![]() | FEATS ===== -- {MM} Return to the Main Help Menu Feats represent the extraordinary abilities of a legendary hero. A warrior who can strike down all the foes around him at once, a wizard who can cast his spells without making a sound, or a rogue whose reflexes are just fast enough to give him an unbeatable edge -- all of these characters benefit from feats. Choosing a combination of feats that make for an effective character is essential in Incursion. Some feats merely give a singular perk to the character that chooses them, while others are the prerequisites to more advanced feats that will become available only when the character has mastered the basics. A series of feats linked to each other by shared prerequisites, is called a feat tree. Warriors receive more bonus feats than any other character type in the game, and thus will have the opportunity to master several feat trees over the course of play. Any character, however, should choose feats with an eye not only to what they give him now, but what doors they will open later. The feats in Incursion, and the prerequisites needed to obtain them, are listed below. SKILL ENHANCER FEATS ==================== These feats each enhance one or two of a character's skills, usually granting a +2 bonus. None of these feats have prerequisites. * Acrobatic * Alertness * Artificer * Athletic * Captivating * Clear-Minded * Deciever * Detective * Educated * Graceful * Landed Noble * Larcenous * Murderous * Perceptive * Physician * Sneaky * Talented * Woodsman * Alluring * Natural Aptitude * Skill Focus ATTRIBUTE FEATS =============== These feats each give a character a +1 feat bonus to one attribute. Each can be bought only once. * Improved Strength * Improved Dexterity * Improved Constitution * Improved Intelligence * Improved Wisdom * Improved Charisma * Improved Luck SAVING THROW FEATS ================== Each of these feats improves one of your character's saving throw categories by +3. In the later game, each saving throw feat will also open up a tree of two or three defensive feats related to that save, but these later feats don't exist yet in the promo game. * Iron Will * Great Fortitude * Lightning Reflexes PROFICIENCY FEATS ================= These feats expand a character's combat capabilities by giving her proficiencies in weapons, armor or equipment not granted naturally by her class. * Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Optimization * Weapon Proficiency * Exotic Weapon * Combat Casting (Caster Level 1+) * Counterspell (Caster Level 1+) * School Focus (Caster Level 1+) * Loadbearer (Str 13+) SHIELD FEATS ============ Using these feats, a character can make use of a shield in combat in increasingly more skillful ways. Later versions of Incursion will flesh out this tree with feats to improve the upcoming Shield Bash maneuver, allowing characters to trip or stun an opponent with their shield. * Shield Proficiency Missile Proof (Combat Reflexes) Shield Focus Shield Expert Spear and Shield METAMAGIC FEATS =============== All these feats have caster level of 1st or above (arcane or divine) as a prerequisite unless otherwise noted. Further information on their use can be found in the help screen for the Spell Manager. * Amplify Spell * Augment Spell * Bind Spell * Control Spell * Consecrate Spell (Divine Caster 1+) * Defensive Spell * Empower Spell * Enlarge Spell * Extend Spell * Focus Spell * Fortify Spell * Heighten Spell * Inherent Spell * Judicious Spell * Maximize Spell * Project Spell * Quicken Spell * Still Spell * Sure Spell * Transmute Spell * Unseen Spell * Vocalize Spell * Warp Spell ITEM CREATION FEATS =================== Item creation feats allow a spellcaster to craft minor magical items. Crafting such items requires the character to have a certain threshold level, and to expend both gold and life energy (experience points) in the enchantment process. * Artificer * Brew Potion * Scribe Scroll DIVINE FEATS ============ Divine feats allow a character who can already channel positive energy to turn undead to also channel this sacred force to perform other feats. Only characters with the ability to turn undead can gain divine feats. All also require a minimum Charisma of 13. * Divine Armor * Divine Might (Power Attack) * Divine Resistance (Endurance) * Divine Vigor DUAL WEAPON FEATS ================= These feats allow a character to fight using one weapon in each hand (or 'double' weapons, which are wielded in both hands but can be used as if they were two separate weapons) and attack once with each weapon in each attack. * Ambidexterity (Dex 15+) * Double Weapon Fighting (Dex 15+, BAB +1) Power Double Weapon * Two Weapon Style Florentine Style Defensive Synergy (Expertise, Melee BAB 3+) Two Weapon Tempest (Melee BAB 9+) THE 'MIGHTY FIGHTER' TREE ========================= This tree contains feats designed for fighters who rely most heavily on their Strength, and on the power behind their blows putting their foes down. * Power Attack (Str 13+) Cleave Great Cleave (Melee BAB 3+) Supreme Cleave (Melee BAB 7+) Knock Prone Master Bull Rush Master Great Blow Monkey Grip (Melee BAB 5+) Power Charge Sunder Cleave Asunder (Cleave) Strong Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Devastating Critical (Str 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Mighty feats) * Greater Power Attack (Str 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Mighty feats) THE 'AGILE FIGHTER' TREE ======================== The agile fighter may be a swashbuckler, a martial artist or a street-bred scrapper, but nobody is faster or, more importantly, harder to hit, then he is. Most agile fighters don't wear heavy armor, to avoid mitigating the benefit their Dexterity grants to defense. * Combat Reflexes (Dex 13+) Close-Quarters Fighter Deft Opportunist (or Expertise) Hold the Line Missile Proof (Shield Proficiency) Rapid Reload (Dex 15+, Archery BAB +3) * Dodge (Dex 13+) Dash (Unimplemented) Featherfoot Partial Evasion Instant Stand Mobility Mantis Leap (Jump +10) Spring Attack Whirlwind Attack (Expertise, BAB 4+) Elusive Target (Unimplemented) Redirect Attack (Unimplemented) (Bluff +10) Reed in the Wind (Evasion, Tumble 12+, Dex 15+) Slipaway * Lightning Reflexes * Weapon Finesse Riposte (Expertise, Melee BAB +6) Agile Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Blinding Speed (Dex 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Agile feats) * Elegant Defense (Dex 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Agile feats) THE 'TOUGH FIGHTER' TREE ======================== Some people just won't die when they're supposed to. This tree contains feats that increase a hero's resilience, capacity to withstand injury and will to live. It will be expanded significantly in the full release game. * Great Fortitude One Body, One Soul (Iron Will) * Roll With It (Con 13+) * Endurance (Con 13+) Diehard Toughness (Roll With It) Ignore Wound (Roll With It, Con 15+) Iron Skin (Roll With It, Con 15+, Base Fort +8) Living Wall (Roll With It) Resilient (Roll With It, Con 17+) Hardiness Resist Death Resist Paralysis Weather Blast Tough Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Greater Resilience (Con 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Tough feats) * Withstand Blows (Con 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Tough feats) THE 'SMART FIGHTER' TREE ======================== Intelligence and tactics certainly play a role in combat prowess, and this feat tree represents that, containing feats that govern advanced maneuvers, tactical advantage and reasoned combat skill. * Expertise (Int 13+) Chink in the Armor (Find Weakness 10+) Aim for the Eyes Deft Opportunist (or Combat Reflexes) Expert Tactician (Melee BAB 3+) Mage Slayer (Unimplemented) Master Disarm Master Trip Riposte (Weapon Finesse, Melee BAB +6) Tactical Withdrawal Whirlwind Attack (Mobility, Melee BAB 4+) Smart Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Anticipate Strike (Int 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Smart feats) * Tactical Supremacy (Int 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Smart feats) THE 'INTUITIVE FIGHTER' TREE ============================ Peerless alertness, mental focus and good instincts characterize the intuitive fighter. These feats allow an adventurer to use his Wisdom score to its maximum possible benefit in a fight. * Iron Will One Body, One Soul (Great Fortitude) * Improved Initiative Dirty Fighting (BAB +2) * Blind-Fight (Wis 13+) Blindsight (Listen 15+, Wis 19+) Deflect Arrows (Dex 13+) Deflect Magic Dirty Fighting (BAB 2+, Find Weakness 10+) Zen Archery (Far Shot) Zen Defense (Expertise) Intuitive Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Combat Trance (Wis 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Intuitive feats) * Karmic Strike (Wis 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Intuitive feats) THE 'COMMANDING FIGHTER' TREE ============================= Some warlords and heroes of legend have a force of personality so great that it draws allies to their side even as it strikes fear into their enemies -- they are the commanding fighters. This feat tree will contain feats that allow a character to improve the combat potential of NPC allies in a fight, frighten weak or craven adversaries, drive opponents backward physically through a combination of brutal strikes and intimidation and even to strike creatures with weapons that could not normally affect them, inflicting pure psychic trauma. * Leadership (Cha 13+) * Battlefield Inspiration (Cha 13+) Coordinated Tactics (or Expertise) Dance of Tukima (Alluring, Perform +10) Soulblade (Cha 15+) Greater Soulblade Improved Demoralize (Intimidate +8) Warcry Terrible Mein (Intimidate +12) Commanding Fighter Capstone Feats: (Unimplemented) * Lord of Woe (Cha 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Commanding feats) * Strength of One (Cha 21+, BAB 12+, 6+ Commanding feats) THE 'MOUNTED FIGHTER' TREE ========================== A mount can give a fighter a wide variety of additional options in combat. These feats allow mounts to be used the most effectively in combat. * Mounted Combat (Ride Skill) Mounted Archery Overrun Ride-By Attack Spirited Charge (Power Charge) * Improved Mount (Paladin Level 5+) THE 'RANGED FIGHTER' TREE ========================= Also called the archer's tree, these feats grant a warrior additional proficiency and abilities when using bows, crossbows or other ranged weapons. * Far Shot Zen Archery (Blind-Fight) * Point Blank Shot Defensive Shot Precise Shot * Rapid Shot (Far Shot -or- Point Blank Shot) * Aimed Shot (Far Shot -or- Point Blank Shot) THE 'UNARMED FIGHTER' TREE ========================== Most of these feats are designed with the Monk in mind, though a Warrior can certainly also make an effective martial artist character. Note that the class ability of Monks, Unarmed Strike, is superior to the Martial Mastery feat, and thus supercedes it. Monks cannot take Martial Mastery, and do not need to have it in order to advance further in the unarmed fighter tree. * Martial Mastery Fists of Iron (Brawl BAB +2) Lightning Fists (Dex 13+) Chi Strike (Unarmed Strike, Find Weakness +7, Brawl BAB +8 -or- Find Weakness +10, Brawl BAB +8) Falling Star Strike (Find Weakness +10, Brawl BAB +4) Freeze the Lifeblood (Find Weakness +12, Brawl BAB +6) Pain Touch (Stun Attack, Find Weakness +7, Wis 19+, Brawl BAB +2) [=Master Grapple=] Choke Hold (Unarmed Strike, Brawl BAB +4 -or- Brawl BAB +5) Earth's Embrace (Unarmed Strike, Brawl BAB +4 -or- Brawl BAB +5) Defensive Throw (Master Trip) Great Throw (Str 15+, Brawl BAB +6) Power Kick (Power Attack, Athletics +7) Circle Kick (Jump +10, Brawl BAB +3) Flying Kick (Jump +13, Brawl BAB +5) THE 'WEAPON EXPERT' TREE ======================== These feats govern skill with a specific weapon, chosen when the feat is selected. They can all be bought multiple times, each time being to govern a different weapon. Weapon Focus is available to anyone, but after this the feats have a special prerequisite of the Weapon Skill class feature, effectively limiting them to characters with a certain number of levels in the Warrior class. * Weapon Focus Weapon Specialist (Warrior Level 4+) Weapon Mastery (Warrior Level 7+) INDIVIDUAL FEAT DESCRIPTIONS ============================ Acrobatic {AC} Benefit: You have a natural agility and grace in motion, and recieve a +3 skill bonus to all Jump and Tumble checks. Additionally, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity by foes beside you when you jump. Acute Senses Prerequisite: Alertness. Benefit: Your senses extend out beyond their normal ranges for your race. Your sight, shadow, infravision and scent ranges are increased by 50%. Aimed Shot [Warrior] {AI} Prerequisite: Far Shot. OR: Point-Blank Shot. Benefit: You can put an arrow exactly where you want it. When you attack with a ranged weapon, for every three points above your foe's Defense that your attack rolls scores you add a +1 bonus to the attack's damage roll, to a maximum of your secondary Dexterity modifier. Alertness {AL} Benefit: You are exceptionally alert, recieving a +3 circumstance bonus on all Spot and Listen checks. Allows: Light Sleeper, Acute Senses. Alluring Benefit: You recieve a +3 circumstance bonus on social checks against members of the opposite gender and similar genotype to yourself;demihuman and human characters can be attractive to other humans and demihumans; reptilian characters can be attractive to other kobolds, lizardfolk or dragons and goblinoids can be attractive to other orcs, kobolds or goblins. Allows: Dance of Tukima. Ambidexterity [Warrior] {AM} Prerequisite: DEX >= 15. Benefit: You are equally proficient with both of your hands; you effectively do not have an "off hand", and thus you do not suffer a greater penalty to attack rolls made with the weapon in your Ready Hand when fighting with two weapons. Animal Bond {AN} Prerequisite: Animal Companions. Benefit: You have a knack for bonding with animals that are paragons of their type. When computing Druid Animal Companion additional powers you add 2 to your level. Note that this does not affect the types of animals available to you, only the power of animals you receive. Armor Proficiency: Light {AR} Prerequisite: Not Proficient with Light Armor. Benefit: You are able to wear Light armor without it severely impeding your ability to function. Armor Proficiency: Medium Prerequisite: Proficiency with Light Armor, Not Proficient with Medium Armor. Benefit: You are able to wear Medium armor without it severely impeding your ability to function. Armor Proficiency: Heavy Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medium Armor, Not Proficient with Heavy Armor. Benefit: You are able to wear Heavy armor without it severely impeding your ability to function. Artificer Benefit: You have a natural talent for intricate craftwork, and recieve a +3 skill bonus to Craft and Handle Device checks; you also require only 2/3rds of the normal XP when crafting items that require spending experience. Armor Optimization [Warrior] Prerequisite: Proficiency with Heavy Armor. Benefit: You are adept at performing tasks (e.g., balancing, escaping from holds, hiding in shadows) while wearing heavy armor and using shields. You suffer only one-third of the normal Skill Check penalty (rounded up) for wearing armor or using a shield. You suffer only one-third (rounded up) of the movement rate penalty for wearing armor. You still suffer the full Arcane spell failure rate and maximum Dexterity modifier limit, however. Athletic {AT} Benefit: You are one fit and rugged adventurer, and your prowess gives you a +3 skill bonus on Athletics, Climb and Swim checks. In addition, you gain a +1 competance bonus to your Fortitude Saving Throw. Augment Summoning {AU} Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: Your summoned creatures are more powerful than most, gaining a +4 magic bonus to Strength and Constitution, and [10 + (Spell Level x 5)] additional hit points. Backstab {BA} Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, Melee BAB >= 2. OR: Sneaky, Melee BAB >= 2. Benefit: You are adept at making surprise attacks. You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls when making a surprise attack (e.g., because the enemy is surprised, flat-footed, flanked, exposed, charging, grappled, stuck or stunned). Battlefield Inspiration [Warrior] Prerequisite: CHA >= 13. Benefit: You lead your allies by example. Whenever you slay a foe whose CR equals your own, all of your allies who witness this act gain a +1 morale bonus to hit and damage for the next [3d6 x 10] turns. If the foe's CR exceeds your own, this bonus rises by the difference between your CR's. Killing further foes does not increase the bonus (unless you kill one with a higher CR), but it does extend the duration of the inspiration effect. Allows: Coordinated Tactics, Dance of Tukima, Soulblade, Greater Soulblade (unimp), Improved Demoralize, Warcry, Terrible Mein. Bind Spell [Metamagic] {BI} Benefit: A bound spell has no effect on the caster, even if he would normally be caught within the area of effect. Allows: Judicious Spell. Blind Fight [Warrior] {BL} Prerequisite: WIS >= 13. Benefit: You are skilled at fighting blind. You do suffer a 25% miss chance (as opposed to 50%) for attacking foes you can't see, and similairly you are not denied your Dexterity bonus to AC, nor is a +2 toHit bonus granted to them, when you are attacked by foes you cannot see. You movement rate is also not reduced when blind or in areas of magical darkness. Allows: Blindsight, Deflect Arrows, Deflect Magic, Zen Archery, Zen Defense. Blindsight [Warrior] Prerequisite: WIS >= 19, Blind Fight. Benefit: Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are within one square (ten feet) of you. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though it does not allow you to discern incorporeal beings. This blindsight range stacks with blindsight you may have from any other sources. Brachiation {BR} Prerequisite: Climb >= +10, Jump >= +10, STR >= 13. Benefit: You can move through the trees at your normal land speed by swinging from one branch to another with no risk of falling. Descending from a tree takes you no time. You automatically ascend a tree when you move into a square containing one. Ascending a tree takes you no time. Break the Breath Prerequisite: Stun Attack >= 1, WIS >= 15. Benefit: Your stunning attack is particularly potent and you add +2 to the save DC for your stunning blows. Brew Potion Prerequisite: Spellcasting >= 1. OR: Alchemy >= +10. Benefit: Using this feat, a character can brew magical potions. This requires a materials cost equal to a third of the potion's market price in gold pieces, as well as an experience cost equal to 1/25th the market price of the potion. The number of potion formulas a character knows is equal to the sum of her Knowledge (Magic) and Alchemy skills. Additionally, knowing a given spell grants the ability to brew potions that have a very similar effect to it -- for example, being able to cast cure light wounds would allow a character to brew Potions of Healing, and knowing scorcher would allow a character to brew Potions of Fire Breath. These formulas are in addition to any the character may have because of her skill ratings. Broad Counterspell Prerequisite: Spellcraft >= +8, Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: You are able to use your skill with counterspells more generally than most spellcasters, and can counter the invocation of innate spell-like abilities, the reading of scrolls and the blasting of wands with a counterspell, provided you meet all the other normal requirements. Captivating {CA} Benefit: You possess a natural social poise and a gift for showmanship, giving you a +3 bonus to Diplomacy and Perform, and gain 250 gp added starting wealth. Chi Strike {CH} Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +7, Brawl BAB >= 8. OR: Martial Mastery, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +10, Brawl BAB >= 8. Benefit: When you hit a foe with a successful punch attack, they lose 1d8 points of mana for every hit points of damage that you inflict. This mana does not regenerate. A Fortitude save (DC as per your stunning attack) negates the effect. Choke Hold Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Master Grapple, Brawl BAB >= 4. OR: Martial Mastery, Master Grapple, Brawl BAB >= 5. Benefit: For every turn a character with this feat maintains a grapple on a living humanoid with less than half their hit points, that creature must make a Fortitude save against the grappler's stunning fist DC or be rendered unconscious for an extended period. Characters recieve experience for foes felled in this manner. Circle Kick {CI} Prerequisite: Jump >= +10, Power Kick, Brawl BAB >= 3. Benefit: At the cost of one fatigue point, you execute a circle kick striking a creature in the direction you choose, and also any creatures in the squares beside both it and you. Only creatures of Large size or smaller have enough maneuverability in the dungeon to perform this maneuver. You can perform a Circle Kick by selecting it from the Activate menu. Clear-Minded {CL} Benefit: You've been trained in meditation and similar mental exercises, and as a result gain a +3 feat bonus to the Concentration and Intuition skills, as well as a +1 insight bonus to your Will saving throw. Cleave [Warrior] Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: When your melee attack drops (kills or knocks down) an enemy, you gain an immediate second attack against a different randomly chosen foe within your threatened area, if such a foe exists. This feat (and similar feats) have no effect when fighting unarmed or using ranged attacks. Allows: Cleave Asunder, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave. Cleave Asunder [Warrior] Prerequisite: Cleave, Master Sunder. Benefit: Your Sunder attacks are unusually effective. You are trained in following through when you break an opponent's weapon or shield. If you make a Sunder attack and the target object is broken, you immediate cleave through and make another attack against the same opponent. Close Quarters Fighter [Warrior] Prerequisite: DEX >= 13, Combat Reflexes. Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to hit, damage and defense when there are at least four solid squares (e.g., walls, pillars) within one square of you and you are adjacent to your opponent. For example, standing against the wall of a large room would not trigger this feat, but standing in a corner or a narrow hallway would. Combat Casting {CO} Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: When you fail the percentile chance to cast a spell, or your spell is disrupted due to damage in combat, the spellcasting attempt costs you only 15 phases, as opposed to the 30 phases it would cost any other character. Additionally, for you, the penalty to Defense during a casting timeout is -2 rather than -4. You still lose your parry, dodge and insight bonuses to Defense during a casting timeout, however. Combat Reflexes [Warrior] Prerequisite: DEX >= 13. Benefit: Most characters can make only one attack of opportunity every 10 phases, but you are able to make up to (1 + Dexterity modifier) total such attacks in this span. Allows: Close Quarters Fighter, Missile Proof, Rapid Reload, Deft Opportunist, Expert Tactician. Consecreate Spell [Metamagic] Prerequisite: Turn. Benefit: A consecrated spell inflicts half holy damage and half damage of whatever type it normally does, making it useful against evil creatures who resist elemental damage types. Control Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A controlled spell that has a random effect (polymorph self, monster summoning, etc.) offers the caster a limited array of choices rather than being completely random. Coordinated Tactics [Warrior] Prerequisite: CHA >= 13, Battlefield Inspiration. OR: INT >= 13, Expertise. Benefit: You guide your allies with a careful tactical foresight, placing them exactly where you need them to be. You compensate for any weakness they might have in terms of movement with your tactics and foresight. In game terms, this allows all the creatures in your party to use your movement rate as if it were their own. If some of your allies have a higher movement rate than you do, they can still use their own rate normally. Dance of Tukima [Warrior] {DA} Prerequisite: CHA >= 13, Battlefield Inspiration, Alluring, Perform >= +10. Benefit: You have mastered the Dance of Tukima, an exotic style of fighting that blends swordplay with dancing to beguile and disorient foes. You must be in light armor and lightly encumbered to use the Dance of Tukima; doing so costs 1 fatigue and lasts a number of rounds equal to twice your Athletics rating. While dancing, you add your Charisma bonus to attack rolls, and half of your Perform skill rating to damage, provided that you are wielding a Light piercing or slashing weapon (or weapons). Deciever {DE} Benefit: You have a natural flair for deception, and gain a +3 feat bonus to Bluff, Disguise and Illusioncraft. Defensive Shot [Warrior] Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot. Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from those foes next to you when you fire a ranged weapon. Defensive Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A defensive spell does not provoke an attack of opportunity when it is cast, even if there are hostile creatures threatening the caster. Allows: Mystic Preparation. Defensive Synergy [Warrior] Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Style, Expertise, Melee BAB >= 3. OR: Double Weapon Fighting, Expertise, Melee BAB >= 3. Benefit: When you wield two weapons, you add half the parry modifier of the weapon with the lower parry modifier to your Defense score along with the higher of the two bonuses. Defensive Throw Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Master Grapple, Master Trip. OR: Martial Mastery, Master Grapple, Master Trip. Benefit: When a humanoid foe swings at you and misses your Defense Class by 8 or more, and you are unarmed, you can execute a trip attack against that foe. This costs you one attack of opportunity for the round, but has no actual timecost for you. Allows: Great Throw. Deflect Arrows [Warrior] Prerequisite: DEX >= 13, WIS >= 13, Blind Fight. Benefit: You can deflect a missile shot or thrown at you by making a Reflex save against a DC of 15. This attempt costs you one of your attack of opportunity slots for the current round, and is ineffective against a surprise attack. Allows: Deflect Magic. Deflect Magic [Warrior] Prerequisite: DEX >= 13, WIS >= 13, Deflect Arrows. Benefit: You extend your ability to deflect arrows into deflecting bolts of magical energy. With a successful Reflex save against DC 15, you completely negate any one magical bolt or ray directed against you, such as the effects of a magic missile, searing light, ray of enfeeblement or disintigrate spell. This costs you one of your attacks of opportunity for the current round, and you must be able to percieve the attacker and must not be flat-footed. Deft Opportunist Prerequisite: Expertise. OR: Combat Reflexes. Benefit: You are especially adept at making attacks of opportunity, and recieve a +4 bonus to the attack roll on all such attacks. Detective Benefit: You've had training as a detective or investigator, and as such gain a +3 feat bonus to the Appraise, Search and Gather Information skills, and a +2 social modifier whenever dealing with city guardsmen or similar lawkeepers. Dirty Fighting [Warrior] {DI} Prerequisite: Melee BAB >= 2, Improved Initiative, Find Weakness >= +10. OR: Brawl BAB >= 2, Improved Initiative, Find Weakness >= +10. Benefit: You are skilled at the brutal and effective fighting tactics of the streets and back alleys. When you make a successful attack against an enemy with vital areas (i.e., vulnerable to critical hits), and the enemy's Wisdom is lower than your own, you are able to 'get the drop on' them once per fight, inflicting +1d8 untyped damage on the first qualifying hit, as well as blinding the foe for 1d4+1 rounds if he fails a Reflex save against DC (10 + 1/2 your BAB + your Wisdom modifier). The Noble Aegis ability protects against the effects of this feat. Divine Armor Prerequisite: Turn, CHA >= 13. Benefit: You can channel divine energy to protect yourself from certain attacks. You gain a resistance to aligned damage (Law, Chaos, Holy and Unholy) as well as necromatic damage equal to twice your Charisma modifier for [Charisma x 2] rounds after turning undead. Divine Might Prerequisite: Turn, CHA >= 13, Power Attack. Benefit: You can channel divine energy to aid your local attacks. You add you secondary Charisma modifier as a sacred bonus to your melee and brawl damage for [Charisma x 2] rounds after turning undead. Divine Resistance Prerequisite: Turn, CHA >= 13, Endurance. Benefit: You can channel divine energy to protect yourself from certain elemental attacks. You gain a resistance equal to your Charisma modifier to fire, cold and lightning for [Charisma x 2] rounds after turning undead. Divine Vigor Prerequisite: Turn, CHA >= 13. Benefit: You can channel divine energy to power your physical actions. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to your Constitution and a 5% increase to your base movement rate per point of your secondary Charisma modifier, for [Charisma x 2] rounds after turning undead. Dodge [Warrior] {DO} Prerequisite: DEX >= 13. Benefit: You recieve a +1 feat bonus to your Defense, or a +3 bonus if you wear Light or lighter armor and have Light or lighter encumbrance. Allows: Reed in the Wind, Slipaway, Partial Evasion, Featherfoot, Instant Stand, Mobility, Spring Attack, Mantis Leap, Whirlwind Attack. Domain Focus Prerequisite: Domains. Benefit: Your domain spells are especially potent and the specially-granted magic of your god is difficult to resist. You add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells that appear on your domain spell list. Allows: Domain Mastery. Domain Mastery Prerequisite: Domain Focus. Benefit: Your domain spells are especially potent and the specially-granted magic of your god is difficult to resist. You add an additional +2 (for a total of +4) to the Difficult Class for all saving throws against spells that appear on your domain spell list. Double Weapon Fighting [Warrior] Prerequisite: DEX >= 15, Melee BAB >= 1. Benefit: You've learned to fight effectively with both ends of a double weapon. You fight with double weapons as though you had the Two-Weapon Style and Ambidexterity. Thus your total attack penalty is -2/-2. Allows: Power Double Weapon, Defensive Synergy. Earth's Embrace {EA} Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Master Grapple, Brawl BAB >= 4. OR: Martial Mastery, Master Grapple, Brawl BAB >= 5. Benefit: Every turn you maintain a grapple on another creature, that creature suffers your unarmed damage plus your Strength modifier. This is automatic blunt damage and does not require an attack roll, nor does it cost you time. Educated {ED} Benefit: Your diverse knowledge and scholarly acumen gives you a +3 skill bonus to all Knowledge skill checks. Empower Spell [Metamagic] {EM} Benefit: An empowered spell inflicts 50% extra damage, or otherwise has its megnitude increased by 50%. Endurance [Warrior] {EN} Prerequisite: CON >= 13. Benefit: You are naturally hardy and inured to physical exertion. Your harsh lifestyle makes you well suited to the rigors of adventuring, giving you a +5 feat bonus to your total fatigue points. Allows: Divine Resistance, Diehard (unimp), Weather Blast, Toughness, Ignore Wound, Living Wall, Resilient, Hardiness, Resist Death, Resist Paralysis, Iron Skin. Enlarge Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: An enlarged spell has its area of effect significantly increased. Exotic Weapon [Multiple] [Warrior] {EX} Benefit: You are proficient with one Exotic weapon of your choice. You must already be proficient in all the groups that weapon belongs to in order to choose this feat for it. For example, a character that lacks the Blades weapon group proficiency cannot buy Exotic Weapon: Two-Bladed Sword. Some weapons, like the bastard sword, are not exotic weapons proper, but require the Exotic Weapon feat to be used proficiently one-handed. Expertise [Warrior] Prerequisite: INT >= 13. Benefit: You are skilled at using your weapon for defense as well as offence. You gain your weapon's parry modifier as a Defense bonus against all attacks, instead of simply against the attacks of foes with slashing weapons. Allows: Defensive Synergy, Deft Opportunist, Master Trip, Whirlwind Attack, Master Disarm, Tactical Withdrawl, Riposte, Zen Defense, Coordinated Tactics, Defensive Throw, Great Throw. Expert Tactician [Warrior] Prerequisite: INT >= 13, Combat Reflexes, Melee BAB >= 2. Benefit: When you attack an opponent who is surprised or denied her dexterity bonus to defense (for any reason except being flat-footed or not being able to see you), the attack takes no time. This only applies to normal melee, ranged and brawl attacks, as well as magical touch attacks. It does not apply to great blows or trip attempts (for example). You may only make one "free" Expert Tactician attack on a given adversary per turn. Extend Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as it normally would (to a maximum of one day), and has double the normal range. Allows: Mystic Preparation. Falling Star Strike {FA} Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +10, Brawl BAB >= 4. OR: Martial Mastery, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +10, Brawl BAB >= 4. Benefit: When a monk with this feat punches a victim with eyes, the creature has a chance of being blinded for 3d6 rounds. On a critical hit, great blow or 1 in 3 normal attacks, the victim must make a Fortitude save (against stunning fist save DC) or be so blinded. Only living humanoids can be blinded. Faster Than The Eye Prerequisite: Quick Draw. Benefit: You organize and improvise your inventory exceptionally well, and can get at anything you need quickly. This feat grants the following benefits: Inventory actions (wielding a weapon, taking an item out of a container, putting an item into a container, dumping a container, picking an item up from the ground) take you 1/4th the normal time (even during combat) and never provoke attacks of opportunity. When you insert an item into a container you treat the container's weight and item count capacity as if they were doubled. You may insert items one size larger than that container would normally allow. Fast Wild Shape Prerequisite: Wild Shape. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. Taking on a wild shapes requires no time for you (instead of a full round). Far Shot [Warrior] Benefit: The range increment of your ranged weapons is doubled. Allows: Zen Archery, Rapid Shot, Aimed Shot. Featherfoot [Warrior] {FE} Prerequisite: Dodge, DEX >= 13. Benefit: As long as you have found a trap, you can walk over the square that contains it without any chance of triggering it. Additionally, you can continue Hiding in Shadows while walking over water or mud. Fists of Iron {FI} Prerequisite: Brawl BAB >= 2. Benefit: You suffer only half damage from the act of attacking something with your natural attack sequence (e.g., you will be burned less by punching a fire elemental). Additionally, you recieve a +1 bonus to damage with unarmed attacks. Allows: Iron Skin. Flyby Attack {FL} Prerequisite: Flight >= 1. Benefit: You do not suffer attacks of opportunity from foes that are not airbourne, provided that you are aerial. Flying Kick Prerequisite: Jump >= +13, Power Kick, Brawl BAB >= 5. Benefit: If you perform a kick attack at the end of a charge, you inflict double damage. Focus Spell [Metamagic] {FO} Benefit: A focused spell has an area of effect 1/3rd of the normal size. Fortify Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A fortified spell is much more difficult to dispel -- your effective caster level recieves a +5 bonus for purposes of the dispel check a hostile caster makes against it. Freeze the Lifeblood {FR} Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +12, Brawl BAB >= 6. OR: Martial Mastery, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +12, Brawl BAB >= 6. Benefit: When a monk with this feat punches a victim whose CR is two or more lower than her own, the creature has a chance of being paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. On a critical hit, great blow or 1 in 3 normal attacks, the victim must make a Fortitude save (against stunning fist save DC) or be rendered immobile. Only living creatures can be paralyzed. Graceful {GR} Benefit: You're naturally lithe and graceful, and gain a +3 feat bonus to your Balance, Escape Artist and Swim skill ratings. Great Cleave [Warrior] Prerequisite: Cleave, Melee BAB >= 3. Benefit: If the bonus attack gained from Cleave also drops a foe, you may make the third attack, and so on, until either you fail to kill an enemy, or there are no more enemies in your threatened area. Allows: Supreme Cleave. Great Fortitude Benefit: You're tougher than nails, and thus recieve a +3 feat bonus to all Fortitude saving throws. Allows: One Body, One Soul. Great Throw Prerequisite: Defensive Throw, STR >= 15, Brawl BAB >= 6. Benefit: When your Defensive Throw feat is triggered and the foe is knocked prone successfully, they also suffer 1d3+[Str mod] squares of knockback. Guarded Invocation {GU} Prerequisite: Innate Spell. Benefit: You know how to use your innate spell-like abilities without provoking an attack of opportunity, even if there are hostile creatures in the squares surronding you. Guarded Stance [Warrior] Prerequisite: INT >= 13, Melee BAB >= 1. Benefit: You are able to position yourself and your polearm intelligently in combat situations. If you are wielding a reach weapon, you are not flat-footed, and an opponent fails to close with you, you may make an attack of opportunity on that opponent. In addition, if you are making an attack of opportunity because an opponent is charging you, you gain a +8 bonus to hit. Guildmage Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: You've attended one of the large magic-guilds on Theyra, and your training has granted you a +3 bonus to the Metamagic and Spellcraft skills, as well as a bonus 1st-level spell slot. Allows: Mystic Preparation. Hardiness [Warrior] {HA} Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Endurance. Benefit: You have a hardy constitution and a developed resistance to toxins and diseases. You gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves versus poison and disease, and you require two fewer successful saving throws to fully overcome any given poison and three fewer to overcome any disease, to a minimum of one. You also gain an inherant toxin resistance (against direct toxic damage like a green dragon's breath weapon or a mage's cloudkill spell) of +5. Allows: Resist Death, Resist Paralysis. Heighten Spell [Metamagic] {HE} Benefit: A heightened spell has the DC of its saving throw increased by +4, and the maximum Hit Dice it can affect increased by 50%. Hover {HO} Prerequisite: Flight >= 1. Benefit: You do not suffer the usual -4 penalty to ranged weapon attacks while flying. Ignore Wound [Warrior] {IG} Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Endurance, Roll With It, Toughness. OR: Size Advantage >= 1. Benefit: Once per day, you can ignore the damage from any one attack that would bring you to or below 0 hit points. This happens automatically when it would be needed, but does not protect you from effects that cause instant death by means other than hit point loss, such as a slay living spell. Improved Critical [Multiple] {IM} Prerequisite: Melee BAB >= 8. Benefit: Your martial skill with a specific weapon allows you to land deadly blows more often than others. The threat range of one specific type of weapon you choose is doubled. Improved Demoralize [Warrior] Prerequisite: CHA >= 13, Battlefield Inspiration, Intimidate >= +8. Benefit: Learning this feat augments the Demoralize function of the Intimidate skill. It now functions whenever the character kills a member of an opposing group, even if it wasn't done with a critical hit. Additionally, creatures of CR 5 (rather than CR 3) or lower become afraid rather than shaken. Allows: Warcry. Improved Strength Benefit: Your might is truly legendary -- you recieve a +1 feat bonus to your Strength score. Improved Dexterity Benefit: Your agility is peerless; you recieve a +1 feat bonus to your Dexterity score. Improved Constitution Benefit: You are a peak physical specimen of your race, and you recieve a +1 feat bonus to your Constitution score. Improved Intelligence Benefit: Your intellect is unparalleled, giving you a +1 feat bonus to your Intelligence score. Improved Wisdom Benefit: Your instincts have saved your life more times than you can count. Gain a +1 feat bonus to Wisdom. Improved Charisma Benefit: You have a magnetic personality, and benefit from a +1 feat bonus to your Charisma. Improved Luck Benefit: Fortune simply smiles on you, as represented by your +1 feat bonus to Luck. Inherant Spell [Metamagic] {IN} Benefit: An inherant spell does not require a spellbook or holy symbol to cast, and thus has no 'material component'. Instant Stand [Warrior] Prerequisite: Dodge, DEX >= 13. Benefit: With a Reflex save or Balance check -- whichever favors you more -- against DC 15, you can regain your feel nearby instantly after being knocked prone. Failing the check means that you take the normal time to stand, and provoke an attack of opportunity. Intensive Study [Multiple] Prerequisite: INT >= 13. Benefit: You've devoted an exceptional amount of time and effort to staying ahead of the curve in both (or all) or your chosen professions, and thus you have an edge over other multi-classed characters. Rangers, paladins and bards can also use it to advance their magical studies more rapidly. This feat may be selected multiple times; each time you can selecte one of the following benefits. The benefits may also be selected more than once. Improve Caster Level: You gain one spellcasting chart level, up to a maximum of either double your natural casting level or 4/5ths of your character level, whichever is less. This both increases your caster level and gives you access to the higher level spells on the spellcasting chart. Improve Stealth and Sneak Attack: You gain +1d6 sneak attack and +2 maximum ranks in Hide in Shadows and Move Silently, up to a maximum of what a Rogue of either twice your rogue level or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower, would have. Improve Wild Shape: Your effective druid level is increased by 2, only for the purposes of Wild Shapes, to a maximum of twice your real druid level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. Improve Bardic Ability: Your effective bard level is increased by 2, only for the purposes of Bardic Music, Legend Lore and Storycraft, to a maximum of twice your real bard level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. You don't gain any additional Storycraft plusses, but the maximum level of item you can augment is increased. Improve BAB: Your base attack bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of twice your sum total of levels in warrior, barbarian, paladin or ranger or your total character level, whichever is lower. Improve Turn/Command Undead: Your effective priest level is increased by 2, only for the purposes of turning or commanmding undead, to a maximum of twice your real priest level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. Improve Unarmed Attack: Your effective monk level is increased by 2, only for the purposes of determining your base unarmed attack damage and stunning attack save DC, to a maximum of twice your real monk level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. Improve Smite: Your level in the smite ability (the paladin's Smite Evil, or the cleric of Destruction domain power) is increased by 4, to a maximum of twice your real smite level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. Improve Sacred Mount: Your effective paladin level is increased by 3, only for the purposes of your mount, to a maximum of twice your real paladin level, or 4/5ths your character level, whichever is lower. Iron Skin {IR} Prerequisite: Toughness, CON >= 17, Fortitude Save >= 10. OR: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Fists of Iron, WIS >= 15, Fortitude Save >= 6. Benefit: Your body and soul are strong enough to withstand the heaviest blows. You gain a +5 natural armor bonus. Iron Will Benefit: You have a resolute psyche, and thus gain a +3 feat bonus to all Will saving throws. Allows: One Body, One Soul. Improved Initiative [Warrior] {IM} Prerequisite: WIS >= 13. Benefit: Others are rarely able to act before you are ready to respond to their action. If you are attacked while flat-footed, you may make a Dexterity check (DC 15). If successful, you negate the condition of flat-footedness and ready your defenses before the attack lands. Allows: Dirty Fighting. Improved Mount Prerequisite: Sacred Mount >= 5. Benefit: You have a knack for bonding with sacred mounts that are exceptional for your degree of skill. Your paladin level is treated as if it were two higher then it actually is when determining what kind of creatures you can summon as a bonded mount. Improved Turning Prerequisite: Command. OR: Turn. Benefit: You have a knack for exercizing divine authority and channeling sacred energies. You gain a +4 bonus to all Turn or Command attempts. Judicious Spell [Metamagic] {JU} Prerequisite: Bind Spell. Benefit: A judicious spell only affects creatures who are hostile to the caster, leaving neutrals unharmed. Knock Prone [Warrior] {KN} Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: When you strike a great blow or a critical hit against an enemy, or on 1 in 3 randomly chosen normal attacks, they must succeed in a Fortitude saving throw or be knocked prone. Landed Noble {LA} Benefit: You grew up amidst the aristocracy, and thus gain a +3 feat bonus to Ride and Seneschal, as well as a +2 social modifier versus other aristocrats. Larcenous Benefit: Your shady upbringing gives you a +3 skill bonus to Lockpicking and Pick Pocket checks. In addition, if you fail to disarm a trap you will never accidentally set it off. Leadership [Warrior] {LE} Prerequisite: CHA >= 13. Benefit: You are a born leader, and followers naturally flock to your cause. The maximum possible power of a group you can lead is tripled; effectively, you can have three times as many creatures or similar CR in your party, or a single creature of +3 greater CR. This is equivalent to a +10 bonus to Diplomacy, only for the purpose of calculating PCR, and it applies to allies recruited with Diplomacy, creatures summoned via magic spells or items and creatures that have been dominated. It does not apply to creatures that are neutral to you that you issue requests to with Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate. Lightning Fists {LI} Prerequisite: DEX >= 13, Unarmed Strike >= 1. OR: DEX >= 13, Martial Mastery. Benefit: You recieve a 5% bonus to the Speed of your unarmed strikes for every point of your Dexterity bonus. Allows: Pain Touch, Falling Star Strike, Freeze the Lifeblood, Chi Strike. Lightning Reflexes Benefit: You have unearthly reflexes, and thus recieve a +3 feat bonus to all Reflex saving throws. Light Sleeper Prerequisite: Alertness. OR: WIS >= 13. Benefit: Your incredible instincts allow you to remain aware of danger even as you sleep, waking on a hair trigger and ready to respond to threats. In game terms, if you have an encounter while resting, the monsters will not get free actions ahead of you, you will not be subject to the Coup de Grace maneuver and you will not be flat-footed. Lionheart [Warrior] Prerequisite: WIS >= 14. Benefit: Your courage in unequaled. You have a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. fear, morale penalties (as from doom) are halved for you, and you may attack as if slowed and at a -4 penalty when you have the Afraid Stati. Your movement is not restricted by being Afraid. Living Wall [Warrior] Prerequisite: CON >= 13, STR >= 13, Endurance, Roll With It, Toughness. Benefit: If an enemy charges you and hits, and you take less than 25% of your total hit points in damage, and are not knocked down, knocked back or stunned, that foe is automatically knocked down, and must save or be stunned for a number of turns equal to your Strength bonus. Loadbearer {LO} Prerequisite: STR >= 13. Benefit: You are well-practiced at carrying a burden without it overly damaging your capabilities. You suffer no penalties when at Light or Medium encumbrance, and half the normal penalties thereafter. Lore of Acid Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 5. Benefit: Your mastery of corrosive magics has yielded impressive results. All direct Acid damage done by your spell effects is increased by 20%. Lore of Death Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 5. Benefit: Your mastery of necromancy has yielded impressive results. All direct Necromatic damage done by your spell effects is increased by 20%. Lore of Flames Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 5. Benefit: Your mastery of incendiary magics has yielded impressive results. All direct Fire damage done by your spell effects is increased by 20%. Lore of Rime Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 5. Benefit: Your mastery of chilling magics has yielded impressive results. All direct Cold damage done by your spell effects is increased by 20%. Lore of Storms Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 5. Benefit: Your mastery of shocking magics has yielded impressive results. All direct Lightning damage done by your spell effects is increased by 20%. Mantis Leap [Warrior] {MA} Prerequisite: Mobility, Jump >= +5. Benefit: When you jump, you gain an attack bonus as if you charged for the number of squares covered to your next attack. You cannot charge further before you attack, however. Master Bull Rush [Warrior] Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: You are skilled in using the bull rush maneuver, and no longer provoke an attack of opportunity in so doing. Master Disarm [Warrior] Prerequisite: Expertise. Benefit: You are skilled in disarming enemies, and you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you use the Disarm tactical option. Master Great Blow [Warrior] Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: You are skilled in delivering Great Blows, and doing so only takes the same amount of time as a normal attack (as opposed to 150%) and only leaves you exposed for 10 phases (rather than 20). Master Trip [Warrior] Prerequisite: Expertise. Benefit: You are particularly skilled at using the vulnerability tripping an opponent causes to your advantage. You do not suffer an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip a foe with the Trip maneuver. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to all trip checks. Allows: Defensive Throw, Great Throw. Maximize Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A maximized spell inflicts the maximum damage it possibly could, or otherwise benifits from a maximized dice roll. Mobility [Warrior] {MO} Prerequisite: Dodge. Benefit: You recieve a +4 bonus to Defense versus attacks of opportunity caused by moving out of an enemy's threatened area. Allows: Spring Attack, Mantis Leap, Whirlwind Attack. Monkey Grip [Warrior] Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: You can wield weapons and bows as if you were one size category larger than you actually are. For example, a medium-sized character with this feat could hold a greatsword in one hand. Wielding a weapon that is larger than you are inflicts a -2 circumstance penalty to your attack roll. Mounted Archery [Warrior] Prerequisite: Mounted Combat. Benefit: You suffer only half the normal penalty for using ranged weapons while mounted -- -2 instead of -4 normally, or -4 instead of -8 when you are charging. Mounted Combat [Warrior] Benefit: You are skilled at defending your mount in combat. When your mount is attacked, you automatically make a ride skill check. If your skill check result exceeds the attack roll's total, the attack is considered to be a miss. Allows: Mounted Archery, Overrun, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge. Multiattack {MU} Prerequisite: ???. Benefit: When making your second and further attacks in your natural attack sequence, you suffer only a -2 penalty, rather then a -5. Murderous Benefit: You're a real hardcase; your proficiency at ending others lives gives you a +3 feat bonus to Find Weakness and Poison Use, as well as a +2 bonus to the roll to confirm critical hits. Mystic Preparation {MY} Prerequisite: Extend Spell. OR: Defensive Spell. OR: Guildmage. Benefit: Your strategic use of preparatory magic is without peer. When you cast a persistant enhancemennt spell it costs two mana less than it normally would (minimum 1). Missile Proof {MI} Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Proficiency with Shields. Benefit: You may block projectiles easily with your shield. If you are attacked by a ranged weapon and you are not surprised or flat-footed, you may make a Reflex save against DC 20. The DC is lowered by the armor bonus of your shield and raised by the magical plus, if any, of the missile weapon. If you succeed, you deflect the attack. Deflecting a missile attack in this manner uses one of your attacks of opportunity. This feat will not allow you to block magical attacks like acid arrow. Master Grapple [Warrior] {MA} Prerequisite: DEX >= 13. Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when yo umake a touch attack to start a grapple. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple. Allows: Earth's Embrace, Choke Hold, Defensive Throw, Great Throw. Natural Aptitude [Multiple] {NA} Benefit: You may choose one additional skill, and this skill will be treated as if it were a racial skill; you can spend skill points gained from any class to advance it. Natural Grapple [Bestial] Prerequisite: Brawl BAB >= 3. Benefit: The first time you hit in your natural (pre-grab) attack sequence you immediately initiate a free grapple attack against your foe. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when making grapple attacks. You may make grapple attacks even if you lack hands. If you also have the Multiattack feat, the free grab attack applies after any successful hit in your natural attack sequence. Necrophysiology {NE} Prerequisite: Knowledge (Undead) >= +10. Benefit: Your understanding of the makeup of the undead allows you to score critical hits against them in combat. This allows you to use abilities that normally only work against creatures subject to critical hits, such as Coup de Grace and Sneak Attack. Note that undead always succeed at Fortitude saves against a Coup de Grace. Non-Standard Flurry {NO} Prerequisite: Melee BAB >= 4, Flurry of Blows. Benefit: You come from a monastic tradition that uses non-standard weapons. You may make a Flurry of Blows with any weapon, not just a martial one. One Body, One Soul {ON} Prerequisite: Iron Will, Great Fortitude. Benefit: You have tapped into the innermost depths of your being, where the mental and physical become one. You can use the higher of your Wisdom and Constitution modifiers for the purposes of calculating your hit points, mana points, fatigue points, Fortitude and Will saving throws. Where applicable, this benefit is retroactive. Overrun [Warrior] {OV} Prerequisite: Mounted Combat. Benefit: Any mount you ride gains a trip attack (similar to a wolf's) in addition to its normal attacks. Whenever your mount hits with one or more of the attacks in its natural attack sequence, the victim must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Ride skill) or be rendered prone. Pain Touch {PA} Prerequisite: Stun Attack, Lightning Fists, Find Weakness >= +7, WIS >= 19, Brawl BAB >= 2. Benefit: You are able to strike nerve clusters in such a manner as to cause intense pain. When you perform a successful stun attack, your foe also becomes nauseated for one round. Partial Evasion [Warrior] Prerequisite: Dodge, DEX >= 13. Benefit: When you make a successful Reflex saving throw against a damaging area effect, you take 1/3 (instead of 1/2) of the normal damage. Physician {PH} Benefit: You've completed formal training with the Physician's Guild of Theyra, and as a result have acquired a +3 feat bonus to Alchemy and Heal. Point-Blank Shot [Warrior] {PO} Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to hit and damage when you make ranged attacks against foes within 3 squares of you. Allows: Defensive Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Aimed Shot. Pounce [Bestial] Benefit: When you attack a flat-footed enemy, you may make all of the attacks in your natural attack sequence at your full base attack bonus. Normally the subsequent attacks in a natural attacks are at a -5 penalty (or a -2 penalty with the Multiattack feat). Power Attack [Warrior] Prerequisite: STR >= 13. Benefit: Your blows have the full force of your strength behind them. For every three points above your foe's Defense that your attack roll scores, you add a +1 bonus to that attack's damage roll, to a maximum of your secondary Strength modifier. If you wield a weapon two-handed, the damage bonus increases to +1 per 2 points above the enemy's Defense score. Allows: Power Kick, Circle Kick, Flying Kick, Divine Might, Power Double Weapon, Master Great Blow, Cleave, Cleave Asunder, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave, Master Bull Rush, Master Sunder, Knock Back (unimp), Power Charge, Knock Prone, Monkey Grip. Power Charge [Warrior] Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: In addition to adding your charge bonus to your attack and damage rolls when you charge, one third of it is subtracted from the threat range of your attack, thus making it more likely you will score a critical hit. Power Double Weapon [Warrior] Prerequisite: Double Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Melee BAB >= 3. Benefit: You have learned to maximize the strength of your blows when wielding a double weapon. You add your full Strength bonus to damage rolls with your on-hand and your off-hand (rather than half of your Strength bonus for your off-hand). Power Kick Prerequisite: Unarmed Strike >= 1, Power Attack, Athletics >= +7. OR: Martial Mastery, Power Attack, Athletics >= +7. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage on kick attacks. Allows: Circle Kick, Flying Kick. Precise Shot [Warrior] {PR} Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot. Benefit: When you shoot at a target and there is another creature in the line of fire, there is only a 25% chance of the game rolling your attack against that creature to see if you hit it instead of your target, instead of the normal 75% chance. Project Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A projected touch spell becomes a ray, thus allowing the caster to strike foes at a range. Quick Draw [Warrior] {QU} Benefit: You are able to exchange items in and out of your weapon hand, ready hand, shoulder and belt slots very quickly -- it takes you only 1/4th the normal time to do so. It still takes time to remove items from containers or pick things up. Allows: Faster Than The Eye. Quicken Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A quickened spell can be cast in half the time it takes to cast any other spell. Rake [Bestial] {RA} Benefit: If you hit with two or more claw attacks in one natural attack sequence, you can make one further claw attack against that creature at your full attack bonus and full Strength damage modifier using your hind legs. Rapid Reload Prerequisite: DEX >= 15, Archery BAB >= 3, Combat Reflexes. Benefit: It takes you only 10 phases to reload a crossbow, not 30. Reloading a crossbow does not provoke an attack of opporunity for you. In addition, you are able to care for and string a crossbow so that it can remain cocked for twice as long without suffering damage. Rapid Shot [Warrior] Prerequisite: Far Shot. OR: Point-Blank Shot. Benefit: Your Speed when using a ranged weapon is increased by 25%. Reed in the Wind {RE} Prerequisite: Evasion >= 1, Tumble >= +12, DEX >= 15, Dodge. Benefit: Whenever a non-prone humanoid character with this feat is about to take more than a third of their current hit points in damage from a single attack consisting of slashing, piercing or blunt damage, they will be asked if they want want to use Reed in the Wind, and thus suffer only 1/3rd damage, but also suffer automatic knockdown. A character must be wearing Light armor or be unarmored to use this feat, and it is ineffective against piercing damage. Reflective Counterspell Prerequisite: Spellcraft >= +13, Caster Level >= 3. Benefit: You are able to use a counterspell to turn magic back on its point of origin, rather than merely snuffing it out If the spell in question already targets its caster, it is counterspelled normally. Rend [Bestial] Benefit: If you have grabbed your target before attacking, or you have hit with one natural attack already this attack sequence, you add your full Strength modifier to all further natural attacks. Normally all subsequent attacks in a natural attack sequence gain only half your Strength bonus. Resilient [Warrior] Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Endurance, Roll With It, Toughness. Benefit: As long as you are not more severely damaged than [(Con modifier + 3) x 5%] of your HP, you recover damage at a rate of 1 point per 3 turns -- the injuries you recieved are easily recovered from, since they are assumed to just be scrapes and bruises once you get your breath back. Resist Death [Warrior] Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Hardiness. Benefit: You gain a limited resistance to instant necromatic death attacks (such as a banshee's wail, a nymph's beauty, a slay living or finger of death spell, etc.), allowing you to automatically ignore a number of such attacks per day equal to twice your Constitution modifier. This ability takes effect before the saving throw. Resist Paralysis [Warrior] Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Hardiness. Benefit: You gain the ability to shrug off a number of paralyzing attacks per day equal to twice your Constitution modifier. This effect stacks with that gained from a cleric's Travel domain. Ride-By Attack [Warrior] {RI} Prerequisite: Mounted Combat. Benefit: You are able to attack while charging and mounted more proficiently then most. This conveys three benefits: First, you keep charging if you strike and kill an opponent, potentially allowing you to continue in a straight line and attack more enemies behind the first one with the full momentum of your charge. Second, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Defense versus attacks of opportunity caused by leaving an enemy's theat range while charging. Finally, you are not denied your Dexterity bonus to Defense when charging while mounted. Allows: Spirited Charge. Riposte [Warrior] Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse, Expertise, Melee BAB >= 6. Benefit: After deflecting an opponent's blow you can quickly attack while the enemy is over-extended. When you are not surprised, at most lightly encumbered, and wearing at most light armor, you may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who is beside you and tries to attack you in melee and misses. Roll With It [Warrior] {RO} Prerequisite: CON >= 13. Benefit: You are able to move with the impact and lessen the most severe effects of critical hits. You suffer only half the normal damage increase from a crit, so a weapon normally inflicting x2 damage on a crit does x1.5, a weapon normally doing x3 does x2, a weapon normally doing x4 does x2.5 and a weapon normally doing x5 does x3 instead. Allows: Toughness, Ignore Wound, Living Wall, Resilient, Iron Skin. Run {RU} Benefit: You recieve a 20% feat bonus to your Movement Rate. In addition, you are not denied your Dexterity bonus to defense when charging and not mounted. School Focus [Multiple] {SC} Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: You have augmented the power of your spells from one school of magic (Abjuration, Necromancy, etc). Spells of that school have the DC of their saving throws adjusted by +2. Scribe Scroll Prerequisite: Spellcasting >= 1. OR: Knowledge (Magic) >= +10. Benefit: Using this feat, a character can create magical scrolls. This requires a materials cost equal to a third of the scroll's market price in gold pieces, as well as an experience cost equal to 1/25th the market price of the scroll. The number of scroll formulas a character knows is equal to twice her Knowledge (Magic) skill; additionally, she can scribe a scroll of any spell she knows how to cast. Shield Expert [Warrior] {SH} Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. Benefit: You are able to use your shield as a barrier, preventing foes from striking at the weak areas in your armor. Your shield grants you a bonus to coverage based on it's size -- +10 for a shield larger than you, +8 for a shield with the same size category, +4 for a shield one category smaller and +2 for a shield two categories smaller. Shield Focus [Warrior] Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. Benefit: You are particularly adept at using shields. You gain a +2 increase to the defense bonus a shield grants. Shield Proficiency Prerequisite: Not Proficient with Shields. Benefit: You have been trained in the proper use of a shield, and do not suffer penalties as a result of wearing one. Allows: Spear and Shield, Shield Focus, Shield Expert. Skill Focus [Multiple] {SK} Benefit: You recieve a +2 competance bonus to any one skill of your choice. This bonus stacks with the bonuses from other skill enhancer feats. Additionally, when you perform a skill check for that skill, you roll twice and take the better result. If the skill is normally rolled twice, you roll three times instead. Slipaway [Warrior] {SL} Prerequisite: Dodge, DEX >= 13. Benefit: You are easily able to slip away from others' grabs and holds, and gain a +4 bonus to the maneuver check to break grapples. Sneaky {SN} Benefit: Stealth is second-nature to you, and you recieve a +3 skill bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. In addition, you can move at full speed (rather than half) while hiding in shadows. Allows: Backstab. Soulblade [Warrior] {SO} Prerequisite: CHA >= 15, Battlefield Inspiration. Benefit: When you wield a magical weapon, your force of personality is so awesome that it leaves a psychic imprint on the weapon, altering its mystical nature for so long as it is in your hands. The weapon's plus is increased by 1, to a maximum of your Charisma modifier. Allows: Greater Soulblade (unimp). Spell Penetration {SP} Prerequisite: Caster Level >= 1. Benefit: You add 4 to you caster level (or 20%) when trying to overcome magic resistance. Spirited Charge [Warrior] Prerequisite: Ride-By Attack. Benefit: When charging while mounted, you do triple damage with weapons that say they would normally do double damage (e.g., lances, longspears). You do double damage with all other weapons. Spring Attack [Warrior] Prerequisite: Mobility, Melee BAB >= 4. Benefit: You can make a melee attack against a creature two squares distant from you, as long as there is not a creature larger than your target directly between you and it. Still Spell [Metamagic] {ST} Benefit: A stilled spell requires no gestures, and thus can be cast without the -60% penalty that usually results from casting while grappled or ensnared, or the -20% penalty for casting while prone or underwater. Also, a stilled spell can be cast without one hand free. Finally, when casting a still spell, since gestures are not required a caster may retain her weapon parry bonus during the casting timeout. Master Sunder [Warrior] {MA} Prerequisite: Power Attack. Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you try to damage a foe's equipment in combat. In addition, you deal double damage when sundering equipment. Finally, you deal double damage when attacking inanimate objects like chests and doors (but not golems or magical constructs). Allows: Cleave Asunder. Supreme Cleave [Warrior] {SU} Prerequisite: Great Cleave, Melee BAB >= 7. Benefit: Whenever you hit with a bonus attack gained from Cleave or Great Cleave, you inflict an extra 1d8 points of damage on that attack. Sure Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A sure spell has a 100% success chance when cast, provided that it had at least a 70% success chance before the Sure Spell feat was added. Swarm Tactics {SW} Prerequisite: WIS >= 13. Benefit: You have an affinity for swarm tactics. Whenever you make an attack and your victim is adjacent to you, you gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage for every creature within one square of you that is neither hostile to you nor larger than you. You gain a similar +1 bonus to defense when attacked by an adjacent foe for every non-hostile, non-larger creature within one square of you. Spear and Shield [Warrior] {SP} Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. Benefit: You have trained in the use of a large spear and shield together. You can use a spear together with a large sheild, despite the fact that such weapons cannot normally be used together. The shield is slung over the shoulder and maneuvered with the off-hand that simultaneously holds the spear. Effectively, spears, lances and polearms count as one size smaller for you when you are already wielding a shield. Tactical Withdrawl [Warrior] {TA} Prerequisite: Expertise. Benefit: You recieve a +8 bonus to the disengagement contest needed to leave an enemy's threatened area safety. Talented Benefit: You're got a natural gift for invoking magic, and thus gain a +3 bonus to the Decipher Script and Use Magic skills. Terrible Mein [Warrior] {TE} Prerequisite: CHA >= 13, Battlefield Inspiration, Intimidate >= +12. Benefit: Your presence is so very terrible that thinking foes instinctively flinch, pulling their blows. When you are struck by a sapient creature who is not immune to fear for damage in melee, you subtract your Charisma modifier from the total damage dealt before armor and resistances are taken into account. If the attacker has a saving throw bonus versus fear effects, your Charisma modifier is reduced by that amount for this purpose. Toughness [Warrior] {TO} Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Endurance, Roll With It. Benefit: You are extraordinarily resilient, and recieve a 25% bonus to your total hit points. Allows: Iron Skin, Ignore Wound, Living Wall, Resilient. Trample [Bestial] {TR} Benefit: Whenever you attack a smaller creature who is prone at the end of your turn (whether as a result of your own attacks or otherwise) with your natural attack sequence, you may make a special trample attack as part of your natural attack sequence, striking at full attack bonus for 1d12 points of blunt damage, plus Strength modifier. Transmute Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A transmuted spell is altered to inflict a different type of elemental damage (fire, cold, acid, lightning or poison) than it normally would. Florentine Style [Warrior] {FL} Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Style. Benefit: When fighting with two weapons, you recieve no additional penalty if your offhand weapon is the same size as you are -- that is, a human could wield two long swords rather than a long sword and a dagger. Two-Weapon Style [Warrior] {TW} Benefit: Whatever penalties you recieve for fighting with two weapons are reduced by two for each hand. Allows: Florentine Style, Defensive Synergy, Two-Weapon Tempest. Two-Weapon Tempest [Warrior] Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Style, Melee BAB >= 9. Benefit: When you are wielding two weapons, you gain a 50% skill bonus to your Speed. Vocalize Spell [Metamagic] {VO} Benefit: A vocalized spell has no incantation or other verbal component, and can thus be cast normally in areas of magical silence. Warcry [Warrior] {WA} Prerequisite: CHA >= 13, Improved Demoralize. OR: CHA >= 13, Ki Strike >= 1. Benefit: You can let out a great and terrifying shout, shocking your enemies and causing them to hesitate. Making a warcry costs you 15 segments; any enemy within 80 feet who fails a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Intimidate skill) hesitates for 50 segments, and is thereafter shaken as per the Demoralize function of the Intimidate skill. Monks refer to this ability as a kiai shout. This feat only affects a given opponent once per day, regardless of success or failure. Warp Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: A warped spell produces a ray or blast that can pass through solid matter such as doors or walls, but affects corporeal targets normally. Weapon Finesse [Warrior] {WE} Prerequisite: DEX >= 13, Melee BAB >= 1. OR: Unarmed Strike >= 1. Benefit: When using a qualifying melee weapon, you modify your attack rolls in combat with your Dexterity instead of your Strength, if that gives a more favorable result. You also never suffer a penalty to damage due to Strength with a qualifying weapon. Suitable weapons must belong to one of the following groups: Daggers, Staves, Short Blades, Flexible Weapons, Martial Arts Weapons or Light Weapons. Additionally, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength on unarmed attacks and grapple checks. Allows: Riposte. Weapon Focus [Multiple] [Warrior] Benefit: You are particulairly skilled with a specific weapon, and recieve a +1 skill bonus to hit when you use that weapon. Weapon Mastery [Multiple] [Warrior] Prerequisite: Weapon Specialist, Weapon Skill Eligibility >= 2. Benefit: You have mastered every possible intricacy of a single weapon, and thus you recieve a +2 skill bonus to hit, +2 skill bonus to damage and +20% skill bonus to Speed when using it. In addition, the weapon inflicts the next highest possible die type of damage -- for example, a long sword inflicts 1d10 base damage instead of 1d8. Finally, you gain a +2 skill bonus to your defence class if the weapon is your main- or off-hand melee weapon. Weapon Proficiency [Multiple] [Warrior] Benefit: In addition to all the weapons you are proficient with naturally due to your class or classes, you can choose one additional non-Exotic weapon with which you are proficient. Weapon Specialist [Multiple] [Warrior] Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, Weapon Skill Eligibility >= 1. Benefit: You have studied the use of a given weapon in great detail, and thus you recieve a +1 skill bonus to hit, +2 skill bonus to damage and a +10% skill bonus to Speed when using it. Weather Blast [Warrior] Prerequisite: CON >= 13, Endurance. Benefit: You can resist area effects using a Fortitude save rather than Reflex, assuming your Fortitude is better. However, you cannot use the Evasion ability with this Feat. Whirlwind Attack [Warrior] {WH} Prerequisite: Expertise, Mobility, Melee BAB >= 4. Benefit: You may execute a devastating flurry of attacks, striking once at every foe that is immediately adjacent to you. Wild Shape: Elementalkin {WI} Prerequisite: Wild Shape >= 16. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. You may assume Elementalkin Wild Shapes. You are still limited by the standard challenge rating, hit dice and size requirements. Wild Shape: Mythic Hybrids Prerequisite: Wild Shape >= 8. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. You may assume Mythic Hybrid Wild Shapes. You are still limited by the standard challenge rating, hit dice and size requirements. Wild Shape: Plant Prerequisite: Wild Shape >= 6. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. You may assume Plant Wild Shapes. You are still limited by the standard challenge rating, hit dice and size requirements. Wild Shape Scent Prerequisite: Wild Shape, WIS >= 11. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic canine shapeshifting. You gain a wolf-like ability to Scent creatures within a range of 30 feet (3 squares), regardless of your physical form. Wild Shape: Vermin Prerequisite: Wild Shape >= 10. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. You may assume Vermin Wild Shapes. You are still limited by the standard challenge rating, hit dice and size requirements. Woodsman {WO} Benefit: You have great experience in the wilderness, and this familiarity grants you a +3 skill bonus to all Wilderness Lore and Animal Empathy checks. In addition, you gain a +2 feat bonus to your total fatigue points. Zen Archery [Warrior] {ZE} Prerequisite: Far Shot, Blind Fight. Benefit: You gain an insight bonus to your archery +toHit equal in magnitude to your Wisdom modifier. This bonus stacks with the normal Dexterity bonus. If you have the Aimed Shot feat, the maximum damage bonus for an aimed shot is increased by your secondary Wisdom modifier. Zen Defense [Warrior] Prerequisite: Blind Fight, Expertise. Benefit: When unarmored, you gain an insight bonus to your Defense Class equal in magnitude to your Wisdom modifier, if it is positive. This bonus stacks with the normal Dexterity bonus. If you wear light armor, you get half the normal bonus, rounding up. Characters in medium or heavy armor gain no benefit from this feat. Spells that duplicate the effect of armor count as armor for the purpose of this feat. Wild Shape Mastery {WI} Prerequisite: Wild Shape. Benefit: You have a superior understanding of druidic shapeshifting. You may assume Wild Shapes as if you had two additional Druid levels. This allows you access to more powerful forms earlier, and allows you to take a Wild Shape with only one Druid level. Weapon High Mastery [Multiple] [Warrior] {WE} Prerequisite: Weapon Mastery, Weapon Skill Eligibility >= 3. Benefit: Your skill with your chosen weapon is the stuff of legends. You recieve a +2 skill bonus to hit, a +3 skill bonus to damage, and a +30% skill bonus to speed when using it. You gain a +3 skill bonus to melee defense. Your critical hit damage multiplier for the weapon is increased by one. Your range increment with the weapon is doubled. Finally, the weapon inflicts the next highest possible die type of damage -- for example, a long sword inflicts 1d10 base damage instead of 1d8. Weapon Grand Mastery [Multiple] [Warrior] Prerequisite: Weapon High Mastery, Weapon Skill Eligibility >= 4. Benefit: Your skill with your chosen weapon is rumored to make the gods envious. You recieve a +3 skill bonus to hit, a +4 skill bonus to damage, and a +50% skill bonus to speed when using it. You gain a +4 skill bonus to melee defense. Your critical hit damage multiplier for the weapon is increased by one and your critical threat range is doubled. Your range increment is tripled. Finally, the weapon inflicts the next highest possible die type of damage -- for example, a long sword inflicts 1d10 base damage instead of 1d8. | ![]() |