![]() | COMMAND LISTING =============== -- {MM} Return to the Main Help Menu In comparison to most roguelike games, Incursion has a small list of commands. Only lowercase letters represent game commands; future versions will allow the player to assign the upper-case letters to specific items or macros for quick use. Of these, several are either shortcuts to a skill or different letters for activating a different type of magic item in essentially the same way. Many of the commands bring up menus and submenus which will eventually allow the player to access lesser-used specific functions like dissecting corpses, mixing potions or performing combat maneuvers. Incursion thus has a small number of very flexible commands, rather then a large number of extremely specific ones. This was a specific design choice, intended to make the keystrokes easier to learn and the game simpler to play. The command set of Incursion is as follows: Activate an Item ('a') {A} Presents you with a menu listing all of the magic items you possess that can be activated, provided they are in a state that allows activation (i.e., not out of charges, wielded if necessary, etc.) All items that must be actively used (rather then conveying a passive benefit) and are not potions, scrolls, staves or wands are utilized by this command. Note that you can read an unknown scroll, drink an unknown potion or blast an unknown wand, but activation is presumed to involve command words, and thus you cannot activate an item until it has been formally identified. Blast Wand or Staff ('b') {B} This command is used to trigger the effects of wands or staves, and otherwise functions identically to the Activate ('a') command. Combat Options ('c') {C} The Combat Options command brings up a menu listing a variety of special maneuvers and combat choices available to your character, such as performing a Great Blow, Fighting Defensively, Sprinting or making a Called Shot. Display Character Sheet ('d') {D} Takes you to the character sheet screen, where you can examine your character's traits in more detail then the main game screen lists. The character sheet gives breakdowns of your statistics, showing the different types of modifiers which stack to form each value, as well as listing all your feats and special abilities. There are options at the bottom of the character sheet screen for developing your character. When you have enough experience to level up, you do so from here. The character sheet screen also allows you to learn spells and select similar options. Eat Something ('e') {E} This command allows you to eat any object in your inventory that is edible to you in your current form, as chosen from the menu it presents listing such items. Note that eating takes time, and thus it isn't wise to do in combat. Fire Ranged Weapon ('f') {F} Uses whatever ranged weapon you have the most easily accessible to attack in a direction that you select. The weapon used in the one that is currently in the inventory slot closest to the top on the inventory screen. In the case of archery, you must wield the projector (bow or crossbow) in your hands before you can use it to fire arrows or bolts. Get Item ('g') {G} Causes your character to pick up an item on the floor, immediately bringing up the inventory screen and allowing you to place it where you want. You much occupy the square where an item rests in order to be able to pick it up. If there is more than one item in your square, the game will display a menu allowing you to choose which one you want to pick up. Hide in Shadows ('h') {H} This command is simply a shortcut to allow you to 'u'se the Hide in Shadows skill, as per the Use Ability command. Inventory ('i') {I} This command brings up the inventory screen, allowing you to exchange equipment, take off items, search through your pack, and manipulate your inventory in any other way you desire. IMPORTANT NOTE: Every inventory action you take has a time cost in segments. Future versions of Incursion will report to you what is happening around you as you perform inventory actions, but the current one does not. As such, if you open the inventory screen in the middle of combat and perform 200 segments of inventory actions, as soon as you close it again your character will proceed to be inactive for 200 segments as the monsters attack him. Thus, be very cautious of inventory manipulation in combat! Jump ('j') {J} This command is simply a shortcut to allow you to 'u'se the Jump skill, as per the Use Ability command. Kick Something ('k') {K} This command allows you to kick a door or monster. Against an enemy, kicking is like punching, but it's slower and allows you to apply 1.5 times your Strength modifier to damage. Its primary use, however, is for opening locked doors. Look Around ('l') {L} Brings up an object selection prompt, allowing you to examine anything nearby you. Type '?' at this prompt for a more detailed description of how to use the look command's various options. Cast Magic Spell ('m') {M} This command brings up the Spell Manager window, which lists all of the spells you know along with their success rate, mana cost and other parameters. This window can be used to select a spell to cast, turn Metamagic Feats on or off, and attack spells to Spellkeys for quick use. Name an Object ('n') {N} This command allows you to assign any proper name of your choice to any item in your inventory, or object (monster, item or dungeon feature) of your choice currently visible on the map board. You can use it to rename your character, assign a suspected effect to an unidentified item (i.e., metallic blue potion named Healing) or give your pets or followers a personal identity. The latter is recommended, otherwise it becomes very difficult to tell the kobold ally you hit with charm monster from the enemy kobolds that are attacking you in messages. Open/Close Something ('o') {O} This command is used to open or close a door that is within one square of you. If there is more then one door nearby, the command will prompt you to choose a direction. It can also be used to open a chest in the square that you are currently in, taking items out of it (or putting new ones in) using the Inventory Manager. Pray to your God ('p') {P} This command allows you to receive aid from your god when in dire straits, offer a sacrifice when standing on an altar, or simply learn what your present standing is on your god's eyes. Quaff Potion ('q') {Q} This command is used to trigger the effects of potions, and otherwise functions identically to the Activate ('a') command. Read Scroll ('r') {R} This command is used to trigger the effects of scrolls, and otherwise functions identically to the Activate ('a') command. Note that scrolls are normally usable only by spellcasters who have the scroll's spell on their spell list, or by characters with ranks in the Decipher Script skill. Search the Area ('s') {S} This command causes your character to search the area for traps and secret doors. This works differently in Incursion then it does in most other Roguelike games. You only get one chance to find a given trap or secret door, and if you fail you must rest before you can try again. Talk to Creature ('t') {T} This command allows the player to select a nearby creature to try to converse with, bringing up a prompt allowing the player to greet, distract, attempt to intimidate, trade with or surrender to the target creature. If the creature is friendly, this command can also be used to ask it if it will join your party. If the creature is an ally, commands can be issued. When using this command, you can type 'a' at the selection prompt to give orders to all of your allies at the same time; this only works for giving orders rather than any other type of social interaction. Use Ability ('u') {U} This command brings up a menu listing your character's actively usable skills, feats, racial abilities, class features and any other ancillary powers your character might have, such as a divine gift or the special ability of a monster you have polymorphed into. If an ability requires an active choice to use on the player's part and is inherent to the character rather then coming from an item, it will be listen here. View Recent Messages ('v') {V} This command brings up a window displaying a history of all the messages recently shown in the upper message window. This can be useful if you want to review the recent events in a combat, or if you accidentally struck a few keys and messages flashed by too quickly for you to read properly. Wizard Mode Options ('w') {W} If you are not in wizard mode, this command brings up a prompt offering you the option of entering wizard mode. If you are, it brings up a menu allowing you to influence the behavior of the game on a direct level -- viewing creatures stats, identifying items automatically, creating game objects and even viewing dumps of the assembly code the script engine runs. Wizard mode can be used to debug the game or new resources you have added to it, to experiment and learn about the functions of various monsters or items, or to add 'handicaps' such as superior magic items to make the game easier for less skilled players. Cancel Active Power ('x') {X} This command allows you to turn off any standing power, spell, item effect or ability on your character that you can stop at will. Most spells have a set duration and can't be shut off, but a few can. Use this command to get your druid to shapeshift back to his natural form, you bard to stop singing or your psionicist to turn off one of his active powers. 'Yuse' an Item ('y') {Y} This command allows you to access the nonstandard functions of an item in your inventory. It can be used to apply a mundane item such as using rope to climb down a chasm or filling your lantern with oil, or to perform an unusual secondary action with a magical item -- breaking a wand, pouring a potion over another object, dipping an item in a fountain you are standing over, and hopefully many other applications. The command brings up a list of every single item in your inventory, whether or not they have secondary functions, because it is not the intent of the game design to reveal all the possible secondary functions of items without experimentation. When you select one, the game will display a prompt allowing you to choose the secondary function you want for that item, assuming any are even available. Rest and Recover ('z') {Z} This command allows you character to rest in a relatively safe place in order to recover lost mana points and fatigue points, and heal a few hit points worth of injuries as well. Resting has many advantages, requirements and dangers, and is described in full detail in the introduction. Move or Attack ([CURSOR KEY]) The arrow keys allow you to move your character in any horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. Running into a monster causes you to make a melee attack against that monster. Move Only ([CTRL] + [CURSOR KEY]) Using [CTRL] with the cursor keys, you can cause your character to move without attacking, such as when you want to close with a creature that you could hit with a reach weapon. To move past a hostile creature, you must use the Bull Rush tactical option. Wait One Turn ('.') This command causes your character to wait for 30 phases, allowing monsters and allies to act or catch up. Swap Weapons ('-') This command allows you to toggle your character between wielding your default ranged weapon and your default melee weapon (along with your default offhand weapon or shield, if any). You can set your default weapons using the Inventory Manager. Note that using the swap weapons command has a lower timecost then performing these actions manually using the Inventory Manager. If you have the feat Quick Draw, it takes you 10 segments to swap weapons; otherwise, it takes 30 segments. Fire Ranged Weapon ([SHIFT] + [CURSOR KEY]) This shortcut for the 'f' command allows you to fire your default missile in a direction of your choice with a single keystroke. You can set your default weapons using the Inventory Manager. Ascend / Descend ('ì<'/'ì>') Using these commands, you can climb a set of stairs that you are standing directly on top of. The symbol you type is exactly the same as the one that appears on screen. They can also be used to climb up into trees, climb up or down a chasm or so forth, as described under the Climb skill. System Menu ([ESC]) Pressing [ESC] brings up the system menu, which offers options allowing you to save or quit the game. Online Help ('?') Pressing '?' brings up the online help window, showing a quick reference to the Incursion keybindings and also offering you a menu of further help topics to choose from. Display Legend ('\') This command brings up a legend showing what all of the various different glyphs that can appear on screen represent in the game. | ![]() |