![]() | =============================== = LEVEL ONE DIVINE SPELLS {1} = =============================== Bane (Theurgy) [Fear] {1B} Level: Priest 1, Blackguard 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 2. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Inflicts ill fortune in battle on all enemies within 50 feet (5 squares) of you, causing them a -1 morale penalty to most rolls. Bless (Theurgy) Level: Priest 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms; the combat form is automatically chosen if this spell is cast as part of an AutoBuff. Combat Blessing: Grants a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws to you and all allies within sixty feet of you when the spell is cast. This version lasts until you rest. Item Blessing: This form of the spell makes a single chosen item blessed, often improving its effect in some manner. A blessed item cannot be picked up by undead, demons, devils, or lycanthropes. A blessed shield or suit of armor cumulatively increases your Defense by +2 against the touch attacks of such creatures. A blessed weapon strikes true against such creatures, even if they have weapon immunity. A blessed weapon also strikes true against evil incorporeal creatures. You have the power to bless any item found commonly at a dungeon depth equal to or lower than half your caster level plus your secondary Charisma modifier, plus a modifier based on divine favor. Blessing an item costs you 1 fatigue point, and is permanent until something acts to defile the item. Call Companions (Weavecraft) {1C} Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Mage 1, Planning 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 95%. This spell teleports your companions or followers (if you currently have any) to the area surrounding the target empty square. This spell is useful for helping wayward summoned monsters and animal companions navigate difficult terrain or for encouraging them to face a particular challenges on your behalf. Call Light (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Sun 1, Bard 1, Mage 2, Paladin 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 95%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms: Standing Radiance: This versions of the spell creates a globe of sunlight 50 feet (5 squares) in radius. Hiding within the area is impossible, and creatures can see within the area given line of sight and basic sight range, even if it exceeds the range of their personal light sources. The target area remains lit for the duration and afflicts light-averse creatures with -4 penalities to attack and defense rolls, and disperses any existing globe of shadow if cast into its area of effect. Portable Globe: Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a torch and provides illumination out to 40 feet (4' squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Command (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] Level: Priest 1, Domination 1 Will negates. Mana: 2. Short duration. Base Success: 75%. Allows you to speak one of six one-word commands that a single target creature will be forced to obey for a brief time: flee, yield, kneel (i.e., drop prone), attack (the nearest creature), drop (held items) or halt (freeze in place). Does not affect creatures whose CR is more than 2/3rds your level. Cure Light Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 1d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 1d8+5, with a hit point to mana ratio of 1 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Detect Evil (Divination) [Good] {1D} Level: Priest 1, Abjurer 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all Evil creatures, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. Detect Undead (Divination) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all Undead creatures, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. Divine Favor (Theurgy) Level: Priest 1, Mysticism 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Increases your attack rolls and the damage you inflict in combat by +1 per blow at 1st level, +2 at fifth, +3 at 9th, +4 at 13th, +5 at 17th, +5 at 21st, and so forth. Doom (Theurgy) [Fear] Level: Priest 1, Blackguard 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Will negates. Mana: 2. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Inflicts severe ill fortune in battle on a single enemies, causing them a -4 morale penalty to most rolls. Entropic Shield (Abjuration) {1E} Level: Priest 1, Luck 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Manipulates chance to cause all ranged attacks against you to have a 50% miss chance. Holy Summoning I (Weavecraft) {1H} Level: Priest 1 Mana: 3. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 1 to fight in the caster's name. Inflict Light Wounds (Necromancy) {1I} Level: Priest 1, Blackguard 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Inflicts 1d8 + caster level (maximum 1d8+5) points of necromantic damage on the next creature you touch. Undead are healed instead. Invisibility to Undead (Illusion) Level: Priest 1 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Renders a chosen character unseen by undead. This spell only eaffects undead, but is otherwise identical in effect and restrictions to the mage spell invisibility. Magic Weapon (Weavecraft) {1M} Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, War 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1, Assassin 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell temporarily enchants a single weapon (or a stack of ammunition) with a +1 magical bonus. This bonus does not stack with any other magical bonus the weapon may have. Magical weapons strike true against undead, outsiders and many other fiends. Protection from Evil (Abjuration) [Good] {1P} Level: Priest 1, Mage 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Shields you from evil's influence with a tripartite effect: evil creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack you, you recieve a +4 bonus to save against enchantment spell effects and summoned creatures cannot physically attack you. Protection from Undead (Abjuration/Necromancy) Level: Priest 1, Mage 1 Will negates. Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a mystical protection around you such that undead cannot physically strike you without first succeeding in a Will save against this spell. Sanctuary (Abjuration) {1S} Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Abjurer 1 Mana: 2. Long duration. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. Evokes a mystical protection around you such that other creatures who fail a saving throw cannot attack you. This protection ceases if you take any directly hostile action against another creature. Shield of Faith (Abjuration) Level: Priest 1, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Improves your defense class by +2 points at 1st level, +3 at 4th, +4 at 7th, +5 at 10th, +6 at 13th, and so forth. Slow Poison (Abjuration) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Bard 2, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Delays the continuing effects of poison in the target for the duration. The poison's effects continue as soon as the duration of this spell runs out. Valor (Abjuration) {1V} Level: Priest 1, Liberation 1, Community 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes any of your allies within (level + 5) squares when the spell is cast -- including yourself -- to be imbued with a divine courage, granting a +5 saving throw bonus versus fear. Vigor (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Mage 2 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell speeds up a target living creature's metabolism, giving them a +5 resistance bonus to Fortitude saving throws for a reasonably long duration at the cost of 3 fatigue points when it expires. =============================== = LEVEL TWO DIVINE SPELLS {2} = =============================== Aid (Theurgy) {2A} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the chosen subject a +1 bonus to hit and damage, as well as 1d8 temporary hit points for every four caster levels, starting with 1d8 at 3rd level. Bear's Endurance (Thaumaturgy) {2B} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Constitution of 1d4+1 points. Bull's Strength (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Strength 2, Bard 2, Paladin 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Strength of 1d4+1 points. Calm Emotions (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] {2C} Level: Priest 2, Succor 1 Will negates. Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Causes hostile, intelligent creatures within a 40 foot radius globe who are not evil, have not been given a strong reason to attack you and are of lower CR then you to become friendly. Chant (Enchantment) [Sound-Based] [Mind-Affecting] Level: Priest 2, Community 2, Bard 1, Paladin 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 95%. Grants you and your allies (within 60 feet) a +1 morale bonus to hit, damage and saves, and conversely inflicts a -1 morale penalty on your enemies -- so long as you continue to chant. Consecrate (Theurgy) [Good] Level: Priest 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Fills an area with holy energies, such that all undead therein suffer a -2 penalty to hit, damage and saves, and have their turn resistance lowered by 4, even below 0. Cure Moderate Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Healing 2, Bard 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 2d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 2d8+10, with a hit point to mana ratio of 1.5 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Desecrate (Theurgy) [Evil] {2D} Level: Priest 2, Evil 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Fills an area with unholy energies, such that all undead therein suffer a +2 bonus to hit, damage and saves, and gain a +4 turn resistance that stack with any they might already have. Enthrall (Enchantment) [Sound-Based] [Mind-Affecting] {2E} Level: Priest 2, Nobility 2, Beauty 2, Bard 2, Enchanter 2, Twilight Huntsman 1 Will negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Your performance -- spoken or sung -- holds all creatures within 60 feet (6 squares) who fail a Will save spellbound (effectively paralyzed). If you attack or stop singing, however, the effect is broken. Find Traps (Divination) {2F} Level: Priest 2, Guardian 1 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. You gain intuitive insight into the workings of traps and hidden things. You gain an bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +10) on Search checks made while the spell is in effect. Note that find traps grants no ability to disable the traps that you may find. Globe of Shadow (Evocation) [Darkness] {2G} Level: Priest 2, Mage 2, Night 2, Bard 2, Assassin 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a 10' (1 square) radius globe of magical gloom and shadows that travels with you and grants all creatures within it a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide and a 25% miss chance versus ranged attacks due to concealment. Heal Mount (Theurgy) {2H} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Paladin 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. This spell Heals your mount (if you currently have one), as per the Priest spell Heal. Holy Summoning II (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 2 to fight in the caster's name. Inflict Moderate Wounds (Necromancy) {2I} Level: Priest 2, Blackguard 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Inflicts 2d8 + caster level (maximum 1d8+10) points of necromantic damage on the next creature you touch. Magic Stone (Theurgy) [Earth] {2M} Level: Priest 2, Earth 1 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell allows a priest to briefly awaken the spirit of any one stone (or stack of stones) of hand-held size or smaller. This can have any one of the four following effects: Stone Bolt: A mundane rock or sling bullet (or stack thereof), is transformed into a powerful magical missile: a +1 thundering weapon. The magical plus increases by one for every three caster levels the caster possesses. Stone Lore: The caster speaks with the stone, learning its nature -- this form of the spell works to identify any magical stone, rock or sling bullet it is cast upon. Stone Ration: This form of the magic renders the affected stone edible (by creatures that can normally subsist on vegetable matter). A priest can survive and even sustain a small group in times of privation in this manner, but in the long run eating stones has an adverse effect on one's health. Stone Sentinel: This form of the casting briefly animates the rock, turning it into a tiny stone figure called a stone sentinel. Such a creature is very weak, being less than a foot tall, but is difficult to hit and may serve as a useful distraction in a time of need. Make Whole (Arcana) Level: Priest 2 Mana: 15. Base Success: 90%. Repairs all damage to an item in the caster's possesion. Negative Plane Protection (Theurgy) [Good] {2N} Level: Priest 2, Abjurer 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Creates a subdued aura of positive energy around the caster, deflecting the life-draining attacks of undead such as wights and wraiths. This spell protects against [2 + Cha mod] such attacks, causing them to drain only 1/4th the amount of experience that they normally would. Resist Acid (Abjuration) {2R} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target sound resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Shatter (Evocation) [Sound-Based] {2S} Level: Priest 2, Mage 2, Destruction 1, Bard 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Creates a harmonic sound that shatters objects, inflicting 1d4 sonic damage per caster level, scaled after 9th, to each exposed item in the target creature's inventory. If the target is a construct, it also suffers this damage directly. Shield Other (Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 2, Abjurer 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Establishes a sympathetic link between the caster and a chosen target, such that any damage the target sustains is divided evenly between both. Silence (Arcana) Level: Priest 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Creates a field of supernatural silence 40 feet in radius, inside which spellcasters cannot produce the verbal components of their spells. Spiritual Hammer (Evocation) Level: Priest 2, War 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Summons a warhammer-shaped manifestation of force (approximately CR 3) to strike at your enemies. Wind Wall (Arcana) [Air] {2W} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Air 2, Bard 3, Ranger 1, Ranger 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a vertical curtain of wind that deflects all arrows, bolts and throws weapons weighing less than three pounds crossing its area. ================================= = LEVEL THREE DIVINE SPELLS {3} = ================================= Bestow Curse (Enchantment) {3B} Level: Priest 3, Retribution 3, Hatred 3, Fate 3, Bard 3 Will negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Lays a curse on a single sapient enemy that has an equal chance of causing one of his items to become cursed, reducing one of his ability scores by six, or causing him a strange magical affliction. Cause Blindness (Thaumaturgy) {3C} Level: Priest 3, Bard 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 6. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Blinds the target creature, assuming that they fail a Fortitude save. Create Food and Water (Arcana) [Water] Level: Priest 3, Succor 2, Paladin 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms, as follows: Create Food: Casting this version of the spell creates a single food ration suitable as a sizable meal for a human-sized creature. The ration is permanent and nonmagical once created. Create Water: This version of the spell calls into existance a pool of water 30 feet (3 squares) in radius, creating any indentation necessary to hold the water without altering or damaging any of the surronding stonework. Once created, the water is permanent and non-magical. Cure Disease (Theurgy) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Bard 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 12. Base Success: 95%. Removes all diseases, natural or magical, from one subject. Cure Serious Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Healing 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3, Blackguard 3 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 3d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 3d8+15, with a hit point to mana ratio of 2 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Deeper Darkness (Evocation) [Darkness] {3D} Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Assassin 3, Blackguard 2 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Creates a 60' (6 squares) radius globe of inpenetrable magical darkness that obscures all natural and magical sight. The spell will also negate the effects of a call light spell existing in its area when it is cast. Dispel Magic (Abjuration) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Magic 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. Negates standing magical effects within a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe, if the opposed caster level check (made once for each effect) succeeds. Draw upon Holy Might (Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 3, Paladin 2 Mana: 8. No AoO. Base Success: 75%. Invoking the name of your diety, you gain tremendous prowess -- a 2d6 sacred bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Stamina -- at the cost of 3 Fatigue points and 100 XP. The effects last for a comparitively short duration. Glyph of Warding (Arcana) {3G} Level: Priest 3, Guardian 3, Abjurer 2 Reflex negates. Mana: 6. Base Success: 95%. Turns one chosen floor square into a rune that explodes for 1d8 damage per two levels (max 5d8) when stepped on. Greater Magic Weapon (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Bard 3, Assassin 3, Blackguard 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell temporarily enchants a single weapon (or a stack of ammunition) with a magical bonus of +1 per three caster levels, to a maximum of +5 at 15th. This bonus does not stack with any other magical bonus the weapon may have. Magical weapons strike true against undead, outsiders and many other fiends. Hold Person (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] {3H} Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Law 2, Domination 3, Bard 2, Twilight Huntsman 3 Will negates. Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Paralyzes one chosen humanoid, provided they fail a Will saving throw. Holy Summoning III (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 3 Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 3 to fight in the caster's name. Inflict Serious Wounds (Necromancy) {3I} Level: Priest 3, Blackguard 3, Twilight Huntsman 3 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Inflicts 3d8 + caster level (maximum 3d8+15) points of necromantic damage on the next creature you touch. Magic Circle vs. Evil (Abjuration) [Good] {3M} Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of summoned creatures, inflicts a -3 penalty to all evil creatures' attacks and saves, and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Circle vs. Undead (Abjuration) Level: Priest 3, Mage 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Creates an enchanted circle (30 ft. radius) that prevents the entry of Undead creatures and grants everyone a +4 bonus to save versus enchantment. Magic Vestment (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 3, War 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell temporarily enchants a single chosen suit of armor with a magical bonus of +1 per three caster levels, to a maximum of +5 at 15th. This bonus does not stack with any other magical bonus the armor may have. Mystic Lantern (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3 Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a divine lantern and provides illumination out to 80 feet (8 squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Prayer (Theurgy) {3P} Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Community 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you and all your allies within 60 feet (6 squares) a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, damage and saving throws. Remove Curse (Abjuration) {3R} Level: Priest 3, Bard 3, Abjurer 3 Mana: 50. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell lifts a curse from a single chosen item or individual. The caster's caster level plus Charisma modifier must equal or exceed the curse's level for the spell to succeed. Curses include the effects of a cursed item that cannot be removed or the effects of spells like bestow curse or mark of justice. A -6 luck penalty to an attribute is a bestow curse effect. Other attribute damage, poisoning, diseases and experience drain do not count as curses -- though some curse effects do reduce attributes. Ring of Blades (Arcana) Level: Priest 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell, you conjure a ring of spinning blades around your body; these blades move with you, striking any creature within 5 feet of you once each turn to inflict [1d6 + caster level] points of slashing damage. They take you no time to direct or utilize, and you can take actions normally while they fly around you, but beware -- they strike allies as readily as enemies. Huge size and larger creatures cannot make effective use of this spell. Spiritual Fortitude (Thaumaturgy) {3S} Level: Priest 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants a physical resistance to magic that warps or withers the body or mind, sustaining all your attributes (by +2) and giving you a +4 bonus on saving throws against death. Sticks to Snakes (Arcana/Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 3 Mana: 14. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell allows a priest to transform one or more wooden sticks (either arrows or staves) into serpents for a brief period. The spell can transform one arrow per caster level into boa constrictors, or one quarterstaff per four levels into huge vipers. The spell operates on items in the caster's inventory in the order they appear in the inventory screen, and the created snakes appear next to the caster. As a transformation effect, these serpents are not treated as summoned creatures. Magical items transformed into snakes retain their bonus to hit and damage, but none of their other qualities. Casting this spell costs the priest two Fatigue points. Water Walking (Thaumaturgy) [Water] {3W} Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Water 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes one target creature to be able to walk on water. That creature will suffer no ill effects from crossing deep water and need not make swimming checks. ================================ = LEVEL FOUR DIVINE SPELLS {4} = ================================ Abjure (Abjuration) {4A} Level: Priest 4, Mage 4 Will negates. Mana: 12. Casting this spell forces summoned creatures to return to their own plane of existance. It affects all creatures within a 60-foot radius burst centered on a point of the caster's choice. Summoned creatures are entitled to a Will saving throw to avoid the spell's effects, but the save DC has a +8 bonus for a given creature if that creature was summoned by the caster herself. Note that the spell is not discretionary and will send friendly summons home as easily as enemy ones. Contagion (Necromancy) {4C} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Blackguard 3 Fortitude negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Infects a living creature with one of the following diseases if they fail a Fortitude saving throw: blinding sickness, cackle fever, filth fever, red ache, mindfire, the shakes or slimy doom. Cure Critical Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Healing 4, Bard 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 4d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 4d8+20, with a hit point to mana ratio of 3 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Death Ward (Abjuration) {4D} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Death 4, Mage 6, Abjurer 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders a target of your choice immune to death effects and necromantic (but not poison) damage. Death effects include finger of death, power word: kill, wail of the banshee, phantasmal killer, slay living, destruction, implosion, death knell and the killing component of holy word, blasphemy, dictum and word of chaos. Certain special attacks are also death effects, such as the unearthly beauty of a nymph or the death touch of a priest with the Death domain. Dimensional Anchor (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4, Guardian 4, Paladin 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Produces a thin bolt of green energy that, upon striking a target (ranged attack roll), locks that target into place and prevents them from teleporting, being teleported or plane-shifting. Creatures already phased will be forcibly returned to their natural plane of existance. Dismissal (Abjuration/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 4, Mage 4, Nobility 4, Bard 4 Will negates. Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. Teleports an enemy who fails a Will save 4d12+(caster level x 2) squares away. The save DC of Dismissal gains a +4 spell bonus. Dispel Fatigue (Theurgy) Level: Priest 4, Sun 4 Mana: 12. Base Success: 95%. Casting this spell revitalizes the caster, granting them 1d4 fatigue points, plus one per two levels, up to a maximum of their normal maximum fatigue points. Divine Power (Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 4, War 4 Mana: 17. Casting this spell imbues you with great combat prowess for a brief period of time, giving you a sacred bonus to hit sufficient to raise you Base Attack Bonus to that of a warrior of similar character level, a sacred bonus to Strength sufficient to give you a Strength score of 18 (not counting any bonuses other than inherant ones) and 2 temporary hit points per caster level. If your Strength is already 18, you gain the benefit of the Power Attack feat as well; if you already have this feat and 18+ Strength, you gain Knock Prone instead. Ethereal Jaunt (Weavecraft) {4E} Level: Priest 4, Mage 6, Weaver 4 Mana: 50. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell shifts the caster (and all of her equipment) into the ethereal plane for a very brief period of time. While ethereal, the caster is incorporeal and invisible with regard to creatures on the material plane, but can interact physically with other ethereal creatures. Free Action (Abjuration) {4F} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Liberation 3, Abjurer 4, Paladin 2, Ranger 4, Assassin 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders the target creature immune to paralysis, petrification, slowing, entangling, and to any effects which limit of constrain his movement, such as webs. Holy Summoning IV (Weavecraft) {4H} Level: Priest 4 Mana: 9. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 4 to fight in the caster's name. Inflict Critical Wounds (Necromancy) {4I} Level: Priest 4, Blackguard 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Mana: 7. Base Success: 95%. Inflicts 4d8 + caster level (maximum 4d8+20) points of necromantic damage on the next creature you touch. Invocation (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Community 4, Paladin 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you and all your allies within 60 feet (6 squares) a +3 sacred bonus to attack rolls, damage and saving throws. Magic Resistance (Abjuration) {4M} Level: Priest 4, Protection 5, Magic 5, Bard 5, Abjurer 5, Paladin 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you a +5% bonus to your magic resistance per caster level. Neutralize Poison (Theurgy) {4N} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Bard 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 3 Mana: 7. Base Success: 95%. Purges all toxins from the subject's body, preventing any further damage, and additionally giving the subject a +5 bonus to save versus poisons for a number of rounds following the casting equal to the caster level. Part Water (Arcana) [Water] {4P} Level: Priest 4, Bard 5 Mana: 14. Base Success: 60%. Causes all water to part in a ten-foot wide path in front of you, stretching out to a range of 60 feet, plus 10 feet per point of your Wisdom bonus, revealing dry land beneath the water. Protection from Acid (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Restoration (Theurgy) {4R} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Liberation 4 Mana: 20. Base Success: 90%. Heals damage to ability scores from poisons or undead attacks, and similairly restores experience points lost due to necromantic effects. Searing Light (Evocation) [Light] {4S} Level: Priest 4, Sun 3 Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Projects a blast of searing light that, with a ranged attack roll, inflicts 1d8 / 2 levels (max 5d8) to living creatures, 1d6/level (max 10d6) to undead, and 1d6 / 2 levels (max 5d6) to constructs. The blast will also dispel areas of magical darkness it comes in contact with, including globe of shadow, deeper darkness and animate shadows. Spell Immunity (Abjuration) Level: Priest 4, Protection 4, Abjurer 4 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 95%. Casting this spell grant you complete and permanent immunity to a single spell of your choice of a level lower than or equal to 6. This costs you a number of points of mana equal to ([(Spell Level + 1) / 2] x 5) permanently. ================================ = LEVEL FIVE DIVINE SPELLS {5} = ================================ Dispel Evil (Abjuration) [Good] {5D} Level: Priest 5, Good 5, Abjurer 5, Paladin 3 Mana: 16. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell empowers you to drive away evil influences with a touch. It has a tripartate effect: 1. You gain a +4 deflection bonus to DC against attacks by evil creatures, which increases to +6 against inherantly evil creatures. 2. You are empowered with a touch attack which can banish evil outsiders of Challenge Rating equal to or lower than your caster level, provided they fail a Will save. You get one touch for every 3 caster levels. 3. If an evil outsider resists your banishment, or you touch an evil creature not subject to the second effect, they are subject to a dispel magic effect with a +10 bonus to the caster level check. One casting of this spell gives you one touch for every two full caster levels you possess. Disrupting Weapon (Theurgy) Level: Priest 5, Paladin 4 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Imbues one of your blunt, non-missile weapons to become deadly to the undead. Any undead struck by such a weapon must make a Will save or be destroyed. Divine Agility (Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 5, Time 5, Ranger 4, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants a subject of your choice supernatural agility, bestowing on them a +4 insight bonus to both Defense Class and Reflex saves, a +25% bonus to their movement rate, the Spring Attack feat and the Evasion ability. Flame Strike (Evocation) [Fire] {5F} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, War 5, Fire 5 Reflex partial. Mana: 15. No bonus damage. Base Success: 75%. Calls down a pillar of divine fire to strike a chosen target for 1d8 points of damage per caster level, scaled after 9th. A Reflex save halves the damage, but only half the damage the spell inflicts is fire damage -- the other half is raw divine power and cannot be resisted. The column has a radius of one square and the caster is immune to the damage. Hallow (Arcana/Theurgy) {5H} Level: Priest 5 Mana: 80. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell creates an altar to the caster's diety in the same square the caster currently occupies. Doing this requires a sacrifice of the caster's own spiritual energies, costing her 750 XP. Hold Monster (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Priest 5, Mage 5, Bard 4, Bard 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Fortitude negates. Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Paralyzes one chosen creature, provided they fail a Fortitude save. Holy Orb (Theurgy) [Good] Level: Priest 5 Reflex partial. Mana: 9. Base Success: 90%. Casting this spell conjures an orb of golden light that a priest can hurl like a shotput. Being struck by the orb has no effect on most creatures, but evil beings suffer 1d6 points of holy damage per caster level (scaled after 9th level); this damage is modified by both Strength and Wisdom, and is not subject to elemental resistance of any type. A thrown-weapon attack roll is used to determine if the orb strikes its intended target. The orb also knocks an evil creature back 1d6 + [Str mod] squares if the save is failed. Holy Summoning V (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 5 Mana: 11. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 5 to fight in the caster's name. Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (Necromancy) {5I} Level: Priest 5 Mana: 1. Base Success: 95%. Inflicts 1d8 + caster level points of necromantic damage on all creatures within a ball of radius 30 feet. Insect Plague (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Spider 5, Bard 5, Ranger 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a huge cloud of flying, biting bugs that limits visibility to 10 feet, inflicts 1d8 points of damage to all within per round, severely impedes concentrating on spellcasting (-75%) and cause all creatures of whose CR is half the caster's level or less to become frightened and flee. Lesser Symbol (Enchantment/Necromancy) {5L} Level: Priest 5, Mage 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 60%. This spell creates an ornate rune imbued with magical power, a kind of mystic trap that is triggered whenever a character comes close enough to see it by stepping onto the square which contains it. A symbol trap is very difficult to detect and disarm (DC 30). When the spell is cast, the caster can determine what effect the symbol will have from the following options: Symbol of Sleep: All creatures with Challenge Rating less than or equal to 10 within 60 feet (6 squares)) fall asleep for 3d6x10 minutes. The caster is not immune. Symbol of Pain: When the trap is triggered, all creatures within 60 feet (6 squares)) suffers wracking pain that imposes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack, defense, saving throw, spell success, damage and attack speed. These effects last for one hour. The caster is not immune. Lower Resistance (Enchantment/Weavecraft) Level: Priest 5, Mage 5, Planning 5, Assassin 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 90%. This dwenomer strips outsiders, creatures of the Underdark and powerful supernatural horrors like hags of their inherant resistance to magic. The spell must first penetrate that resistance to take effect, but once it does no saving throw applies and the creature's Magic Resistance is halved; this is a damage penalty. The spell is targeted on a point, affecting all creatures within 60 feet of that point, but is selective and excludes the caster and her allies. Resist the Elements (Abjuration) {5R} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Community 5, Ranger 3 Mana: 35. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. Righteous Might (Thaumaturgy) Level: Priest 5, Retribution 5, Nobility 5, Paladin 5 Mana: 20. Your height immediately doubles and your weight increases by a factor of eight. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one, and you gain a +4 size bonus to strength and a +2 size bonus to constitution. You also gain a bonus to your natural armor rating equal to 3 plus 1 for every 5 caster levels, and a +5 circumstance bonus to the Intimidate skill. When this spell expires, you lose two fatigue points. Slay Living (Necromancy) [Death] {5S} Level: Priest 5, Death 5, Blackguard 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 95%. Lets you kill a living creature with a touch, or inflict [3d6 + caster level] points of damage if they succeed in a Fortitude saving throw. Wall of Stone (Arcana) [Earth] {5W} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Craft 5 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid stone wall, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. =============================== = LEVEL SIX DIVINE SPELLS {6} = =============================== Animate Objects (Arcana) {6A} Level: Priest 6, Chaos 5, Twilight Huntsman 6 Mana: 15. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell causes all unattended, inanimate objects within 60 feet of the caster to animate, fighting in his defense as if they were living allies. Creatures may make a Reflex saving throw to prevent whatever they hold in their hands from tearing free and animating, but worn objects do not animate. Antilife Shell (Abjuration) Level: Druid 6, Priest 6, Succor 5, Abjurer 6 Mana: 55. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe around you into which living creatures may not enter. Banishment (Abjuration) {6B} Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Paladin 5, Alienist 5 Will negates. Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. This spell enables you to force an extraplanar creature out of your home plane, effectively destroying it here. You may affect a creature with up to twice your level in hit dice. When you cast this spell you make a Knowledge (Theology) skill check with DC 20. If you succeed the Will save DC for this spell is increased by +2 (representing your ability to call upon substances and ideals that the target hates, fears or opposes). Etherealness (Weavecraft) {6E} Level: Priest 6, Mage 8, Weaver 6 Mana: 60. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Casting this spell shifts the caster (and all of her equipment), along wil all of her allies within 80 feet, into the ethereal plane until the caster elects to cancel the spell. While ethereal, the caster is incorporeal and invisible with regard to creatures on the material plane, but can interact physically with other ethereal creatures. Glyph of Warding, Greater (Arcana) {6G} Level: Priest 6, Abjurer 6 Reflex negates. Mana: 12. Base Success: 95%. Turns one chosen floor square into a powerful rune that explodes for 1d8 damage per level (max 10d8) when stepped on. Harm (Necromancy) {6H} Level: Priest 6, Blackguard 6, Twilight Huntsman 6 Mana: 12. Base Success: 95%. Casting this spell grants the caster a touch attack which inflicts necromantic damage equal to two-thirds the victim's total hit points when healthy, bringing the victim to a minimum of 1d4+1 hit points -- this spell cannot kill its subject, and a victim can be subject to only one harm spell per day. Only one such touch is allowed per casting. Heal (Theurgy) Level: Priest 6, Healing 5, Paladin 6, Blackguard 6 Mana: 15. Base Success: 90%. Heals the target fully and cures experience drain, attribute damage and fatigue. In addition, it removes a number of maladies (e.g., poison, disease, stunning). Heroes' Feast (Theurgy) Level: Priest 6, Succor 4, Paladin 6 Mana: 40. Persistant. Base Success: 60%. Casting this spell conjures a lavish feast, complete with chairs and a grand feast table, with more than sufficient food for all the creatures in the caster's party. The food created has a spiritual quality like the mythical ambrosia, curing ills and replenishing the spirit of all who partake for the full length of the feast. Consuming the feast takes a full hour, so obviously this spell cannot be cast in combat. When in a secure area, casting this spell affects the priest and all allied creatures within 100 feet. Creatures that cannot eat -- undead, constructs, vortices and elementals -- do not benefit, but even outsiders and aberrations can replenish themselves with this spell. Those who partake of the feast automatically become satiated. They heal 3d10 points of damage, 3d10 / 5 points of attribute damage, are cured of any diseases they possess and are rendered immune to poison and fear for the rest of the day. Participants gain a +1 morale bonus to all rolls, and a sacred bonus to saving throws equal to the priest's Wisdom modifier. Finally, every participant in the feast is renewed and reinvigorated, regaining a number of fatigue points equal to the total number of participants. Holding a heroes' feast requires a minimum of 3 participating characters. If the feast is interrupted by an encounter or other event, no benefit is gained. Holy Summoning VI (Weavecraft) Level: Priest 6 Mana: 13. Base Success: 75%. Summons an outsider of CR 6 to fight in the caster's name. Protection from Elements (Abjuration) {6P} Level: Druid 6, Priest 6, Mage 6, Ranger 4 Mana: 45. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. True Seeing (Divination) {6T} Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Liberation 5, Knowledge 6, Paladin 5 Mana: 60. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This august divination shatters all deceptions, causing the caster to inherantly see through every spell of the Illusion school -- the effect is automatic and uncontested, unless the creator of the illusion has a false vision spell active. Shadow creatures and effects still affect the caster with regard to the percent that they are real, but she automatically disbelieves them and never suffers full damage. Undeath to Death (Necromancy) [Death] {6U} Level: Priest 6, Mage 6, Paladin 5 Mana: 12. Base Success: 90%. Destroys any undead creature caught within a 60-foot globe centered on the caster that currently has fewer than (1d8 per caster level) hit points. The effect is all-or-nothing, and no saving throw is allowed. ================================= = LEVEL SEVEN DIVINE SPELLS {7} = ================================= Blasphemy (Theurgy) [Evil] {7B} Level: Priest 7 Mana: 32. Base Success: 60%. Not dissimilar to the arcane Power Word spells, this spell allows a priest to speak a word resonating with such absolute power that it stuns, weakens, paralyzes or kills good creatures, and banishes good outsiders if used on their home plane. The effects depend upon the creature's Challenge Rating in comparison to the priest's caster level + Charisma modifier (henceforth called the blasphemy power), as follows: * If the creature's CR exceeds the blasphemy power, it is unaffected. * Otherwise, if the creature's [CR + 3] exceeds the blasphemy power, it is only stunned for 1d4 rounds. * Otherwise, if the creature's [CR + 6] exceeds the blasphemy power, it is stunned for 3d6 rounds and also weakened, suffering 2d6 points of Strength damage. * Otherwise, if the creature's [CR + 9] exceeds the blasphemy power, it is stunned for 3d6 rounds, weakened for 2d6 Strength damage and paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. * Otherwise, the creature is killed. If it has some means of avoiding death (such as a death ward spell, or an Amulet of Life Saving), it is stunned, weakened and paralyzed as above. The speaking of a blasphemy spell affects all creatures within 120 feet of the caster, consumes two fatigue points and affects neutral creatures at 1/2 normal blasphemy power. Evil creatures are unaffected by the spell. In addition to the effects listed above, good outsiders must succeed in a Will saving throw or be banished instantly -- this is the only part of the spell subject to a saving throw. {MM} Return to Main Help Menu | ![]() |