to all of his saving throws. This ability is gained at 2nd level. * Divine Health -- A paladin is immune to all diseases, except for those gained from eating the corpses of fallen foes (which isn't very paladin-like anyway. Starting at 3rd level, the paladin gains the spell Cure Disease as an innate spell-like ability. * Detect Evil -- Paladins can cast the spell Detect Evil as an innate ability, allowing them to locate all evil creatures within 250 feet (25 squares). * Smite Evil -- Whenever a paladin performs a Great Blow maneuver against an evil creature, he adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to the attack roll, and if he hits he also adds his paladin level to the damage that he inflicts. * Aura of Valor -- Starting at second level, a paladin is immune to fear, and grants any allies within 3 squares of him a +1 bonus to save versus fear effects for every even paladin level he possesses. This ability is innate and always active. * Turn Undead -- Starting at third level, a paladin may turn undead just as a priest of two levels lower does. * Divine Magic -- Starting at 4th level, the paladin is able to cast a limited number of divine spells. He recieves one divine casting level for every even paladin level thereafter. * Sacred Mount -- Starting at 5th level, the paladin can summon a specially-bonded mount from the Upper Planes to serve him in the corporeal world. This creature usually has the celestial template, as well as a +10 sacred bonus to it defense class. Paladins start out with a celestial warhorse (or something similar as suits their race) for a sacred mount. If the mount is slain in combat, it vanishes rather than truly dying, and can be summoned back by the paladin after resting. At 7th, 9th and 11th level, the paladin recieves the ability to summon superior, mythic creatures as mounts. The creature the paladin recieves is fixed based on his race, but rumors speak of holy knights riding upon even young dragons as their steeds... * Small Paladins -- It's unusual for members of the Small races to become paladins -- the class's focus on head-on confrontation and resolute fortitude isn't the best match for their usual methodology. To offset this weakness, the gods grant a special boon to members of the Small races who show the courage and resilience to become paladins, granting them a +1 sacred bonus to melee damage and inherant armor at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 12th and 16th levels. Small races also recieve the Defensive Roll ability (from the rogue's higher-level special ability list) upon attaining four combined levels of warrior, ranger, paladin, monk or barbarian. * Starting Benefits -- Paladins start with a +1 sword (a small long sword for small races, otherwise a long sword), a light lance, a kite shield (or buckler for small races), potions of healing, vials of holy water, a holy symbol, noble attire and a suitable mount. Their best melee weapon gains the Holy quality. THE PALADIN Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Lay on Hands, Smite Evil, Immune to Diseases 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 Aura of Valor, Divine Grace 3 +0 +3 +1 +3 Turn Undead, Cure Disease 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 +1 caster level 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 Sacred Mount I 6 +1 +5 +2 +5 +1 caster level 7 +1 +5 +2 +5 Sacred Mount II 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 +1 caster level 9 +2 +6 +3 +6 Sacred Mount III 10 +2 +7 +3 +7 +1 caster level 11 +2 +7 +3 +7 Sacred Mount IV 12 +3 +8 +4 +8 +1 caster level PRIEST {PR} HitDie: d8 Mana: d12 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 75%, Melee 75%, Thrown 75% The servants of the gods are as many and varied as the gods themselves, each deticated heart and soul to the ethos of his patron. Yet the adventuring priest is not a casual minister or greedy cleric, but a holy warrior and sacred theurgist rolled into one package. Working closely with the (far rarer) paladins, priests do the will of their diety by pushing forth civilization and carrying the Word into the deepest night to bright light from darkness. Adventuring priests often consider themselves to be the special foes of undead, whom they hunt relentlessly; less benevolant priests extend this attitude to witches as well. The priest casts divine spells, which focus on empowerment, healing, divination, protection and the support of the group more than on direct power. He gains access to domains that allow him extra themed spells and special powers in line with his god's portfolio -- a harvest-priest is quite different from a battle- priest. Priests are also competant warriors -- not as skilled as the militant classes, but above the likes of mages, bards or rogues. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the priest are Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Healing, Metamagic, Seneschal, Spellcraft, and Theology. Priest characters may also recieve certain bonus class skills, if their god offers them one or more Domains that grant such. CLASS FEATURES All the following are class features of the priest. * Proficiencies -- Priests are proficient with simple weapons, impact weapons, flails and light or medium armor. Each priest is also proficient with the one specific weapon that is a chosen weapon of his diety. * Spellcasting -- Priests cast divine spells from the priest spell list, which focuses on healing, divination, protection and the augmentation of combat ability. They recieve one spellcasting level for every class level, and learn spells simply by praying -- priests have no need for spellbooks. A priest must have his holy symbol equipped in the amulet slot or in a hand slot in order to cast spells, however. * Domains -- Every god has a portfolio, a sphere of influence over which he has authority. This protectorate is described in game terms by two Domains that the diety grants to his priests. Each Domain gives a priest a special granted power, as well as nine spells, one of each spell level. As soon as the priest reaches the class level to be able to cast a certain level of spell, she may spend spell slots to learn the two spells of the appropriate level from her god's Domains. Priests gain one extra spell slot per known spell level and this extra spell slot is typically used to learn a domain spell. * Turn Undead -- By channeling positive energy and holy eminations, a priest can rattle, terrify, wound or even annihilate undead creatures. Turning undead costs the priest three fatigue points, and may have a variety of baneful effects on all nearby undead, based on the level of the priest in contrast with the power of the undead he is trying to affect. Evil priests rebuke or command undead, not turn them, but all player character priests in this release of Incursion are assumed to be good or neutral aligned -- even if they worship and evil god. Priest and paladin levels stack together for the purposes of turning undead. * Starting Benefits -- Priests start with a mace, their diety's chosen weapon, potions of healing and vials of holy water. All priest starting weapons are blessed. THE PRIEST Spells Known Level Def Fort Refl Will 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 1+3 - - - - - - 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 2+3 - - - - - - 3 +0 +3 +1 +3 2+3 1+3 - - - - - 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 3+3 2+3 - - - - - 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 3+3 2+3 1+3 - - - - 6 +1 +5 +2 +5 4+3 3+3 2+3 - - - - 7 +1 +5 +2 +5 5+3 4+3 3+3 1+3 - - - 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 6+3 5+3 3+3 2+3 - - - 9 +2 +6 +3 +6 6+3 6+3 3+3 3+3 1+3 - - 10 +2 +7 +3 +7 7+3 6+3 4+3 3+3 2+3 - - 11 +2 +7 +3 +7 7+3 7+3 5+3 4+3 3+3 - - 12 +3 +8 +4 +8 7+3 7+3 5+3 4+3 4+3 1+3 - (Note that priests do recieve 8th and 9th level spells at the same rate mages do, along with three bonus 8th and three bonus 9th level spells -- there just isn't room to show this on the chart.) RANGER {RA} HitDie: d8 Mana: d8 Skills: 8 Saves: FRw Defense: 1/3 +toHit: Archery 100%, Brawl 75%, Melee 100%, Thrown 100% The hunter, the archer, the woodsman, the explorer, the tracker, the forester -- all these have the seeds of a Ranger in them, but a Ranger exceed them all. The superlative masters of the woodlands, the Ranger combines stealth, nature skill and martial prowess into a deadly, effective package. Heroic Rangers often act as the hand of the law outside of the cities, protecting innocent villages from the depridations of vile humanoids, while others stalk and hunt men in one form or another, or simply remove themselves from society utterly to commune with nature. The Ranger is a formidable fighter. Rangers have a variety of wilderness-oriented skills, including the valued stealth skills, and diverse special abilities to aid their role: tracking, bonuses against studied enemies, weapon skill, traceless passage, bonus combat feats oriented toward archery and two weapon-fighting and a dabbling of nature-oriented magics at the higher levels. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the ranger are Animal Empathy, Climb, Craft, Find Weakness, Healing, Hide, Intuition, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Oceans), Knowledge (Theyra), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Spot, Swimming and Wilderness Lore. CLASS FEATURES All the following are class features of the ranger. * Proficiencies -- Rangers are proficient with all simple weapons, long blades, short blades, axes, archery, thrown weapons, staves and spears, and with light armor and shields. * Animal Companions -- Rangers can tame animals using their Animal Empathy class skill, and if successful add those companions to their adventuring party. A ranger character recieves a free 'buffer' of (approximately) two hit dice per ranger level for animal companions; these hit dice worth of animals do not count toward the total hit dice of the party for purposes of party loyalty checks or gaining new party members. Levels of this ability from the druid and ranger classes stack. * Tracking -- The ranger's tracking ability is a combination of mundane tracking skill, keenly honed intuition and a mystical kind of insight. Once a ranger of 2nd level or higher somehow notices a creature (via normal sight, scent, infravision, or whatnot), she begins tracking it. Thereafter it will always appear on the map even if it is not in the ranger's direct field of vision. The monster's location will be known as long as it is within 100 feet (10 squares) of the ranger and no more than 10 turns have passed. These limits increase by 20 feet (2 squares) and 2 turns with each additional ranger level. Since this is a partially mystical ability, it will even allow the ranger to keep track of a creature that has teleported or shifted into another plane and it will allow the ranger to track creatures with her eyes closed. Since the creature must be noticed initially before tracking can take place, a well-honed Spot skill is important. Tracked enemies can be targeted with spells or arrows (etc.) even if they are out of the range of normal sight. * Lore of Arms -- Like warriors, rangers are extremely well versed in the ins and outs of weapons. Every even level as a ranger counts as a warrior level would for advancing this ability (which is described under the warrior class), and ranger and warrior levels in Lore of Arms stack. * Favored Enemies -- The ranger is at heart a hunter, and she makes a practice of knowing her enemies. By studying different types of creatures estensively, the ranger gains bonuses in combat against those she specializes in stalking. These bonus begin at +1 to hit and damage and increase by +1 for every 4 full ranger levels. A ranger begins with one favored enemy, and gains another at every fifth ranger level. * Woodland Stride -- Starting at 3rd level, a ranger's movement rate is never modified negatively by the terrain she is standing on (as with brambles, hedges, rubble or webbing). * Combat Style -- Starting at 1st level, rangers must choose one of the three ranger combat styles: archery, skirmish or two-weapon. Based on their choice, they recieve pre-set bonus feats at 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th and 15th level. If they already have a feat inherantly, they recieve the next one in the progression; if the progression is complete and the ranger gains a bonus feat, they will gain one of the following instad: Woodsman, Endurance, Alertness, Toughness. Rangers do not need to meet the prerequisites for feats gained from their combat style, but the feats only function if the ranger is wearing light or no armor. Archery -- This combat style gives the ranger the Rapid Shot feat at 1st, the Point-Blank Shot feat at 3rd, Defensive Shot at 7th, Zen Archery at 11th and Aimed Shot at 15th. Two-Weapon -- This combat style gives the ranger the Two-Weapon Style feat at 1st, the Ambidexterity feat at 3rd, Defensive Synergy at 7th, Two-Weapon Tempest at 11th and Twin Weapon Style at 15th. Skirmish -- This combat style gives the ranger the Sneaky feat at 1st, the Backstab feat at 3rd, the Expert Tactician feat at 7th, the Mobility feat at 11th and the Deft Opportunist feat at 15th. * Spellcasting -- Rangers dabble with magic, being able to cast a few nature-oriented spells from a subset of the druid spell list. They gain one spellcasting chart level at 4th level, and an additional spell level for every even ranger class level thereafter. * Fasting -- Being well accustomed to the harsh ways of the wilderness, rangers are able to survive for extended periods on much less food than other creatures; they get hungry at 1/3rd the rate of other characters. Multi-classed rangers recieve this advantage in proportion to the amount of their total levels that are ranger levels. * Size Advantage -- Much like Small warriors, Small rangers train to fight larger creatures by exploiting their vulnerabilities, and thus gain reduced threat ranges just as warriors do. For rangers, this training is delayed by two levels, so they recieve a -1 threat range at 3rd level, -2 at 5th and so forth. Warrior and ranger levels in this ability stack. Small races also recieve the Defensive Roll ability (from the rogue's higher-level special ability list) upon attaining four combined levels of warrior, ranger, paladin, monk or barbarian. * Starting Benefits -- Rangers start with a mighty long bow +2 (or a short bow for small races, or a quick-loading arbalest +1 for dwarves and gnomes), a miscellaneous magic item designed for stealth or mobility, a racially-determined melee weapon and peasant garb. Any starting ranger missile gains a +1 bonus. THE RANGER Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +0 Bonus Feat, Fast., 1st Fav. Enemy 2 +0 +3 +0 +0 Tracking, LoreArms 3 +1 +3 +1 +1 Woodland Stride, Bonus Feat 4 +1 +4 +1 +1 +1 caster level 5 +1 +4 +1 +1 2nd Favored Enemy 6 +2 +5 +2 +2 +2 caster level 7 +2 +5 +2 +2 Bonus Feat 8 +2 +6 +2 +2 +3 caster level 9 +3 +6 +3 +3 10 +3 +7 +3 +3 3rd Favored Enemy, +4 caster level 11 +3 +7 +3 +3 Bonus Feat 12 +4 +8 +4 +4 +5 caster level ROGUE {RO} HitDie: d6 Mana: d6 Skills: 12 Saves: fRw Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 75%, Melee 75%, Thrown 75% She might be a cutpurse, a wayfarer, an assassin, a scoundrel or simply an everywoman who slipped into the adventuring life and chose to rely on quick wits, light fingers, clever plans and stealth instead of might or magic. Regardless, she's a rogue, and the world is like an oyster to her. Members of this class are not powerful, and can be difficult to play effectively, but their grab-bag abilities and wide range of skills make them highly proficient in areas where other characters would be helpless. Rogues have only a d6 for Hit Dice and mediocre combat skills (though they can be quite proficient as archers or using thrown weapons) but they recieve the most skill points, and the widest selection of class skills, of any class in the game. This means that if they can survive the dungeon, they have a lot of unusual options open to them for advancing, and for gaining valuable magic items. Rogues inflict extra damage when attacking from surprise, have excellent defense values and gain a number of special abilities describing their danger sense, good instincts and ability to avoid harmful surprises. CLASS SKILLS More than any other character type, the rogue depends upon her skills. The class skills of the rogue are Alchemy, Appraise, Athletics, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Disguise, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Find Weakness, Healing, Hide, Ride, Intimidate, Intuition, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Lockpicking, Move Silently, Perform, Pick Pocket, Poison Use, Searching, Spot, Tumble and Use Magic Device. Like all classes that recieve 8 or more base skill points per level, the Rogue doubles his Intelligence bonus for determining skill points gained every level. CLASS FEATURES All the following are class features of the rogue. * Proficiencies -- The rogue is proficient with all simple weapons, daggers, short blades, thrown weapons, flexible weapons, archery and light armor. * Sneak Attack -- A rogue has the ability to inflict extra dice of damage when they can attack an opponent in such a manner as to slip past their defenses. The rogue gains 1d6 points of bonus damage on sneak attacks at 1st level, and another 1d6 for every odd rogue level she possesses; for example, a fifth level rogue gains +3d6 points of damage on a successful sneak attack. Certain weapons are expecially useful for sneak attacks and allow the rogue to roll eight-sided dice instead, while an unskilled unarmed sneak attack is only rolled on four-sided dice. Creatures which are immune to critical hits are also immune to the bonus damage of a rogue's sneak attack. The damage from a sneak attack is not multiplied if that attack also turns out to be a critical hit. A rogue can peform a sneak attack in the following situations: Surprise: If the rogue can take her target completely by surprise -- that is, the target is unaware of the rogue's presence, usually due to her using Hide and Move Silently -- then she can perform a sneak attack. Flat-Footed: If a rogue can catch her enemy flat-footed (i.e., strike the first blow against a given enemy that has been out of combat for several rounds before it can respond and attempt to strike her), she gets her sneak attack damage. Flanking: If a rogue has an ally in the square directly opposite her, and an enemy trapped between the two of them, the enemy must turn her back partially on the rogue, and she can thus gain her sneak attack damage. Exposure: If an enemy is unable to focus her defenses as a result of being stunned, paralyzed, charging, off-balance after performing a Great Blow or is currently engaging in grappling combat with someone other then the rogue, then the rogue can gain her sneak attack damage on all attacks against that creature. Sneak attacks require freedom of movement, and a rogue cannot perform them while she is grappled or ensnared. * Evasion -- Starting at 2nd level, when a rogue successfully makes a Reflex saving throw against an area-effect attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage (such as a dragon's fiery breath or a mage's lightning bolt), he takes no damage at all. At 10th level and above, the rogue takes only half damage on a failed Saving Throw. Levels of this ability from the monk and rogue classes stack. * Uncanny Dodge -- Like the barbarian, the rogue is possessed of preternatural agility and instincts that allow her to avoid harm. Starting at 3rd level and beyond, the rogue is never caught flat- footed -- no matter how many rounds have passed since her last combat exchange, she is always alert. At 5th level, her uncanny instincts allow her to wake alert if she has an encounter while resting, avoiding being flat-footed, vulnerable to Coup de Grace attacks and being able to act immediately as the encounter begins. At 6th level and above, she suffers no ill effects from having enemies on either side and is effectively immune to flanking. Starting at 9th level and above, the rogue recieves gradually increasing bonuses to all saving throws against traps -- her instincts tell her exactly when to dodge or pull back. Levels of this ability from the barbarian and rogue classes stack. * Stealth -- While rangers and, in truth, members of any class can gain skill with stealth, rogues excel at it beyond all others. They recieve a +1 class bonus to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently at 8th level and this bonus increases by 1 for every even level thereafter. * Special Abilities -- Starting at 6th level, and then every third level thereafter (at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th), a rogue can choose one of the following special abilities: Trick Magic: A Rogue possessed of this ability can use her Bluff and Use Magic skills in conjunct to 'trick' a magic item normally reserved for a specific race, class or alignment into accepting her as a legitimite wielder. The strength of this ability is based on the sum of her Use Magic and Bluff skill ratings, with a total of 30 or higher allowing her to use nearly any item she might find. Skill Mastery: This rogue has achieved such a transcendant mastery of her skills that she is always guaranteed some minimum degree of success. The lowest she can ever roll on any skill roll for a rogue class skill (i.e., the 1d20 roll, not the entire skill check) is 7 + her intelligence modifier (maximum 15). If the roll would normally come out lower, it is adjusted up to this level. Thus a rogue with Intelligence 18, Move Silently +13 and this ability would always score at least 24 on a Move Silently check. No Mind: In studying this ability, a rogue learns a number of meditative exercises and philosophies that she can apply to attain a state of transcendant nothingness. Thereafter, she is invisible to telepathy as an innate, permanent and non-magical ability. Crippling Strike: Whenever a rogue possessed of this ability successfully executes a sneak attack against a creature with blood, the attack inflicts a bleeding wound, causing the victim to lose a number of hit points each turn from blood loss equal to the total of the rogue's sneak attack dice. The bleeding lasts for 1d6+1 turns; further sneak attacks on a creature already bleeding as a result of this ability do not increase the bleeding damage; instead, they extend its duration for 1d6 rounds per strike. Slippery Mind: A rogue with this ability has naturally trained mental defenses against enchantment effects. At the end of the turn after she succumbed to some form of enchantment, she may make a second saving throw with a +4 retry bonus to the save DC. Success allows her to shrug off the enchantment effect. Soft Steps: By training in a very specific and difficult manner, a rogue can learn to walk across a surface without causing any vibration inside that surface's volume. This causes her to be effectively invisible to tremorsense, and is a constant, permanent and non-magical ability. Unearthly Reflexes: A rogue who chooses this special ability has training her reaction time to a nearly inhuman degree, and recieves a +6 bonus to her Reflex saves. Peerless Accuracy: When a rogue learns this ability, she becomes a master of thrown weapons -- she never misses. Well, almost never. She gains a permanent and inherant +5 bonus to hit when using thrown weapons. This does not apply to archery. Defensive Roll: If you have this ability, you are able to move with the impact from blows, lessening their effect even if they do hit you. This ability does not function in heavy armor. When you are struck by a creature that needs a 15 or greater to hit you, you only suffer a certain fraction of the damage, starting at 5/6th. The number of sixths of the total damage can be further reduced in the following circumstances, to a minimum of 1/6th: * You are Small and your foe is Medium-sized or larger (-1/6th). * Your foe can only hit you on a natural 20 (-1/6th). * You are unarmored (-2/6ths) or in light armor (-1/6th). This ability does not function if you have spells active which simulate the effect of heavy armor (such as Spirit Armor) and Mage Armor is treated as medium armor for this purpose. Bonus Feat: In lieu of choosing a rogue special ability, a rogue can elect to gain a bonus feat chosen from a list of all feats in the game that do not have other feats as prerequisites. * Thief in the Night -- Characters of most classes gain experience by moving through the dungeon killing monsters, but rogues have the option to avoid the killing entirely. If a single-classed rogue enters a region and handles every single magical item within that region, and then leaves without the monsters or NPCs who dwell there being even slightly aware of her presence, she will recieve experience for every enemy in the room just as if she had killed them normally. In this context, handling an item means holding it in one's hands -- the rogue can then decide if she want to keep it or leave it where she finds it to remain unburdened. This has to be executed flawlessly to function. If even one monster is aware of the rogue's presence -- as a result of seeing her, notcing her with an ability like blindsight, tremorsense, telepathy or scent or hearing noise she made (by casting a noisy spell or kicking open a door, for example), then she does not gain any experience upon leaving the region. If one enemy becomes aware of her and she kills that enemy, however, she gains the experience for any remaining oblivious foes. If foes in the room carry valuable magic items, those must be removed from them (perhaps using the Pick Pockets skill) for this experience to be gained. Rogues do not gain XP for monsters twice; if they meet these conditions and gain XP upon leaving the region, later killing the monsters gives them nothing. They also gain nothing for entering and leaving regions that have no treasure, regardless of how stealthy they are. Multi-class characters with rogue levels gain this stealth XP an a proportionate percent equal to their rogue levels -- a Rogue 2/Warrior 6 gains 25% of the total experience value of creatures via this method, and can claim the remaining 70% by going back to kill them. * Starting Benefits -- Rogues start with a short sword, a weapon from the daggers group, a few potions of healing, some tanglefoot bags, a cloak of nondetection (which prevents monsters from smelling them while they hide, for example) and a fair amount of gold. They always have a ranged weapon -- a short bow unless their race gives them something else. Rogues also begin play with a second, random magical item suitable to the skills of a sneak. Finally, evil rogues also begin play with two vials of poison. THE ROGUE Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Evasion 3 +1 +1 +3 +1 Never Flat-Footed, Sneak Attack +2d6 4 +2 +1 +4 +1 5 +2 +1 +4 +1 Sneak Attack +3d6, Wake Alert 6 +3 +2 +5 +2 Imm. to Flanking, Special Ability 7 +3 +2 +5 +2 Sneak Attack +4d6 8 +4 +2 +6 +2 Stealth +1 9 +4 +3 +6 +3 Sneak Attack +5d6, Special Ability 10 +5 +3 +7 +3 St. +2, Evasion II 11 +5 +3 +7 +3 Sneak Attack 6d6 12 +6 +4 +8 +4 Stealth +3, Special Ability WARRIOR {WA} HitDie: d10 Mana: d6 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 100%, Brawl 100%, Melee 100%, Thrown 100% The architypical man-at-arms, the warrior can be a soldier, mercenary or warlord; the peasant hero, noble fencer or questing knight. Regardless, his (or her) skills are unmatched -- unlike the paladin, barbarian or monk, the Warrior has no supernatural powers to back up his basic human prowess, so he has to focus on being the best there is with what he has. Warriors are both generalists -- being skilled in many weapons and diverse combat tactics -- and specialists, gaining the powerful ability to study specific weapons and better their skill with them as they advance in levels. Warriors are ubiquitous. The militant arts are highly regarded on Therya, and as long as he shows a respect for life and law a Warrior can expect to earn a position of high regard in most social circles. Even in this more civilized age, most kings and barons are members of this class, ruling in equal measure from political canniness and force of arms. The peasantry respects a lord who is willing to take up arms to defend them rather then letting others die in his name, and even among the most cosmopolitan of noble families, warcraft is still a respected art. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the warrior are Appraise, Athletics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Find Weakness, Healing, Intimidate, Intuition, Ride, Seneschal and Spot. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Warriors are proficient with all weapon groups save for Exotic weapons, for which proficiency must be bought seperately in each. They are proficient with light, medium and heavy armors, and with shields. This gives them the widest range of weapon and armor proficiencies in the game. * Weapon Skill -- Warriors can develop exceptional degrees of skill with specific weapons, becoming eligable for special feats that represent such as they rise in level. They must still buy these feats normally, of course. At 1st level, all warriors recieve a free Weapon Focus in a weapon of their choice. Starting at 3rd level, the warrior is eligable to buy the Weapon Specialization feat in any weapon which he is focused in. At 7th level, he may choose to buy the Weapon Mastery feat in any weapon he is specialized it. The next level of skill is High Mastery, which may be bought at 11th level, then Grand Mastery at 15th. * Bonus Feats -- While the barbarian may be tougher and the rogue more agile, the warrior is bar none the most skilled and adept fighter in the game. To represent this, every even level the warrior gains a bonus feat from the rather extensive warrior list, which includes most of the combat-centered feats in the game. * Lore of Arms -- Warriors have a peerless understanding of weapons, and are able to identify the magical properties of weapons just by using them in combat. When a warrior wields an unidentified magical weapon and fights with it, the game will automatically identify it for him after 3 + ([9 - Warrior Level] x 2) successful hits with it in combat. Hits that kill their target count as three hits for this purpose. * Size Advantage -- Most living creatures, humanoid or otherwise, are set up to defend themselves from attacks by other creatures of human size or larger, because those creatures constitute the greatest threat to them on the food chain. Halfling, gnome and kobold warriors learn to take advantage of these blind spots, utilizing their smaller size to strike at vital regions their opponents usually aren't as skilled at defending. From an anatomical standpoint, after all, humans are much better set up to block blows from their height or from above then they are to deflect strikes coming in low. In game terms, Small warriors gain increased threat ranges in melee combat against anything larger than them. Their threat range increases by -1 at 1st level, -2 at 3rd, -3 at 9th and -4 at 17th. These modifiers are applied after accounting for any increased threat ranges due to Improved Critical, keen weapons and similar abilities. This ability is a function of both anatomy and special training, so it doesn't apply to humans or other characters who become Small-sized as a result of magic, or to Small warriors who become human-sized (or giant-sized, or even tinier than they usually are) as a result of magic. Small races also recieve the Defensive Roll ability (from the rogue's higher-level special ability list) upon attaining four combined levels of warrior, ranger, paladin, monk or barbarian. * Starting Benefits -- Warriors start with a +1 version of the weapon they are focused in with an elemental brand or similar-powered enchantment, a kite shield or buckler, a fair supply of gold, a dagger, peasant garb and 1d4+1 vials of Oil of Transformation. THE WARRIOR Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Weapon Focus 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 Bonus Feat 3 +0 +3 +1 +3 Weapon Specializ. 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 Bonus Feat 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 6 +1 +5 +2 +5 Bonus Feat 7 +1 +5 +2 +5 Weapon Mastery 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 Bonus Feat 9 +2 +6 +3 +6 Name Rank 10 +2 +7 +3 +7 Bonus Feat 11 +2 +7 +3 +7 High Mastery 12 +3 +8 +4 +8 Bonus Feat ==================== = PRESTIGE CLASSES = ==================== ALIENIST {1A} HitDie: d4 Mana: d12 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 50%, Thrown 50% There exist beings beyond the capacity of the minds of humans (and demihumans) to comprehend. Dwelling beyond the Outer Planes that define the human concept of the afterlife, these creatures are ancient, inscrutable, tremendously powerful and unbelievably alien. The most well known -- but certainly not the only -- representative of these beings on Theyra is Kysul, who serves as a guardian of any contact between the Prime Material and the Outer Rim, and is served by a handful of scattered mystery cults across the Kinlands. The Alienist is a spellcaster who has devoted herself wholly to the intensely esoteric practice of summoning and dealing with these beings. Most would call her a madwoman, a crazed and irresponsible cultist that endangers the safety of all of Theyra. For some Alienists this accusation is true, while others are more responsible -- but no less feared or hated. The most common motive among alienists is knowledge -- knowledge of concepts and ideas that cannot exist in a stable manner in our reality and thus must be experienced firsthand in order to be understood, since human languages lack the terms to express them. This search for ultimate knowledge drives many alienists to enlightenment, damnation or both. Alienists are not, by their nature, stable beings. They are driven by inhuman desire and exposed to unknowable secrets and eldritch beings, and as a result their minds are often deeply fractured and the majority of them are no longer able to relate to their original race in any normal way. Many lizardfolk are alienists. Their people worshipped the Outer Lords long before humanity or the modern gods existed, and while the modern lizardfolk treat druidism as the closest thing they have to a state religion, alienism forms a distinct minority in their society, and they are the only peoples on all of Theyra (other than aberrations) who respect the practice of alienism. Mind flayers also sometimes become alienists, though their society is fierce in the persecution of these forsaken scholars -- worship of Outer Lords threatens their fiercely regimented social structure, and they long ago turned their backs on their father, Kysul. CLASS REQUIREMENTS The alienist is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become an alienist, you must have: * Skills Levels -- Knowledge (Planes) +10. * Known Spells -- Seven total spell levels of Weavecraft spells. * Feats -- Augment Summoning. * Religion -- You must worship Kysul, or no diety at all. None of Theyra's other gods tolerate alienists. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the alienist are Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Hide in Shadows, Intimidate, Knowledge (Magic), Knowledge (Mythology), Knowledge (Oceans), Knowledge (Planes), Metamagic, Move Silently, Spellcraft and Use Magic. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Alienists gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. * Spellcasting -- At every level except 1st and 4th, alienists gain a new caster level. They continue to advance in arcane spell access if they had any before entering this class, otherwise advancing in the divine, druidic or other class spell list that allowed them to meet the caster prerequisite given above. If the alienist has Domains, she continues to advance those as well, provided she is advancing as a divine caster. * Incomprehensible Wisdom -- Alienists gain the Improved Wisdom feat for free at 1st level. If they already have it, they can select any other feat to fill the free slot. * Uneasy Mind -- Alienists grow increasingly distant from humanity as they continue to advance in this class, and suffer a penalty equal to their alienist level to Diplomacy and Appraise; they also become very focused on distant mysteries and given to long periods of introspection, and being thus out of touch with the world apply this same penalty to Spot, Listen and Searching. * Outer Pathways -- The primary ability of the alienist class is the power to summon pseudonatural creatures from the far-distant realm in which Kysul and his kin dwell. Starting at second alienist level, any 1st-level monster summoning, holy summoning or summon nature's ally spell the alienist casts summons a pseudonatural version of whatever creature it would normally summon. At 3rd level, the 2nd-level spells are so altered, and so on until 10th level, when even 9th-level summoning spells call forth pseudonatural creatures. In addition to the normal mana cost of the summoning spell, the pseudonatural summoning of an alienist drains [Summoned Creature's CR x 2] mana, and this mana does not regenerate. * Surreal Presence -- The sense that there is something faintly off, something wrong about the alienist crystalizes to a razor-sharp clarity at 3rd level, and she gains the benefit (or curse) of a constantly active spook spell as an innate supernatural ability. * Mad Certainty -- At 4th level, the alienist's fanatical devotion gives her a kind of ability to ignore physical harm and pursue her obsession with an utterly inhuman resilience even in the face of crippling wounds. She gains Toughness as a bonus feat and a +10 bonus to the Concentration skill. * Visitation -- At 5th level, the alienist may use contact other plane at will as an innate spell-like ability. * Inhuman Allies -- At 6th level, the alienist gains the ability to invoke ancient pacts between the harbringers of the Outer Rim and their Outer Ones' more modern spawn. Aberrations are neutral to her unless she breaks the pact by taking some hostile action against them. * Feverish Obsession -- Upon reaching 7th level, the alienist becomes so driven and devoted that she develops an inhuman kind of vigor, working beyond the established limits of the human body. She thus regenerates fatigue points just as dwarves do. * Psychic Mortification -- At 8th level, the alienist's mind has become so scorched by outer horrors that mortal traumas no longer have the ability to damage it -- her Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are sustained at 5 points each. * Sanity-Blasting Spellcasting -- At 9th level, the alienist's methods of spellcasting are so otherworldly and alien that any creature of CR 7 or lower who sees her cast a spell takes 1d2 points of Wisdom damage. * Distant Apotheosis -- At 10th level, the alienist becomes a fundamentally alien creature herself, developing trememdously increased physical resistance. She gains immunity to critical hits, no longer needs to breathe or eat and does not age. SPELL LIST 1st level -- grease, obscurement, spiritwrack, true strike. 2nd level -- hypnotic pattern, revealed lore, stinking cloud, touch of idiocy. 3rd level -- animate shadows, explosive runes, lorecall. 4th level -- confusion, evard's black tentacles, phantasmal killer, premonition. 5th level -- banishment, distance distortion, dream, nightmare, open the third eye. THE ALIENIST Level Def Fort Refl Will CL Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +2 +0 -- In. Wisdom, Uneasy Mind 2 +0 +3 +3 +0 +1 Outer Pathways 3 +0 +3 +3 +1 +2 Surreal Presence 4 +1 +4 +4 +1 -- Mad Certainty 5 +1 +4 +4 +1 +3 Visitation 6 +1 +5 +5 +2 +4 Inhuman Allies 7 +1 +5 +5 +2 +5 Feverish Obsession 8 +2 +6 +6 +2 +6 Psychic Mortification 9 +2 +6 +6 +3 +7 Sanity-Blasting Sp. 10 +2 +7 +7 +3 +8 Distant Apotheosis ASSASSIN HitDie: d8 Mana: d8 Skills: 8 Saves: fRw Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 100%, Brawl 50%, Melee 75%, Thrown 100% The Guild of Assassins has an old and arcane history on Theyra, having existed in some recognizable form for over two millenia, and having pursued an ageless vendetta with the Thieves. More than simply murderers, Assassins are mystical slayers devoted to a secret order and famed to be able to reach even the most protected targets in even the most remote locations. There is an aristocracy to the Assassin, a sense of entitlement and elitism. Assassins tend to believe their order fulfills an important philosophical purpose, maintaining political and social balance by ensuring that decadant kings and degenerate nobles are not able to place themselves beyond retribution as a function of their station. Of course, in practice, the Assassins are killers for profit, and there is very little that qualifies as redeeming qualities within their guild. CLASS REQUIREMENTS The Assassin is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become an Assassin, you must have: * Skills Levels -- Disguise +10, Poison Use +10, Hide in Shadows +7, Move Silently +7. * Alignment -- Assassins cannot be of Good alignment. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the Assassin are Alchemy, Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Find Weakness, Gather Information, Handle Device, Hide in Shadows, Intimidate, Intuition, Jump, Listen, Lockpicking, Move Silently, Poison Use, Spot, Swim and Tumble. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Assassins gain proficiency with crossbows and light weapons. * Sneak Attack -- Assassins can make use of Sneak Attacks in the same manner a Rogue does; they gain +1d6 Sneak Attack damage every odd level. Levels of this ability from Assassin, Rogue and any other class stack. * Death Attack -- An assassin who has had time to study her target (in game terms, being out of combat long enough to be considered Exploring rather than Fighting) and attacks that target by complete surprise in a situation where the target cannot percieve the Assassin, is considered to have made a death attack and has a chance to slay that target outright. A death attack can only be made against a target within 30 feet; greater distance negates the needed precision. The victim of a death attack must make a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 10 + the Assassin's class level + the Assassin's Intelligence modifier; failure means they are slain instantly. If they succeed at this saving throw, they are still subject to damage from the attack, which may kill them anyway. * Spells -- Assassins practice magic and are capable of casting Arcane spells from a tiny subset of the mage list. They have their own spellbooks, though in a pinch they can use normal arcane spellbooks for spellcasting as well. * Skill Mastery -- Assassins gain a +1 competance bonus to Disguise and Poison Use for every Assassin class level. * Uncanny Dodge -- Assassins gain this ability at the same rate that Rogues do, and a character's Rogue and Assassin levels stack to determine her effective Rogue level for the purposes of Uncanny Dodge. SPELL LIST 1st level -- change self, convulsion, expeditious retreat, magic weapon, obscurement, passwall, read magic, shield, sleep, spider climb, true strike, ventriloquism. 2nd level -- bladethirst, choke, ESP, globe of shadow, hypnotic pattern, infravision, invisibility, levitation, pass without trace, rope trick, web. 3rd level -- animate shadows, blink, clairvoyance, deeper darkness, deep slumber, displacement, gaseous form, greater magic weapon, illusory stance, nondetection. 4th level -- enervation, free action, improved invisibility, phantasmal killer, poison, premonition, track monster. 5th level -- cloudkill, dream, lower resistance, misdirection, power word: stop, telekinesis, wizard sight. 6th level -- disintegrate, power word: stun. THE ASSASSIN Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 +1 caster level 3 +1 +1 +3 +1 Sneak Attack +2d6 4 +2 +1 +4 +1 +1 caster level 5 +2 +1 +4 +1 Sneak Attack +3d6 6 +3 +2 +5 +2 +1 caster level 7 +3 +2 +5 +2 Sneak Attack +4d6 8 +4 +2 +6 +2 +1 caster level 9 +4 +3 +6 +3 Sneak attack +5d6 10 +5 +3 +7 +3 +1 caster level BLACKGUARD {1B} HitDie: d10 Mana: d6 Skills: 4 Saves: Frw Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 100%, Brawl 100%, Melee 100%, Thrown 100% It's uncommon in the extreme for free-willed, intelligent living beings to willingly and knowingly devote themselves to the ideal of evil. Oh, certainly, Theyra is well stocked with murderers, tyrants and all manner of despicable corruption -- but at the end of the day, the vast majority of Evil characters commit their amoralities for false ideology or personal profit, and then turn around and rationalize their acts as best as they can within their own value systems. The blackguard, however, is the exception to this rule. A blackguard is fully cognisant of the objective quality of good and evil, and in that context has willfully and knowingly embraced evil, determined to live up to the image of everything unholy and profane. This deviant psychology includes a willful drive to cultivate and nurture sociopathy and to engage in all manner of wicked acts simply because their are so. The blackguard may be superficially motivated by powerlust, bigotry, guilt or any other common drive, but in the end if is a kind of spiritual perversity, a love of evil, that drives them to do the things that they do. They know what they are, and they enjoy it. No mainstream religion on Theyra tolerates blackguards. Despite his objective alignment, Erich will expend truly significant military force to hunt down and destroy a blackguard -- or anyone suspected or accused of being one -- often killing hundreds of innocents in the process. Neither does the priesthood of Xel tolerate them, fearing that their perversity and theatric nature would draw too much of the wrong kind of attention down on their ranks. A few blackguards worship Zurvash, but the majority serve either the Multitude or the archdevils and demon princes of the Lower Planes directly. CLASS REQUIREMENTS The blackguard is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become a blackguard, you must have: * Alignment -- Obviously, any character who wishes to become a blackguard must be utterly Evil. Changing to a non-evil alignment causes all of the blackguard's supernatural class features to become inaccessable. * Base Attack Bonus -- An aspirant must have a BAB of at least +6 in one category. * Skills -- A character must be a creature of blood, terror and brutality even before becoming a blackguard, possessed of an Intimidate score of +12 or higher. He must also be knowledgable in the ways of the Lower Planes in order to attract a patron, with a Knowledge (Infernal) rating of +10 or higher. * Religion -- Very few gods will tolerate a blackguard as a follower. In addition to gods who do not tolerate Evil followers in general, Xel, Erich, Immotian and Khasrach will not accept blackguards among their worshippers. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the blackguard are Craft, Find Weakness, Intimidate, Knowledge (Infernal), Knowledge (Theology), Knowledge (Planes), Poison Use and Ride. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- The blackguard is proficient with blades, impact weapons, polearms and spears, and with all classes of armor. * Spellcasting -- Blackguards practice certain diabolical magic. They gain one caster level for every even blackguard level, and choose their spells from the special blackguard list. Blackguards cast spells just like priests do, being able to cast in any armor freely, but needing to have a holy symbol equipped (if they have a god). * Unholy Grace -- Just as a paladin does, a blackguard may add his Charisma bonus to all of his saving throws as a grace bonus. * Sense Light -- Starting at 1st level, a blackguard can use detect good as an innate spell-like ability at will. * Smite Good -- A blackguard can smite Good-aligned creatures. When she perform the Great Blow maneuver against a Good creature, a blackguard adds her Charisma bonus to the attack roll and gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to her blackguard class level. * Command Undead -- Starting at 3rd level, a blackguard can rebuke or command undead exactly as an evil priest of 1st level does. Every additional blackguard level increases this effective level by one. * Aura of Despair -- Starting at 4th level, a blackguard projects an aura of crushing despair around himself, not unlike that of a mummy. The aura reaches out to a radius of 20 feet around the blackguard; all who enter it and are not evil or immune to fear suffer a -2 morale penalty to all rolls. * Sneak Attack -- A blackguard gains a sneak attack just like a rogue's, starting at 5th level. Blackguard levels stack with rogue, assasin or any similar levels for determining the total level of this ability a blackguard possesses. * Fiendish Servant -- Starting at 5th level, a blackguard can summon an imp or quasit, as suits his alignment, who will serve him loyally. The creature remains until dismissed, and if slain can be summoned anew the next day. SPELL LIST 1st level -- bane, cause fear, convulsion, cure light wounds, doom, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, malignance, mount, pain touch, protection from good, spiritwrack. 2nd level -- bladethirst, bull's strength, cure moderate wounds, death knell, deeper darkness, inflict moderate wounds, scare, shatter, summon swarm, visage of death. 3rd level -- adamant facade, animate shadows, blackmantle, contagion, cure serious wounds, greater magic weapon, inflict serious wounds, magic circle vs. good, phantom steed, sign of discord. 4th level -- animate dead, burning blood, cure critical wounds, inflict critical wounds, lesser planar conjuration, thornwrack, wall of fire. 5th level -- evard's black tentacles, infernal blood, nightmare, slay living. 6th level -- create corporeal undead, harm, heal, planar conjuration. THE BLACKGUARD Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +0 Sense Light, Smite Good 2 +1 +3 +0 +0 +1 caster level, Unholy Grace 3 +1 +3 +1 +1 Command Undead 4 +2 +4 +1 +1 Aura of Despair, +1 caster level 5 +2 +4 +1 +1 Sneak Attack +1d6, Fiendish Servant 6 +3 +5 +2 +2 +1 caster level 7 +3 +5 +2 +2 Sneak Attack +2d6 8 +4 +6 +2 +2 +1 caster level 9 +4 +6 +3 +3 Sneak Attack +3d6 10 +5 +7 +3 +3 +1 caster level BLADESINGER *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d6 Mana: d10 Skills: 4 Saves: fRW Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 75%, Thrown 50% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The bladesinger is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become a bladesinger, you must have: * Race -- Only elves (not drow) may become bladesingers. * BAB -- Melee BAB +4. * Skills Levels -- Perform +15. * Known Spells -- You must know the cat's grace spell; having it as an innate spell-like ability does not qualify. * Feats -- Expertise, Quicken Spell, Weapon Finesse. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the bladesinger are Athletics, Balance, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Perform and Tumble. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Bladesingers are proficient with the long sword. * Spellcasting -- Bladesingers cast spells just as bards do, being able to cast in light armor and not requiring spellbooks. They cast spells from the bladesinger spell list and recieve one caster level for every even bladesinger level. They can also continue to learn spells from whatever casting class qualified them to be a bladesinger, though they must follow the restrictions of that class in casting those spells -- a warrior/mage/bladesinger, for example, cannot wear armor and must use spellbooks when casting spells on the mage list but not on the bladesinger list. * Acrobatic Fighting -- Bladesingers recieve a level of the Acrobatic Fighting ability (as described under the duelist prestige class) at every odd bladesinger level, starting at 3rd. Levels of this ability recieved from bladesinger and duelist stack. * Bladesong Style -- Starting at 1st level, a bladesinger recieves a dodge bonus to her defense class equal to the lower of her Intelligence bonus or her total levels in the bladesong ability, when wielding a rapier or long sword in her weapon hand and nothing in her ready hand. Every even level of bladesong also grants her a +5% bonus to attack speed when she is so equipped. At 3rd level, she gains a +4 bonus to Perform and Concentration when wielding a rapier or long sword in her weapon hand and nothing in her ready hand. At 6th level, she no longer requires verbal components to cast bladesinger spells when she is wielding a rapier or long sword in her weapon hand and nothing in her ready hand. At 9th level, she is able to use blade gestures to aid in the rapid casting of spells, and thus subtracts half (round up) of her weapon's enchantment bonus from the metamagic cost of the Quicken Spell feat. SPELL LIST 1st level -- burning hands, charm person, chromatic orb, color spray, enthrall, force bolt, magic missile, magic weapon, phase door, sleep, true strike, wall of fog. 2nd level -- apportation, bladethirst, cat's grace, eagle's splendour, ethereal blade, glitterdust, gust of wind, hypnotic pattern, mage armor, mirror image, phantasmal force, see invisibility, shield 3rd level -- adamant facade, blink, conjure vortex, dimension door, dispel magic, displacement, flame arrow, fly, haste, heroism, ice lance, illusionary stance, improved phantasmal force, insightful stroke, keen edge, ring of blades, suggestion, thunderlance. 4th level -- charm monster, confusion, dismissal, evard's black tentacles, force missiles, ice storm, phantasmal killer, premonition, spectral force. 5th level -- color burst, cone of cold, fire lotus, lesser symbol, lower resistance, misdirection, mooncloak, teleport, telekinesis, watery double. 6th level -- immortal grandeur, true seeing. THE BLADESINGER Level Def Fort Refl Will Spd Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 +0% Bladesong Style 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 +5% +1 Caster Level 3 +1 +1 +3 +1 +5% Acrobatic Fight. 1, Perform/Concent 4 +2 +1 +4 +1 +10% +1 Caster Level 5 +2 +1 +4 +1 +10% Acrobatic Fight. 2 6 +3 +2 +5 +2 +15% No Verbal Comp., +1 Caster Level 7 +3 +2 +5 +2 +15% Acrobatic Fight. 3 8 +4 +2 +6 +2 +20% +1 Caster Level 9 +4 +3 +6 +3 +20% Acrobatic Fight. 4, Improved Quicken 10 +5 +3 +7 +3 +25% +1 Caster Level CELESTIAL INITIATE {1C} *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d8 Mana: d12 Skills: 4 Saves: FRW Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 75%, Brawl 75%, Melee 75%, Thrown 75% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The celestial initiate is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become a celestial initiate, you must have: * Skills Levels -- Knowledge (Theology) +12. * Alignment -- Zealously Good (or zealously lawful for Immotian). * Religion -- You must worship, and have gained 6 blessings from, Essiah, Immotian or Xavias. * Abilities -- You must be able to cast bless. * BAB -- You must have one BAB category at +3. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the celestial initiate are Athletics, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Perform and Tumble. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Celestial initiates gain proficiency with long blades, all types of armor and shields. * Smite Evil -- The celestial initiate gains the ability to smite evil just as a paladin does. Levels of this ability from paladin and celestial initiate stack. * Resist Poison -- At 1st level, the celestial initiate recieves a +4 bonus to saving throws versus poison. At 7th level, she becomes immune to poison. * Elemental Resistances -- At 2nd level, the celestial initiate gains resistances to two types of elemental damage, based on her alignment and the type of celestial she is transforming into: lawful archons resist electricity and acid, neutral guardinals resist fire and cold and chaotic eladrins resist fire and necromantic damage. These resistances begin at 5 and increase by +3 for every celestial initiate level thereafter. * Spell-Like Abilities -- At 1st level, the celestial initiate gains the ability to use call light as an innate spell-like ability. * Ability Increases -- At 4th level, the celestial initiate recieves a +2 sacred bonus to Wisdom and Charisma; this bonus increases to +4 at 7th level and +6 at 10th level. * Wings -- At 5th level, the celestial initiate grows a vestigal pair of feathery white wings that allow her to control her descent, giving her a constant feather fall effect. At 6th level, these wings are fully developed and she may now fly at her full normal movement rate. At 8th level, she gains a 150% inherant bonus to her flying movement rate. * Protective Aura -- At 3rd level, a celestial initiate gains the benefit of a constantly active magic circle vs. evil effect. At 9th level, this strengthens to duplicate the full effect of a celestial's protective aura: the area of effect and penalty of the circle is doubled, and it also duplicates the effects of a globe of invulnerability, preventing the casting of spells of 5th level or lower by anyone other than the celestial initiate. * Sharp Senses -- The celestial initiate's senses sharpen starting at level 5, granting her two levels of the Sharp Senses ability (possessed by elves); levels of this ability gained from being an elf and a celestial initiate stack. The initiate gains another two levels of Sharp Senses at level 10. THE CELESTIAL INITIATE Level Def Fort Refl Will Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Smite Evil, +4 vs. poison, call light 2 +0 +3 +3 +3 Elemental Resistances 3 +1 +3 +3 +3 magic circle vs. evil 4 +1 +4 +4 +4 +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma 5 +1 +4 +4 +4 Wings (Slow Fall), Sen. +2 6 +2 +5 +5 +5 Wings (Full Flight) 7 +2 +5 +5 +5 +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma 8 +2 +6 +6 +6 Wings (150% Move Rate) 9 +3 +6 +6 +6 Full Protective Aura 10 +3 +7 +7 +7 +6 Wis, +6 Cha, Senses +4 CRIMSON ADEPT *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d8 Mana: d12 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 50%, Thrown 50% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The crimson adept is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become a crimson adept, you must have: * Skills Levels -- Alchemy +12, Concentration +12. * Known Spells -- Ten combined spell levels of Thaumaturgy and Necromancy spells. * Feats -- Brew Potion, Endurance. * Attributes -- Constitution 16+. * Religion -- You must worship Khasrach, Xel, Essiah, or no diety at all. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the crimson adept are Alchemy, Concentration, Decipher Script, Find Weakness, Healing, Intimidate, Knowledge (Infernal), Knowledge (Magic), Knowledge (Mythology), Knowledge (Theology), Knowledge (Undead), Metamagic, Spellcraft and Use Magic. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Crimson adepts gain proficiency with the whip. * Spellcasting -- At 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th levels, the crimson adept recieves a new spellcasting chart level, and advances her progress in another class's spell list in this order of priority: mage, priest, ranger, druid, paladin. If the crimson adept has Domains, she continues to advance those as well, provided she is advancing as a divine caster. * Blood Magic -- Once per day (twice at 4th, thrice at 7th and four times at 10th), the crimson adept can choose to sacrifce hit points to regain mana points on a 1 for 1 basis. This is an instantaneous action that takes no time. * Pain Tolerance -- The self-mutilating practices of a crimson adept give her a strong resistance to pain and hone her mental discipline, allowing her to add her crimson adept level as a competance bonus to her Concentration skill rating. * Blood Infusion -- The crimson adept gains the power to enchant her own bloodstream, using a kind of blood alchemy to create and store potions within her own body. She may have up to [Crimson Adept level + Constitution modifier] potions in her bloodstream at once, and can activate these just like normal potions with the Quaff command. The primary advantage of blood infusions is that they take only five segments to permeate, versus the 30 segments normally used to drink a potion. Additionally, when the crimson adept reaches 10th level, the effects of all blood infusions are automatically maximized. * Thicker than Water -- The crimson adept learns to transmute her blood at 3rd level, diffussing and thickening it to make her more resistant to injury. She becomes immune to bleeding and gains a +2 magic bonus to her constitution, as well as a resistance of 5 to slashing damage. At 5th level, these bonuses increase to +4 Con and 7 resistance, and at 9th, +6 Con and 9 resistance. * Blood Whip -- At 3rd level, the crimson adept gains the ability to slit his wrist and emit a stream of blood that supernaturally congeals into a razor-sharp liquid whip. This weapon acts as a keen weakening whip with an enchantment bonus equal to half the user's crimson adept class level (round down), but creating it costs her 3d6 hit points. * Wounding Magic -- Whenever a crimson adept of 4th level or higher inflicts non-elemental, non-aligned spell damage on a target (such as from magic missile, thornwrack, ring of blades, glyph of warding, etc.), the target must make an additional Fortitude save (DC 15 + crimson adept class level) or bleed for 1 additional point of damage for the next 2d6 rounds. * Steal Life -- The crimson adept is now able to regain magical energy through the death of creatures with blood; every such creature she kills restores to her half its Challenge Rating in mana points. * Animate Blood -- At the cost of 3 fatigue points, the crimson adept can animate the blood within any other creature, causing that creature to suffer [crimson adept level]d8 points of untyped damage as their blood attempts to tear free of their body; a Fortitude saving throw halves the damage. If this effect kills the victim, a blood elemental (similar to a water elemental) is created to serve the caster for the remainder of the day, with its size being dependant upon the victim's Challenge Rating. THE CRIMSON ADEPT Level Def Fort Refl Will CL Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 -- Blood Magic, Pain Tol. 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 +1 Blood Infusion 3 +0 +3 +1 +3 +2 +2 Con, Resistance 5, Blood Whip, Clotting 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 -- Wounding Spells 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 +3 +4 Con, Resistance 7 6 +1 +5 +2 +5 +4 /Caustic Vitae/ 7 +1 +5 +2 +5 -- Steal Life 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 +5 Animate Blood 9 +2 +6 +3 +6 +6 +6 Con, Resistance 9 10 +2 +7 +3 +7 -- Maximize Infusion DUELIST {1D} *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d6 Mana: d6 Skills: 6 Saves: fRw Defense: 1/2 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 100%, Thrown 50% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The duelist is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become a duelist, you must have: * BAB -- Melee BAB +3. * Skills Levels -- Tumble +10. * Feats -- Expertise, Mobility, Weapon Finesse. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the duelist are Appraise, Athletics, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Listen, Perform and Tumble. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Duelists gain proficiency with the daggers and short blades weapon groups, and with the long sword. * Canny Defense -- Starting at 1st level, duelists add the lower of their duelist level or their primary Intelligence modifier as an insight bonus to their armor class, when wearing medium or lighter armor. Note that as an insight bonus, this does not stack with Zen Defense. [ Implementation note: use this as an excuse to do EV CALC VALUES and export AddBonus as an IncursionScript function -- it's about time! ] * Scoundrel's Charm -- Duelists recieve the Alluring feat as a bonus feat at 2nd level. * Acrobatic Fighting -- This ability grants a number of related benefits to a duelist, starting at 2nd level. Its benefits apply only when a character is wearing light or no armor, and is lightly encombered or less. Levels of this ability gained from duelist and bladesinger. Grace: At 2nd level, the duelist recieves a +2 bonus to reflex saving throws, and to the skills Athletics, Balance, Jump and Tumble, provided she meets the conditions described above. This bonus increases by +1 for every three further acrobatic fighting levels -- +3 at 5th, +4 at 8th, etc. Acrobatic Charge: At 3rd level, the duelist may perform an acrobatic charge. This allows her to charge and tumble at the same time, and when she does, her charge bonus increases by +1. Enhanced Mobility: Starting at 4th level, the duelist gains a +1 bonus to Defense Class against attacks of opportunity; this bonus stacks with the one granted from the Mobility feat, and increases by +1 for every further level of acrobatic fighting from any source. Scenery is Power: Starting at 5th level, the duelist gains a peerless ability to make use of her enviornment and objects around her when fighting. She gains a stunt bonus to hit and damage based on the terrain and objects around her. For example, standing in the same square with a chest might give her +1/+1 (she could stand atop it for a height advantage, kick it at an opponent, position it between her and her opponent to direct the opponent's advance, etc.) Other features that can be used effectively in combat include doors, mud, water, forges, other furnature, hanging vines, etc. Different types of scenery increase the creative stunts a character with this ability is capable of, and thus increase the bonuses granted, but a single type of scenery doesn't increase in bonus regardless of how much of it there is. Elaborate Parry: A character with 5 levels of acrobatic fighting (such as a 6th-level duelist) finds that the benefits gained fron fighting defensively are doubled, while the penalties remain unchanged, provided that she is wielding a short blade or long sword as her primary weapon. Mantis Leap: A character with 6 levels of acrobatic fighting is treated as possessing the Mantis Leap feat when she is wielding a short blade or long sword and wearing light or no armor. Free Tumble: With 8 levels of acrobatic fighting (i.e., a 9th-level duelist), the character gains the ability to use the Tumble skill without paying fatigue points. She may tumble for free once per day per two levels of acrobatic fighting. * Rapier Wit -- Duelists are infamous for using cutting insults and clever repartee to rattle their opponents, allowing them to land especially telling blows. Starting at 4th level, on 1 in 5 attacks against a sapient opponent using a dagger, short blade or long sword, the duelist makes a Bluff check, which the target opposes with a Concentration check. If the duelist's check is higher, she adds half her margin of success to the damage of the attack, to a maximum of twice her primary Charisma modifier. When the duelist reaches 7th level, this ability functions on 1 in 4 attacks; at 10th, it functions on 1 in 3. This ability does not function if either attacker or victim is in a region of magical silence. * Flashing Blade -- The duelist recieves Deflect Arrows as a conditional bonus feat at 5th level and Deflect Magic as a conditional bonus feat at 8th level. The character is treated as having these feats only when wielding a magical short blade or long sword one- handed in her weapon hand with which her attack speed is 250% or higher, and wearing light or no armor. * Luck of the Daring -- The duelist recieves the Unearthly Luck ability at 6th level, allowing her to add her primary Luck modifier to all saving throws. Halfling duelists, who already have this ability from their race, recieve two bonus feats from the warrior feat list instead. THE DUELIST Level Def Fort Refl Will EM Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 -- Canny Defense 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 -- Charm, Grace +2 3 +1 +1 +3 +1 -- Acrobatic Charge 4 +2 +1 +4 +1 +1 Rapier Wit (1 in 5) 5 +2 +1 +4 +1 +2 Def. Arrows, Grace +3, Scenery is Power 6 +3 +2 +5 +2 +3 Elaborate Parry, Luck 7 +3 +2 +5 +2 +4 Wit (1 in 4), M. Leap 8 +4 +2 +6 +2 +5 Def. Magic, Grace +4 9 +4 +3 +6 +3 +6 Free Tumble 10 +5 +3 +7 +3 +7 Rapier Wit (1 in 3) EARTHSINGER {1E} HitDie: d10 Mana: d8 Skills: 4 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 75%, Melee 100%, Thrown 50% Beyond even the priesthood of Ekliazeh, the dwarves as a race have always held a deep spiritual reverance for elemental earth. Their mythology is filled with animistic tales of heroes who spoke to the very stone, and were able to work miracles through communion with it. These rare dwarves occupy a niche vaguely similar to a saint -- their abilities are unquestionably sacred, yet they also set them outside of traditional society. Very few dwarves have the potential to awaken the Earthsong within themselves. A potential Earthsinger must have some exposure to supernatural music, usually via bardic training, but the physical demands of the tradition mean that most aspirants are warrior-craftsmen with only a casual experimentation in the bardic arts. The stone demands champions who are as strong and enduring as it is, and also demands that they be master stoneworkers. For every thousand dwarves who aspires to learn the mystical Earthsong, only one or two manage to meet all of the requisites to become Earthsingers. CLASS REQUIREMENTS The Earthsinger is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become an Earthsinger, you must have: * Race -- All known Earthsingers are dwarves. An aspirant must be a dwarf, or a member of a race with similarly strong bonds to the earth, such as a rock gnome or pech. * Base Attack Bonus -- An aspirant must have a melee BAB of +5. * Feats -- Endurance, Hardiness. * Skills -- A successful aspirant must be a master stonecutter with a Crafts skill of 15+. * Class Abilities -- An aspirant must have the Bardic Music ability. * Religion -- An aspirant must either worship Ekliazeh (or another god who grants the Earth domain), or forsake gods entirely and devote himself utterly to the worship of elemental earth. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the Earthsinger are Athletics, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Planes), Listen, Mining, Perform, Search and Spot. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- The Earthsinger gains no weapon or armor proficiencies. * Stonebody -- As an Earthsinger becomes closer and closer to the spiritual nature of elemental earth, her skin begins to take on a rocky texture and grows harder and harder. Every odd level of this class gives the Earthsinger a +1 natural armor bonus. * Earth Magic -- By speaking to the stone itself using the Earthsong, the singer can learn from it, shape it, animate it and even take on its properties. In game terms, the character gains a number of spell-like abilities as she advances in this class, in the following order: stone tell, soften stone, meld into stone, spike stones, earthmaw, wall of stone, transmute rock to mud, stoneskin, animate rock, conjure earth elemental, transmute flesh to stone and elemental aura (the earth version only). * Geomancy -- Starting at 3rd level, a Earthsinger can tap into the primal energies of the earth in order to replenish her own magical energies. By spending two fatigue points, she can instantly regain 5d12 points of mana. At 7th level, the Earthsinger gains a greater facility with this ability, and it then costs her only one fatigue point. * Grounded Stance -- An Earthsinger is able to draw upon the power of the earth in order to enhance the force of her blows in melee or unarmed combat. Provided that her feet are touching the ground -- she is not levitating, ethereal or standing on non-earthen terrain, and she is not wearing magical boots -- she may add her Earthsinger level to the damage of her melee or unarmed attacks. THE EARTHSINGER Level Def Fort Refl Will NA GS Special Abilities 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 +1 +1 Grounded Stance, Stone Tell 2 +0 +3 +0 +3 +1 +2 Soften Stone, Meld i. Stone 3 +0 +3 +1 +3 +2 +3 Geomancy I, Spike Stones 4 +1 +4 +1 +4 +2 +4 Earthmaw, Wall of Stone 5 +1 +4 +1 +4 +3 +5 Transmute Rock to Mud 6 +1 +5 +2 +5 +3 +6 Stoneskin 7 +1 +5 +2 +5 +4 +7 Geomancy II, Animate Rock 8 +2 +6 +2 +6 +4 +8 Conjure Earth Elemental 9 +2 +6 +3 +6 +5 +9 Transmute Flesh to Stone 10 +2 +7 +3 +7 +5 +10 Elemental Aura (Earth) ELEMENTALIST *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d8 Mana: d12 Skills: 4 Saves: frW Defense: 1/4 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 50%, Thrown 50% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The elementalist is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. When you attempt entry into the class, you must choose one of the four classical elements (earth, air, fire or water) to focus on. Once you have gained your first elementalist level, this choice cannot be changed. In order to become an elementalist, you must have: * Spells -- Eight levels of spells (for example, 1 3rd level and two 2nd level) with the descriptor of your chosen element. Characters who worship a god who grants the appropriate elemental domain (Immotian, Ekliazeh, Sabine or Kysul), or who have a matching elemental affinity as a racial ability, only need six levels of appropriate spells. * Skills Levels -- Knowledge (Planes) +12. * Mentorship -- You must have an intelligent creature of at least CR 3 in your party that has the appropriate elemental subtype. * Feats -- Empower Spell, Heighten Spell. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the elementalist are Concentration, Decipher Script, Knowledge (all), Metamagic, Spellcraft and Use Magic. Additionally, you gain some additional class skills based on your chosen element: Earth -- Craft, Mining and Wilderness Lore; Air -- Jump, Listen and Tumble; Fire -- Athletics and Craft, and Water -- Alchemy, Escape Artist and Swim. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Elementalists gain no new proficiencies. * Spellcasting -- Elementalists gain access to all wizard, priest and druid spells with their chosen elemental descriptor, at a rate of one spell level per elementalist level. They also continue to advance the spell access of whatever other spellcasting class they have; if they have more than one, one is chosen to advance in this order of priority: druid, mage, priest, ranger or bard. Elementalists can cast their newly accessable spells with the same rules the class whose spell access is still advancing has. In other words, priest- elementalists need holy symbols to use their elemental spells, but can cast in heavy armor; druid elementalists cannot cast elemental spells in metal armor, etc. The one exception is mage/elementalists, who do not need spellbooks for their elemental spells. Elementalists gain a new caster level at every elementalist level except 1st and 5th. * Elemental Specialist -- An elementalist gains the same benefits as a specialist mage when using spells with her elemental descriptor -- a +25% chance of spell success, correspondingly reduced mana cost and so forth. These benefits stack with existing specialist benefits for a mage-elementalist. Spells without the elemental descriptor are unaltered by this ability. The elementalist also increases her effective caster level when using these spells by +2 at 1st and 5th levels. At 6th level, the DC of all spells with the appropriate descriptor increases by +2, just as with the School Focus feat, but for the element instead of a school. There is a penalty to this power. When casting spells that do not have her chosen elemental descriptor, the spell inflicts only 75% of the damage, or has 75% of its normal numerical magnitude. A mage-elementalist also loses the special advantage associated with her previous school specialization, such as a necromancer's increased ability to control undead, a weaver's controlled teleports or an evoker's increased fatigue. * Elemental Summons -- When using a Summon Nature's Ally, Monster Summoning or Holy Summoning spell, elementalists always call creatures with the appropriate elemental subtype. This applies to all such spells effective at the 1st elementalist level. Further, any animal companion or sacred mount you summon gains the aqueous, flame, earthen or gaseous template, as appropriate. * Elemental Dependency -- Elementalists acquire a certain weakness based on their chosen element, starting at 1st level. Fire elementalists cannot cast spells or use magical items with the Water descriptor, and suffer untyped hit point damage from soaking, in addition to the normal effects. Water elementalists cannot use spells with the Fire descriptor, and suffer double damage from fire effects and magic. They are not injured by cold damage, but instead are slowed for one round for every hit point of damage they would have taken. Earth elementalists suffer a -2 penalty to hit, damage and saves, and 1 1/2 times mana cost for all spells, when they are not in direct physical contact with earth or stone -- for example, when flying, levitating, climbing in trees, wearing boots or mounted. Air elementalists suffer a similar penalty whenever they are not airbourne, or when they are grappled. * Elemental Boost -- Elementalists recieve a magic bonus to two attributes as they advance. This bonus is +1/+0 at 2nd level, +1/+1 at 4th level, +2/+2 at 7th level and +3/+3 at 10th level. The attributes are Strength and Constitution for earth elementalists, Dexterity and Luck for air elementalists, Charisma and Intelligence for fire elementalists and Wisdom and Dexterity for water elementalists. * Elemental Defense -- Elementalists also gain certain defensive abilities based on their close connection to their chosen element. Earth elementalists add their elementalist level as a bonus to saving throws versus petrification, and gain the Toughness feat (or one of Endurance, Living Wall or Great Fortitude if they already have all the precursors) at 5th and immunity to critical hits at 8th. Air elementalists move like the wind itself, gaining Uncanny Dodge as a rogue of their elementalist level, Evasion at 5th and Improved Evasion at 8th. Fire elementalists gain fire resistance equal to three times their elementalist level, until they recieve complete immunity to fire at 8th level. Water elementalists move sinuously, their bodies flowing like water -- they add their elementalist level to their Swim skill rating, gain the ability to breathe water at 5th level and a +4 magic bonus to their DC at 8th level. * Elemental Brand -- Any magical weapon wielded by an elementalist of 3rd level or higher gains a magical quality for as long as it remains in the elementalist's hands at no cost: flaming for fire elementalists, shifting for water elementalists, stunning for earth elementalists and seeking for air elementalists. * Elemental Covenant -- Starting at 9th level, creatures with the appropriate elemental subtype are automatically neutral to the elementalist, and will not attack her unless she provokes them. * Elemental Body -- At 10th level, the elementalist gains the innate spell-like ability to polymorph into a large elemental of the appropriate type. This costs 2 fatigue and lasts for 10 turns. When she uses this special form of polymorph, all of her equipment merges into her new form. THE ELEMENTALIST Level Def Fort Refl Will CL EL Special Abilities 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 -- +2 Focus, Specialist, Summons, Dependency 2 +0 +0 +0 +3 +1 +3 Boost (+1/+0) 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +4 Brand 4 +1 +1 +1 +4 +1 +5 Boost (+1/+1) 5 +1 +1 +1 +4 -- +7 Defense I 6 +2 +2 +2 +5 +1 +8 DC Increase (+2) 7 +2 +2 +2 +5 +1 +9 Boost (+2/+2) 8 +2 +2 +2 +6 +1 +10 Defense II 9 +3 +3 +3 +6 +1 +11 Covenant 10 +3 +3 +3 +7 +1 +12 Body, Boost (+3/+3) HORIZON WALKER {1H} *** NOT FINISHED YET *** INQUISITOR {1I} *** NOT FINISHED YET *** HitDie: d6 Mana: d10 Skills: 8 Saves: FrW Defense: 1/3 +toHit: Archery 50%, Brawl 50%, Melee 75%, Thrown 50% [ Flavor Text ] CLASS REQUIREMENTS The inquisitor is a prestige class. It counts as a favored class for all characters. In order to become an inquisitor, you must have: * Skills Levels -- Intimidate +12. * Alignment -- Zealously Lawful. * Feats -- Detective. * Abilities -- You must be able to turn undead as a 5th-level priest. * Religion -- You must worship Immotian, and have attained at least four blessings from him. CLASS SKILLS The class skills of the inquisitor are Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Find Weakness, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Lockpicking, Metamagic, Poison Use, Search, Spellcraft and Spot. CLASS FEATURES * Proficiencies -- Inquisitors gain proficiency with light weapons and daggers. * Spellcasting -- At every level save for 1st and 3rd, the inquisitor gains a spellcasting chart level. The inquisitor also treats inquisitor levels as if they were priest levels for the purpose of improving her access to the priest spell list. Inquisitors also have their own spell list, which they recieve access to at one spell level per inquisitor level. The inquisitor does not gain new domain spells or improve the abilities granted by domains for her inquisitor levels, however. * Turn Undead -- The inquisitor gains one level of the turn undead ability for every inquisitor class level; this stacks with the levels gained from being a priest or paladin. * Zealous Mettle -- The inquisitor learns to trust in zeal and endurance alone to protect them. When unarmored, she adds a sacred bonus to all of her saving throws equal to her inquisitor class level. At 9th level she recieves Toughness as a bonus feat as long as she is unarmored; at 10th level, she recieves Resilience likewise. * Grim Reputation -- The agents of the Purified Office of the Sacred Inquisition are rightly feared for their political power and methods of torture; they in turn learn to exloit fear as a tactical advantage, adding their inquisitor class level to their Intimidate skill as an insight bonus. * Detect Corruption -- Inquisitors are trained to root out criminal behaviour, discerning heretics and dissidents. Starting at 1st level, they gain detect corruption as an innate spell-like ability; this functions as detect evil, save that it detects both evil and chaotic creatures, and does not reveal those who have Immotian's favor regardless of alignment. * Smite Corruption -- An inquisitor can smite corrupt creatures just as a paladin smites evil creatures. Additionally, the inquisition thrives on mob justice; for every allied creature the inquisitor has with her, her effective level increases by one for smiting purposes. If a paladin/inquisitor smites a creature both evil and corrupt, the damage bonuses stack, but the Charisma bonus to hit is added only once. * Purge Magic -- Inquisitors, like all of Immotian's clergy, view arcane magic as unclean; they are taught special methods of purging magical influences from an area, person or object, and recieve a +1 bonus to caster level checks for dispel magic and related efffect at 2nd level, +1 for every inquisitor level thereafter. * Blessed Tithe -- At its root, the inquisition exists not to defend light and purity, or even to uphold dogma and suppress other religions, but to provide a legal framework for the Church of Immotian to sieze the land and wealth of social malcontents and minorities, thereby maintaining the hegemony of the Church of Immotian within Theryan society. Inquisitors thus have as a primary goal the procurement of gold for the church, which they can translocate to the High Temple of the Pure Flame by offering it on an altar to Immotian. Immotian offers a powe | ![]() |