![]() | ================================ = LEVEL ONE DRUIDIC SPELLS {1} = ================================ Call Companions (Weavecraft) {1C} Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Mage 1, Planning 1, Bard 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 95%. This spell teleports your companions or followers (if you currently have any) to the area surrounding the target empty square. This spell is useful for helping wayward summoned monsters and animal companions navigate difficult terrain or for encouraging them to face a particular challenges on your behalf. Call Light (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Sun 1, Bard 1, Mage 2, Paladin 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 95%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms: Standing Radiance: This versions of the spell creates a globe of sunlight 50 feet (5 squares) in radius. Hiding within the area is impossible, and creatures can see within the area given line of sight and basic sight range, even if it exceeds the range of their personal light sources. The target area remains lit for the duration and afflicts light-averse creatures with -4 penalities to attack and defense rolls, and disperses any existing globe of shadow if cast into its area of effect. Portable Globe: Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a torch and provides illumination out to 40 feet (4' squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Calm Animals (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Druid 1 Will negates. Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Causes all animals and beasts within 30 feet (3 squares) of the target point who fail a Will save to become calm and stop attacking. Camouflage (Illusion) Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell subtley alters the druid's coloration and the play of light around her, causing her to blend in easily with rock, foliage or other natural surrondings and thus giving her a +5 magic bonus to her Hide skill rating. Cure Light Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Bard 1, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Blackguard 1 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 1d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 1d8+5, with a hit point to mana ratio of 1 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Detect Animals and Plants (Divination) {1D} Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all Plant and Animal monsters, seen or unseen, within (120 + [caster level x 5]) squares of you. In addition, all vegetable terrain (e.g., trees, giant mushrooms) on the current level is revealed. Detect Natural Traps (Theurgy) Level: Druid 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 90%. Reveals the presence of natural traps like snares and pits. Magical traps, glpyhs and symbols are not detected. The range of this spell is 25 squares plus 2 squares per level. Dust Devil (Weavecraft) [Air] [Earth] Level: Druid 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Conjures waist-high whirlwinds of dust (totalling CR 2) that can attack your foes. Entangle (Arcana) {1E} Level: Druid 1, Plant 1, Ranger 1 Reflex negates. Mana: 3. Base Success: 75%. Causes plants, vines and vegetation to rise up and entangle hostile creatures within an 80 foot globe; victims become stuck if they fail a Reflex saving throw. If there is no existing plant life to work with, the spell automatically fails. Faerie Fire (Evocation) [Light] {1F} Level: Druid 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 90%. Limns any creatures within a 40-foot radius with colored, flickering light, granting a +1 to hit it with ranged weapons, making it unable to hide, negating the effects of blur or displacement and making it visible from a greater distance kaway. Forest Wall (Arcana) Level: Druid 1 Mana: 1. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a sparse wall of trees. The trees obscure vision and slow movement by 25%. They count as trees for spells or abilities that require such. They can be climbed like normal trees. Hawkeye (Enchantment) {1H} Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell imbues the caster with the vision of a hawk, increasing the range increments of her ranged attacks by 50% and granting her low-light vision out to 30 feet. Ice Dagger (Evocation) [Cold] {1I} Level: Druid 1 Reflex partial. Mana: 1. Base Success: 60%. Upon completion the caster hurles a shard of magical ice imbued with deep freezing cold, dealing 1d4 points of cold damage per caster level (max 5d4) to every creature within 1 one square radius. The caster is immune. Invisibility to Animals (Illusion) Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 60%. Renders a chosen character unseen by animals. This spell only eaffects animals, but is otherwise identical in effect and restrictions to the mage spell invisibility. Jump (Thaumaturgy) {1J} Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. The target gains a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks, +2 per caster level. Lifesight (Divination) {1L} Level: Druid 1, Healing 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Highlights natural, living creatures within (6 + level) squares, and also lets you know both the current and maximum hit points of the creatures around you using the 'l'ook command. Lifesight does not detect undead, extraplanar creatures or constructs. Log of Everburning (Arcana) [Fire] Level: Druid 1 Mana: 1. This simple but useful incantation alters the composition of a mundane torch, giving it the ability to burn for just as long as a lantern would (18,000 turns). Longstrider (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 1, Travel 1, Ranger 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell provides an enhancement bonus of 50% to the movement rate of a single humanoid creature. Magic Fang (Thaumaturgy) {1M} Level: Druid 1, Animal 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Enhances one living creature's natural attacks, giving it a +1 to hit and damage at 1st level, increasing by +1 for every four levels thereafter. Such natural attacks count at magical +1 weapons, increasing by +1 every four levels. Obscurement (Arcana) [Air] [Water] {1O} Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Ranger 1, Alienist 1, Assassin 1 Mana: 10. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Conjures a bank of fog which travels with you and limits normal vision and infravision to 10 feet. Wood Elves, second level Druids and other creatures with the Nature Sense ability can see through fog. The fog bank has a radius of 30 feet (3 squares) plus 10 feet (1 square) for every two caster levels. The fog also muffles sound a bit, granting the caster a +2 bonus to Move Silently checks. Pass without Trace (Illusion) {1P} Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1, Assassin 2 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Turns your party effectively invisible on the wilderness screen -- encounters will not chase you, and even if you bump into one, you have a 50% chance of being able to decide whether you want to evade it or not. Additionally, you cannot be sensed by creatures using Scent, Tremorsense or Tracking. Produce Flame (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Druid 1, Fire 2 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Creates balls of magical fire that inflicts 1d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per level (max +5). One ball is created per caster level. Puffball (Enchantment) Level: Druid 1 Fortitude negates. Mana: 1. Short duration. Base Success: 75%. Enchants a normal toadstool or mushroom such that is explodes into a cloud of spores when thrown, causing anyone who fails a Fortitude save to suffer 1d3 points of damage, plus 1d3 points for every 4 additional caster levels -- and to be stunned for a very short period. The puffball affects only creatures who need to breathe. Sanctuary (Abjuration) {1S} Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Abjurer 1 Mana: 2. Long duration. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. Evokes a mystical protection around you such that other creatures who fail a saving throw cannot attack you. This protection ceases if you take any directly hostile action against another creature. Sandblast (Evocation) [Earth] Level: Druid 1 Reflex partial. Mana: 2. Short duration. No AoO. Base Success: 95%. You spray a blast of sand out from your hands inflicting 1d6 points of abrasive (slashing) damage per caster level, in a 10 foot long arc in a direction of your choice. Creatures who fail to save against the effect are also stunned, but creatures with an armor rating of 7 or more against slashing damage are immune to this spell's effects. This spell does not provoke an attack of opportunity when cast. Shillelagh (Enchantment) Level: Druid 1 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Imbues one of your non-cursed, blunt wooden melee weapons with a +2 enhancement bonus and the thundering quality (+1d6 sonic damage). Slow Poison (Abjuration) Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Bard 2, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Twilight Huntsman 1 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Delays the continuing effects of poison in the target for the duration. The poison's effects continue as soon as the duration of this spell runs out. Stunning Jolt (Evocation) Level: Druid 1 Reflex partial. Mana: 1. No AoO. Base Success: 95%. Delivers an electrical shock to all creatures in the water within one square of the victim. This attack deals 1d6 points of electric damage and stuns the victims (Reflex save for half damage and no stun). Summon Nature's Ally I (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1 Mana: 2. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 1 to fight in the caster's name. Vigor (Thaumaturgy) {1V} Level: Druid 1, Priest 1, Mage 2 Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Casting this spell speeds up a target living creature's metabolism, giving them a +5 resistance bonus to Fortitude saving throws for a reasonably long duration at the cost of 3 fatigue points when it expires. Wall of Fog (Arcana) [Air] [Water] {1W} Level: Druid 1, Mage 1, Weather 1, Air 1 Mana: 1. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a curtain of fog useful for, among other things, blocking spellcasters and archers' lines of sight. Characters with true sight or Nature Sense can see through fog clearly, and anyone can see creatures within one square of the fog on either side. ================================ = LEVEL TWO DRUIDIC SPELLS {2} = ================================ Aid (Theurgy) {2A} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the chosen subject a +1 bonus to hit and damage, as well as 1d8 temporary hit points for every four caster levels, starting with 1d8 at 3rd level. Alicorn Lance (Evocation) [Force] Level: Druid 2 Reflex partial. Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. This spell creates a silver-hued, partially ethereal lance shaped in the form of an alicorn (a unicorn horn). The spellcaster chooses a target and the alicorn lance instantaneously fires at it, inflicting 3d6 points of piercing damage, with a saving throw for half damage. Because the lance is partially ethereal, it counts as a ghost touch effect and strikes true against incorporeal creatures. Barkskin (Thaumaturgy) {2B} Level: Druid 2, Plant 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Gives you a natural armor rating of 3, plus one for every five caster levels above 1st. Bear's Endurance (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Constitution of 1d4+1 points. Beast Claw (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2 Mana: 20. Persistant. No AoO. Base Success: 100%. This spell transforms the caster's arms into the claws of a mighty beast, giving the caster a +4 bonus to strength and the ability to rake an opponent for 2d4 (+ strength bonus) points of slashing damage. The caster can attack twice per round with the beast claws. Bull's Strength (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Strength 2, Bard 2, Paladin 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the subject a magic bonus to their Strength of 1d4+1 points. Chill Metal (Arcana) [Cold] {2C} Level: Druid 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Chills all the metal items a target carries, causing cold damage and often inspiring non-immune targets to drop loose metal items. Each round, metal armor, boots and clothes cause 2d4 points of cold damage. Other worn metal items (e.g., bracers, amulets, gauntlets, girdles) cause 1d4 points of cold damage. Note that this spell does not benefit from the Maximize Spell or Empower Spell metamagic feats. Creeping Cold (Necromancy) [Cold] Level: Druid 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. This spell inflicts a total of 1d8 cold damage per caster level (no cap) over the course of several turns, increasing by one die every turn -- 1d8 in the first turn, then 2d8 in the second, then 3d8 and so forth until all the dice are spent (or the magic is dispelled). Cure Moderate Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Healing 2, Bard 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 2d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 2d8+10, with a hit point to mana ratio of 1.5 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Detect Elementals (Divination) {2D} Level: Druid 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Reveals all Elementals, seen or unseen, within (25 + [caster level x 2]) squares of you. Flame Blade (Evocation) [Fire] {2F} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms, both of which last for a full day: Conjure Flame Blade: A 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from your hand. You wield this bladelike beam as if it were a scimitar. The flame blade inflicts 3d8 points of fire damage otherwise has statistics identical to a scimitar - save that you do not recieve a Strength bonus on the damage, since the blade is immaterial. Augment Existing Blade: You augment any one weapon from the Short Blades or Long Blades group, granting it the Flaming weapon quality. A weapon that already has the flaming quality is granted the Burst quality instead. Flaming Sphere (Evocation) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Fire 3 Mana: 4. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a boulder-sized globe of fire that rolls around and burns your enemies (approximate CR 3). Forestation (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 2, Plant 3 Mana: 4. Base Success: 90%. Creates a grove of trees to spring up on open ground. The trees block normal sight, slighlty hinder movement and can be used by any other spells that require trees or plants to be present. Gust of Wind (Evocation) [Air] {2G} Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Weather 2, Bard 2 Mana: 4. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. Creates a tremendous blast of wind that forces enemies it strikes 1d4 + 1 per three levels starting at 1st backwards. The wind can also be used to disperse fog created by spells like obscurement, fog cloud, mind fog, stinking cloud or pyrotechnics, or the similar conjurations of rainstorm, summon swarm or insect plague, or the fumes produced by a thunderbeast. This dispersal is automatic. Heal Mount (Theurgy) {2H} Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Paladin 2, Twilight Huntsman 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. This spell Heals your mount (if you currently have one), as per the Priest spell Heal. Heat Metal (Arcana) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Sun 2 Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Heats all the metal items a target carries, causing fire damage and often inspiring non-immune targets to drop loose metal items. Each round, metal armor, boots and clothes cause 2d4 points of fire damage. Other worn metal items (e.g., bracers, amulets, gauntlets, girdles) cause 1d4 points of fire damage. Note that this spell does not benefit from the Maximize Spell or Empower Spell metamagic feats. Hold Beast (Enchantment) Level: Druid 2, Animal 2, Ranger 2 Fortitude negates. Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Paralyzes one chosen beast, provided they fail a Fortitude save. Infravision (Divination) {2I} Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Assassin 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the caster temporary magical infravision out to a range of 60 feet (6 squares), or increases his existing infravision by a similar amount. Might of the Oaks (Thaumaturgy) [Earth] {2M} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you a +6 magic bonus to Strength, at the cost of accepting a -2 magic penalty to Dexterity. This spell can be cancelled at will with the Cancel Standing Ability command. Persistance of the Waves (Thaumaturgy) [Water] {2P} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you a +6 magic bonus to Constitution, at the cost of accepting a -2 magic penalty to Strength. This spell can be cancelled at will with the Cancel Standing Ability command. Pyrotechnics (Arcana) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Bard 2 Mana: 3. Base Success: 90%. To cast this spell, you must target an already existing fire, such as a wall torch, a fire elemental or even something fire-related like a flow of magma. You can also target any creature carrying a lit torch; in this case the torch is consumed in the casting of the spell. The spell transforms the fire in one of three ways, at your option: Cloud of Smoke: The fire instantly begins emitting a greasy, unnatural and thick black smoke, filling an area with a radius of 3 squares around the fire. This blocks sight like fog, and breathing creatures in the area must make a Fortitude save each turn or begin choking. Fireworks: The fire explodes into a brilliant display of fireworks. Everyone within 40 feet of it (other then the caster and his allies, who are assumed to be prepared) must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. Further, creatures with an aversion to light (such as orcs and wraiths) must make a second save or become afraid for a much longer duration. Explosion: The fire explodes outward in a sizzling blast, striking everyone within two squares of it for 3d8 fire damage and 2d6 blunt damage. Additionally, creatures in the area must save or be knocked down. The caster is not immune to the effects of this version. Rainstorm (Arcana) [Water] {2R} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 20. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Conjures a bank of thunderclouds at ground level that burst forth with a supernatural torrent of rain. The clouds limit vision to 10 feet. Wood Elves, second level Druids and other creatures with the Nature Sense ability can see through the clouds. The clouds have a radius of 40 feet (4 squares). All creatures within the rainstorm except the caster take 2d3 points of Soaking damage to all exposed equipment every round. The cannot be detected by Scent or Blindsight while the storm lasts. Resist Acid (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 1 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2 Mana: 7. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target sound resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels. Resist Water (Abjuration) [Water] Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Water 1, Ranger 2 Mana: 5. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target an immunity to rusting, soaking and decay, three of the ravages of water. In addition, it grants the target a bonus to Swim skill checks equal to your caster level (scaled at 10th). This mundane-seeming spell is of critical importance to mages interested in protecting their spellbooks from soaking traps or underground rivers. Snowstrike (Evocation) [Water] [Cold] {2S} Level: Druid 2 Reflex partial. Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Creates an explosive blast of snow that deals (caster level / 2)d4 points of cold damage to all creatures within a 10 foot (1 square) radius. The caster and her allies are immune to the effect. Soften Stone (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Druid 2 Mana: 3. Base Success: 95%. Turns one terrain square of stone (i.e., a dungeon wall) into mud. Speed of the Wind (Thaumaturgy) [Air] Level: Druid 2 Mana: 15. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you a +6 magic bonus to Dexterity, at the cost of accepting a -2 magic penalty to Constitution. This spell can be cancelled at will with the Cancel Standing Ability command. Stone Tell (Divination) [Earth] Level: Druid 2, Earth 2 Mana: 15. Base Success: 60%. By communing with primordial spirits of rock, the caster is able to learn the layout of the solid stone within 200 feet plus 10 feet per caster level of her. Summon Nature's Ally II (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2 Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 2 to fight in the caster's name. Summon Swarm (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 2, Mage 2, Spider 2, Bard 2, Ranger 2, Blackguard 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a cloud of stinging, biting insects that inflict 1d2 points of damage to everyone within every turn, along with inflicting a -2 general circumstance penalty. Sunscorch (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 2 Mana: 3. Short duration. No bonus damage. Base Success: 90%. Creates a blinding hot flare of sunlight that inflicts 1d6 points of sunlight damage for every 3 caster levels, starting at 1st, and blinds a target briefly if they fail a Fortitude save. An attack roll is required to hit with this spell, and undead suffer maximum damage. Tree Stride (Weavecraft) {2T} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 4 Mana: 2. No AoO. Base Success: 90%. With this spell, a druid can utilize trees as a method of near-instantaneous travel -- if cast while standing beneath a tree, the druid can appear anywhere within 300 feet of her starting locale; otherwise, she steps out of a tree within 300 feet of her starting location. If no trees are available within the spell's area, it simply fails. Warp Wood (Arcana) {2W} Level: Druid 2, Ranger 1 Will negates. Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Magically warps wooden objects within a 40-foot radius, inflicting 1d6 points of damage per caster level. Doors are instead broken open in their frame, and chests are forcibly unlocked. The caster is unaffected, and any other creatures recieve a Will save to prevent damage to their wooden items. Wind Wall (Arcana) [Air] Level: Druid 2, Priest 2, Mage 2, Air 2, Bard 3, Ranger 1, Ranger 2 Mana: 3. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a vertical curtain of wind that deflects all arrows, bolts and throws weapons weighing less than three pounds crossing its area. ================================== = LEVEL THREE DRUIDIC SPELLS {3} = ================================== Blight Plants (Necromancy) {3B} Level: Druid 3 Mana: 5. Base Success: 90%. Withers and destroys plant creatures within 60 feet (6 squares) of the caster, inflicting 2d8 points of necromantic damage per caster level (no die cap). Call Lightning (Evocation) {3C} Level: Druid 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Calls lightning down to smite a target of your choice for 1d5 points of damage per caster level. Create Water (Arcana) [Water] Level: Druid 3, Water 2, Paladin 1 Mana: 5. Base Success: 75%. Creates a pool of deep water 30 feet (3 squares) in radius. Cure Disease (Theurgy) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Bard 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 12. Base Success: 95%. Removes all diseases, natural or magical, from one subject. Cure Serious Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Healing 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3, Blackguard 3 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 3d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 3d8+15, with a hit point to mana ratio of 2 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Dispel Magic (Abjuration) {3D} Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Magic 3, Bard 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 15. Base Success: 75%. Negates standing magical effects within a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe, if the opposed caster level check (made once for each effect) succeeds. Dominate Animal (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Druid 3, Animal 3, Ranger 3 Will negates. Mana: 5. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Causes a single true animal (not a beast or monster) to follow you, fight and even die at your behalf. Earthmaw (Arcana) [Earth] {3E} Level: Druid 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 90%. Causes the earth or stone floor beneath a victim's feet to animate, biting them for 1d4 points of damage per caster level, if the druid succeeds in a ranged attack roll against them. If the attack roll scores an unmodified 19 or 20, the victim will also become stuck, partly buried beneath the ground. Ironwood (Arcana) {3I} Level: Druid 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This magical spell transmutes an item made from iron into ironwood. Ironwood is a magical substance created by druids from iron. While becoming natural wood in almost every way, ironwood is as strong, heavy, and resistant to fire as steel. Spells or abilities that affect metal or iron (such as rusting or the Heat Metal spell) do not function on ironwood. Spells that affect wood do affect ironwood, although ironwood does not burn. Ironwood items are freely usable by druids because ironwood armor does not interfere with their primal spellcasting. Meld into Stone (Arcana) [Earth] {3M} Level: Druid 3, Earth 3 Mana: 30. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Allows you to meld into and travel through solid stone in the same manner that a xorn or xaren does. Mystic Lantern (Evocation) [Light] Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3 Mana: 5. Base Success: 95%. Creates a mote of magical light that functions like a divine lantern and provides illumination out to 80 feet (8 squares). The light mote travels with you and cannot be dropped or placed in a container. Prayer (Theurgy) {3P} Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Community 3, Paladin 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you and all your allies within 60 feet (6 squares) a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, damage and saving throws. Summon Nature's Ally III (Weavecraft) {3S} Level: Druid 3, Ranger 3 Mana: 6. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 3 to fight in the caster's name. Wall of Ice (Arcana) [Cold] {3W} Level: Druid 3, Mage 3 Mana: 6. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid barrier made out of ice, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. Water Walking (Thaumaturgy) [Water] Level: Druid 3, Priest 3, Mage 3, Water 3 Mana: 25. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Causes one target creature to be able to walk on water. That creature will suffer no ill effects from crossing deep water and need not make swimming checks. Waterspout (Arcana) [Water] Level: Druid 3 Reflex partial. Mana: 4. Base Success: 75%. You create an upward blast of water from a lake or river, striking nearby creatures with terrible force. Creatures in the area suffer 1d6 points of blunt damage per caster level (Reflex halves; scaled after 10th), are automatically knocked prone if they are size Large or smaller, and are also stunned for 1d4+1 rounds if they fail the saving throw. ================================= = LEVEL FOUR DRUIDIC SPELLS {4} = ================================= Air Walk (Thaumaturgy) [Air] {4A} Level: Druid 4, Air 4, Priest 5, Ranger 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. The subject can tread on air as if walking on solid ground. This allows the subject to avoid ground-based traps, water, pits and chasms. Antiplant Shell (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Plant 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe around you into which plant creatures may not enter. Contagion (Necromancy) {4C} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Blackguard 3 Fortitude negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 90%. Infects a living creature with one of the following diseases if they fail a Fortitude saving throw: blinding sickness, cackle fever, filth fever, red ache, mindfire, the shakes or slimy doom. Control Plant (Enchantment) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Druid 4, Ranger 3 Will negates. Mana: 8. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Causes a single plant creature to follow you (if it can move), fight and even die at your behalf. Cure Critical Wounds (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Healing 4, Bard 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: Variable. Base Success: 90%. Heals you of 4d8 + your level in hit points of damage, to a maximum of 4d8+20, with a hit point to mana ratio of 3 per 1. Healing spells disrupt unlife, inflicting twice the damage to an undead creature they would have healed in a living one. Death Ward (Abjuration) {4D} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Death 4, Mage 6, Abjurer 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders a target of your choice immune to death effects and necromantic (but not poison) damage. Death effects include finger of death, power word: kill, wail of the banshee, phantasmal killer, slay living, destruction, implosion, death knell and the killing component of holy word, blasphemy, dictum and word of chaos. Certain special attacks are also death effects, such as the unearthly beauty of a nymph or the death touch of a priest with the Death domain. Dire Regression (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 50. Extended duration. Base Success: 90%. Regresses a normal animal to its primordial form, giving it the Dire template permanantly. Dire animals have a vaguely prehistoric look. They are stronger, tougher and larger than their mundane counterparts. Dire animals gain one size level, +4 strength, +2 dexterity, +2 constitution, a +3 natural armor bonus, +4 to hit and +4 hit dice. They become immune to fear. These bonuses are template bonuses. This spell does not work on players. Endure the Elements (Abjuration) {4E} Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Protection 3, Bard 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 3 plus 1 per 2 caster levels against Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid and Sound. Free Action (Abjuration) {4F} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Liberation 3, Abjurer 4, Paladin 2, Ranger 4, Assassin 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Renders the target creature immune to paralysis, petrification, slowing, entangling, and to any effects which limit of constrain his movement, such as webs. Giant Vermin (Weavecraft) {4G} Level: Druid 4, Spider 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. Conjures giant insects worth CR 6 in total to fight on your behalf. Ice Storm (Evocation) [Cold] {4I} Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Weather 3, Bard 4, Ranger 4 Reflex partial. Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. This spell can be cast in one of two forms, at the caster's elective, as follows: Hail Storm: Conjures a brief storm of biting cold and huge, hard hailstones in a 60 foot (6 square) radius area, inflicting 3d10 points of damage, plus one per caster level. Half this damage is cold damage; the other half is trauma damage, and cannot be avoided by resistances. Sleet Storm: Driving sleet blocks all sight (even darkvision) within it and causes the ground in the area to be icy. A creature can walk within or through the area of sleet at half normal speed with a DC 15 Balance check. Failure means it can't move in that round, while failure by 5 or more means it falls. Invocation (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Community 4, Paladin 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants you and all your allies within 60 feet (6 squares) a +3 sacred bonus to attack rolls, damage and saving throws. Natural Erosion (Arcana) [Water] {4N} Level: Druid 4 Reflex partial. Mana: 7. Base Success: 95%. This spell calls down the natural force of time to smite those who depend too much on artificial equipment. Every exposed item carried by everyone hit by this beam suffers 4d10 points of rusting damage, 4d10 points of soaking damage, and 4d10 points of organic decay. Neutralize Poison (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Bard 4, Paladin 4, Ranger 3 Mana: 7. Base Success: 95%. Purges all toxins from the subject's body, preventing any further damage, and additionally giving the subject a +5 bonus to save versus poisons for a number of rounds following the casting equal to the caster level. Protection from Acid (Abjuration) {4P} Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Cold (Abjuration) [Cold] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target cold resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Fire (Abjuration) [Fire] Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4, Ranger 2 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target fire resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Lightning (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target lightning resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Protection from Sound (Abjuration) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Mage 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target acid resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level. Repel Vermin (Abjuration) {4R} Level: Druid 4 Mana: 35. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe around you into which vermin (spiders, snakes, insects, etc.) may not enter. Restoration (Theurgy) Level: Druid 4, Priest 4, Liberation 4 Mana: 20. Base Success: 90%. Heals damage to ability scores from poisons or undead attacks, and similairly restores experience points lost due to necromantic effects. Rooting (Enchantment) [Earth] Level: Druid 4 Mana: 6. No AoO. Base Success: 95%. Casting this spell attunes the druid mystically to the earth or stone he is standing on, rooting him to the spot and bestowing the endurance of Therya itself. The druid gains a +10 natural bonus to his armor rating versus slashing, piercing and blunt damage, as well as immunity to knockdown, stunning, knockback, teleportation and critical hits. The effects last until the druid moves. Solid Fog (Arcana) [Air] [Water] {4S} Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Slime 4, Bard 4, Ranger 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Creates a bank of solid fog. Solid fog reduces movement to 15% of normal and deflects all physical missiles. Spike Growth (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Druid 4, Ranger 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Causes spikes to grow out of the ground in a 60 foot (6 square) radius, inflicting 1d8 points of damage per 10 feet on any creatures walking across them, as well as inhibiting their movement. Summon Nature's Ally IV (Weavecraft) Level: Druid 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 4 to fight in the caster's name. Thornwrack (Thaumaturgy) {4T} Level: Druid 4, Pain 4, Hatred 5, Blackguard 4, Twilight Huntsman 4 Fortitude negates. Mana: 7. Base Success: 75%. Causes thorns to grow out of a victim's flesh, inflicting a -4 penalty to attack rolls and saves due to agony, and causing 1d8 points of damage each round for the duration. A Fortitude save negates the effect. Transmute Rock to Mud (Arcana) [Earth] Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Earth 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 90%. Turns all walls within a 30 foot (3 square) radius of the targeted square into mud. Wall of Fire (Evocation) [Fire] {4W} Level: Druid 4, Mage 4, Fire 4, Blackguard 4 Mana: 8. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Creates a curtain of violet flames which causes (2d6 + caster level) points of fire damage to any creature which passes through it. Whirlpool (Arcana) [Water] Level: Druid 4, Water 4 Mana: 8. Base Success: 60%. Creates a pool of deep, turbulent water 40 feet (4 squares) in radius. A swim check (DC 20) is required to make progress in such water. ================================= = LEVEL FIVE DRUIDIC SPELLS {5} = ================================= Animal Growth (Theurgy) {5A} Level: Druid 5, Animal 5, Bard 5, Ranger 5 Mana: 45. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. This spell causes an animal or beast to grow to twice its normal size and eight times its current weight. This alteration increases the target's size category by +1, its strength by +8, its constitution by +4, its dexterity by -2, its natural armor by +12 and its saving throws by +4. All of these bonuses are Circumstance Bonuses. Baleful Polymorph (Thaumaturgy) {5B} Level: Druid 5, Mage 5 Fortitude negates. Mana: 10. Extended duration. Base Success: 60%. Changes one target creature into a giant rat, provided that it fails its fortitude save. Commune With Nature (Divination) {5C} Level: Druid 5, Animal 4, Ranger 5 Mana: 50. Base Success: 90%. By communing with primordial spirits of nature, the caster is able to learn the layout of the level around her. Control Winds (Arcana) * * * NOT IMPLEMENTED YET * * * [Air] Level: Druid 5, Weather 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Using this spell, a druid can evoke one of five distinct possible effects: Zone of Wind: The druid creates an area 6 squares in radius where winds thrash at terrible velocity. This makes the use of bows impossible and grants a -6 penalty to all thrown weapons. It extinguishes torches, prevents the entry of swarms into the area and requires spellcasters to make a Concentration check (DC 10 + twice your caster level) in order to cast spells. Hold Vapour: The spell can be used to paralyze any air elementals or similar gaseous creatures such as vampiric mists or mages using gaseous form. This affects all creatures within 60 feet of the casting druid. Still Air: This effect negates the Zone of Wind version above, destroys a wind wall and prevents anyone from using the gust of wind spell inside its area. Wind Shield: This version summons a corona of howling winds around the caster, granting her a +4 circumstance to AC and a Sound Resistance of 8. Hold Ship: This version of the Control Wind spell can be used to paralyze any ship- based moving encounter on the overland screen for one hour per caster level. Corrupt Animal (Thaumaturgy) Level: Druid 5 Mana: 50. Extended duration. Base Success: 90%. This spell is typically only used by grey druids and demonic forces. It twists an aminal's association with nature and permanently gives it an abberant ability to manipulate natural magics and cast druidic spells. The animal gains +6 wisdom, +6 intelligence, +2 con, +4 to hit and +4 hit dice. It gains the combat casting and defensive spell feats, as well as the woodland stride ability and the ability to cast spells as a third-level druid. These bonuses are template bonuses. This spell does not work on players. Flame Strike (Evocation) [Fire] {5F} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, War 5, Fire 5 Reflex partial. Mana: 15. No bonus damage. Base Success: 75%. Calls down a pillar of divine fire to strike a chosen target for 1d8 points of damage per caster level, scaled after 9th. A Reflex save halves the damage, but only half the damage the spell inflicts is fire damage -- the other half is raw divine power and cannot be resisted. The column has a radius of one square and the caster is immune to the damage. Insect Plague (Thaumaturgy) {5I} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Spider 5, Bard 5, Ranger 5, Twilight Huntsman 5 Mana: 9. Base Success: 75%. Conjures a huge cloud of flying, biting bugs that limits visibility to 10 feet, inflicts 1d8 points of damage to all within per round, severely impedes concentrating on spellcasting (-75%) and cause all creatures of whose CR is half the caster's level or less to become frightened and flee. Resist the Elements (Abjuration) {5R} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Community 5, Ranger 3 Mana: 35. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 5 plus 2 per 3 caster levels against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. Summon Nature's Ally V (Weavecraft) {5S} Level: Druid 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 5 to fight in the caster's name. Turnclaw (Abjuration) {5T} Level: Druid 5, Ranger 5 Mana: 50. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Turns aside the claw attacks of animals, humanoids and monsters alike, shielding the caster from the first [1d6 / caster level] points of damage that would normally be taken from such attacks. Wall of Stone (Arcana) [Earth] {5W} Level: Druid 5, Priest 5, Mage 5, Craft 5 Mana: 10. Long duration. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid stone wall, displacing any creatures in its path and blocking further passage. Wall of Thorns (Arcana) Level: Druid 5, Plant 5, Bard 5 Mana: 10. Base Success: 90%. Conjures a solid barrier composed of thick shrubbery interwoven with razor-sharp, thorny vines. The wall of thorns fills an area with diameter 50 feet (5 squares). Any creature attempting to move through it must make an Escape Artist check (DC 30). If successful it moves at 15% normal speed and takes 25 points of slashing damage. ================================ = LEVEL SIX DRUIDIC SPELLS {6} = ================================ Antilife Shell (Abjuration) {6A} Level: Druid 6, Priest 6, Succor 5, Abjurer 6 Mana: 55. Persistant. Base Success: 100%. Evokes a 30 foot (3 square) radius globe around you into which living creatures may not enter. Fire Seeds (Evocation) {6F} Level: Druid 6 Mana: 12. Long duration. Base Success: 95%. Creates four fire seeds that count as +5 weapons and can be thrown to inflict 5d6+5 points of fire damage each. Protection from Elements (Abjuration) {6P} Level: Druid 6, Priest 6, Mage 6, Ranger 4 Mana: 45. Long duration. Base Success: 100%. Grants the target resistance equal to 10 plus her caster level against Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sound. Summon Nature's Ally VI (Weavecraft) {6S} Level: Druid 6 Mana: 12. Base Success: 75%. Summons a natural creature of CR 6 to fight in the caster's name. {MM} Return to Main Help Menu | ![]() |