![]() | =========================== = MISCELLANEOUS REFERANCE = =========================== -- Alchemical Items -- Psionic Wild Talents -- Poisons -- {MM} Return to the Main Menu Alchemical Items {AL} ===================== ACID Alchemical acids are area-effect splash weapons inflicting 1d8 points of damage for every total +5 Alchemy rating possessed by their creator, with a minimum of 2d8 acid damage. A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Alchemy skill rating + thrower's Dexterity modifier) allows half damage. Acid has other uses as well as being a weapon -- it can be poured into a lock to melt it open without triggering it, or very tiny items can be dissolved in it -- some alchemists believe that the properties of a magical item can be discerned as it dissolves in acid, its mystical essence released. Some claim that drinking acid can prevent petrification, but surely one would have to be a stalwart soul to survive such an act... ALCHEMIST'S FIRE Alchemist's Fire is a sticky, viscous semi-liquid that catches fire when exposed to air. It is usually thrown is a sealed glass flask at an enemy, who suffers 1d10 points of fire damage for every +5 Alchemy skill the Fire was created with (minimum 2d10). A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Alchemy skill level + thrower's Dexterity modifier) can be made for half damage; failing this save indicates the target has been set on fire and will suffer 1d4 additional points of fire damage each round until the flames are successfully extinguished. ANTITOXIN This alchemical antitoxin makes a character's immune system more active and resistant to poisons. It grants a +3 bonus (or higher, when crafted with a superior Alchemy skill) to saving throws against poison for the next 80 turns. EGGSHELL FLASH-BOMB An ingenious incendiary device, the eggshell bomb ignites upon striking any solid surface, producing a brilliant flash of light that blinds any creatures within 30 feet of its point of impact. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Alchemy skill level + the thrower's Dexterity mod) negates the blinding; the thrower herself, being prepared for the flash, is immune. The blinding lasts for 1d4 rounds. EGGSHELL SMOKE-BOMB This alchemical item produces a surprising volume of misty, harmless smoke from a combination of chemical powders sealed inside an eggshell. The eggshell is thrown and triggers upon impact, creating a smoke cloud with a radius of [Alchemy skill / 5] + 2 squares. SCENTBLIND This alchemical preparation takes the form of a thick, pungent oil applied directly to the skin, causing the user to emit an intense aroma that blinds the smell of creatures with the Scent ability. It renders the wearer inperceptable with Scent, but also awakens any creatures with Scent that are within 30 feet. The effects last for (Alchemy x 10) turns, to a minimum of 100. SILVERSHEEN This thin alchemical resin can be applied to any metal weapon, bonding with the metal for a brief period of time to give it the qualities of silver with regard to lycanthropes and devils. STIMTAB This perilous alchemical item accelerates a character's metabolism greatly, albiet at a cost to her long-term health; characters also learn from their experiences less effectively while in this chemically altered state. A stimtab grants +4 temporary fatigue points (+2 per +5 Alchemy above +10) and a +50% increase to Spd (+5% per point of Alchemy rating over 10), for the next 30 turns. SUNROD When lit (activated), a sunrod emits brilliant golden light out to a radius of 20 feet. Light-averse creatures will suffer the penalties of being in a brightly-lit area. The lit sunrod can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon; it inflicts 1d3 points of fire damage to most creatures, but against wraiths, shadows and similar creatures of negative energy, it inflicts 2d8 points of sunlight damage and strikes true against their incorporeality. A sunrod burns for only 3d6+6 turns. TANGLEFOOT BAG A tanglefoot bag can be thrown to create a mass of tanglefoot strands with a radius of 10 feet (1 square). A creature attempting to move or attack in the strands must make a reflex saving throw (DC 15) to avoid becoming stuck instead. Woodland Stride, Free Action and Flight all render one immune to tanglefoot strands. TWILIGHT SALVE By rubbing this pungent salve on one's eyelids (by Activating this item), the user is able to see invisible or ethereal creatures for a brief period of time. Unfortunately, the aftereffect of the salve leaves the user deeply disoriented for a period when it wears off; it also tend to abuse the body in the longer term. UNIVERSAL SOLVENT This alchemical solvent dissolves any adhesive material, allowing a character to free themselves from webbing, sticky slime, mimic adhesive, the effects of the molecular bonding psionic power, the webs of ettercaps and so forth. It should be [A]pplied to be used. Psionic Powers {PS} =================== Adrenaline Control (Psionic Power) Mana: None. This wild talent allows its bearer to channel an adrenaline surge to great effect, gaining a +4 magic bonus to Strength and Constitution for a brief period at the cost of two Fatigue points. Ballistic Attack (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Short duration. Using this psionic power, a character can psychokinetically accelerate any thrown weapon to such a velocity that it becomes a terrifying, bullet-like blast. The effect lasts for only one attack, which must be made shortly after the power is activated; if it hits this attack recieves a +10 bonus to damage. Biocurrent (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Long duration. Through natural talent or careful training, you are able to manipulate your body into producing a surprisingly intense bioelectric current not unlike an electric eel, discharged through the palms of your hands. When you manifest this power, you charge this internal reserve, and gain the ability to make a touch attack which inflicts 1d12 lightning damage. You can make a number of such attacks equal to your Constitution modifier plus 2 (minimum 1) before the reserve is depleted. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Body Equilibrium (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. This devotion allows a character to perfectly attune their body to any surface, allowing them to walk along anything -- even surfaces such as water or a spider's web that could not normally support their weight. A side effect of this perfect equilibrium is a +10 bonus to the character's Balance skill. Brain Lock (Psionic Power) Will negates. Mana: None. A victim of this power finds their conscious mind severed from their autonomic brain functions. The effect is in some ways similar to entering a fugue state -- the victim stands dazed and blank, though they will defend themselves from attacks and are not helpless. Only sapient creatures are subject to brain lock -- the minds of beasts and animals are too primal and instinctive to be divided so easily. The victim is entitled to a Will saving throw (DC 10 + your Wisdom modifier) to resist the effect. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Cell Adjustment (Psionic Power) Mana: None. The entry-point of the psychic healing arts, this devotion allows a character to assume conscious control over his body's natural healing facilities, stimulating them to heal him of 4d12+4 points of damage. This places great strain on the body, however, and may only be used once per day. Chameleon Shifting (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. Characters with this power can imitate the biological process a chameleon uses to change the color of its skin, allowing them to blend nearly perfectly into their surrondings. Manifesting this power gives the character a +10 bonus to the Hide skill. Chemical Simulation (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Using this power, a psychic character can psychometabolically alter the sweat glands and pores in her hands, causing them to emit a strong acid she herself is immune to. She may make a touch attack to inflict 2d8 points of acid damage; one manifestation of this power allows her to make up to five such touch attacks. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Clairvoyance (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Allows the caster to scry around the nearby area. Clairvoyance (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Manifesting this power allows a psionically active character to extend his senses beyond his body, viewing through solid matter to see distant locations as if he was physically present there. Combat Mind (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. Using this power, you enter a trance-like state where you gain the ability to predict the moves of those you face in combat with an eerie accuracy. Whenever a sapient creature attacks you, you gain a +1 bonus to DC for every point your Intelligence score exceeds theirs. If they are a humanoid, this bonus is doubled. This state requires focus; it can only be activated in combat and ceases as soon as you become flat-footed. Detonate (Psionic Power) Mana: None. By focusing her will into an explosive pinpoint pressure, a character with this power can cause any mindless, unliving object -- including mindless undead and constructs -- to explode, destroying it in the process and inflicting 2d10 points of blunt damage to everything within 10 feet of it. An undead or construct, or the bearer of a targeted item, can resist with a Will save (DC 16). Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Ectoplasmic Cocoon (Psionic Power) Mana: None. You draw upon ectoplasm -- the material of the astral plane -- to weave a cocoon around yourself inside which you can rest safely in even the most dangerous enviornments. Because the cocoon exists between the astral, ethereal and material planes, it is all but impossible to harm and provides a secure resting place from even the most powerful threats. Weaving it takes time and meditation, however, so this power cannot be used to escape combat or other immediate threats. Energy Containment (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. Activating this power, you align the psychometabolic signature of your body to energy, allowing you to absorb energy attacks directed against you and convert them into harmless light. When you suffer damage from fire, lightning, sound or pure magical force the first 20 points of that damage is converted harmlessly into energy provided that you react in time by making a DC 10 Intelligence check. When you absorb energy in this manner, you glow as if under the effect of a faerie fire spell for one round per point of damage so absorbed. Expansion (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. Drawing upon this psychometabolic devotion causes the character to absorb ambient vitality from the biome around her, causing her body to physically grow one full size category larger for as long as the power is active. Flesh Armor (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. This wild talent allows a character to exercise mental discipline to physically toughen her skin, strengthening the bonds between cells and making her skin as hard to pierce, tear or crush as cured leather (though its outward appearance does not change). While this power is manifest, the character has a +5 natural armor bonus. Inertial Barrier (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Long duration. This psionic ability creates a field about two inches thick around the psychic's body, dampening the inertia of any object moving toward her. This effect reduces the damage inflicted by blunt weapons against her by a flat absolute of 10 hit points, and slashing weapons by 5 hit points. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Mental Invisibility (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Long duration. Using this power, the manifester can cloud the minds of those around her, rendering them unable to percieve her presence. This only affects creatures that have a mind and whose Will save modifier does not exceed 5 + your CR. Attacking ends the effect. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Synaptic Static (Psionic Power) Mana: None. By manifesting this power, a character emits a kind of psychic static that interferes with other psionic creatures' attempts to use their powers. This effects an area consisting of a globe centered on you with a 60 foot radius. If a character wishes to manifest a psionic power while inside this area (other than a defense mode), they must beat you in an opposed Concentration check; otherwise, the power does not manifest and the manifester has wasted 15 phases. Telekinesis (Psionic Power) Mana: None. This power can be enacted in one of two forms, as chosen when the power is manifested: Violent Thrust: This form of Telekinesis targets a single creature of your choice, causing them to be knocked down and back up to 3d4 squares and to suffer 5d4 points of blunt damage. Sustained Force: This version of the spell allows you to exert force at a range of 60 feet. You can use the combat maneuvers Grapple, Punch, Trip and Bull Rush in this manner, with your Wisdom standing in for Strength and Intelligence for Dexterity. You can also open or kick doors, pick up items or try to disarm traps at range. Telepathic Awareness (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Persistant. The entry-point to the psionic Discipline of Telepathy, this power allows a psionicist to sense the presence of other minds around him. Telepathic Awareness allows the manifester to automatically percieve the presence, identity and location of any non-mindless, non-shielded creatures within 60 feet of her while it is active. Translocate (Psionic Power) Mana: None. Manifesting this power teleports you randomly 3d12 squares away, at the cost of two fatigue points. Whitefire (Psionic Power) Reflex partial. Mana: None. By manifesting this power, you conjure intensely unstable strands of excited matter from the astral plane that combust into brilliant streams of silvery fire upon contact with air in the prime material. This material manifests as a compressed globe at the very edges of your fingertips and streaks outward to explode in a volumetric blast inflicting 3d4 points of fire damage and 1d4 points of unavoidable trauma damage. The intense heat of whitefire easily damages items. Activating this power costs 2 fatigue points if your Fortitude save bonus is lower that +8, 1 fatigue point if your Fortitude save bonus is lower than +15 and no fatigue if your Fortitude save bonus is +15 or higher. Poisons {PO} ============ Arsenic: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Banelar Venom: This poison inflicts 2d4 points of Constitution damage every 7 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 18 to overcome. Black Abishai Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage every 10 turns, and requires 4 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Black Adder Venom: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Strength damage every 8 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 12 to overcome. Black Lotus Extract: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage every 3 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 20 to overcome. Bloodroot: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Constitution damage every 20 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 12 to overcome. Blue Whinnis: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Constitution damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 12 to overcome. Burnt Othur Fumes: This poison inflicts 3d6 points of Constitution damage every 10 turns, and requires 1 saving throw against DC 15 to overcome. Carrion Crawler Brain Juice: This poison causes complete paralysis, with an onset time of 20 turns, and requires 1 saving throw against DC 18 to overcome. Choldrith Venom: This poison has an onset (and recurrance) time of 1 turn, causing its targets to become paralyzed. It requires 2 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome the effect fully. Collosal Spider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d10 points of Strength damage every 6 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 24 to overcome. Couatl Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 3 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 16 to overcome. Dark Naga Venom: This poison takes effect immediately and causes its victim to fall into a deep slumber. It requires 1 saving throw against DC 16 to overcome. Dark Reaver Powder: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Constitution damage and 1d2-1 points of Strength damage every 6 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 18 to overcome. Deathblade: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage every 3 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 20 to overcome. Disir Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Dexterity damage every turn, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 14 to overcome. Dragon Bile: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Strength damage every 7 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 26 to overcome. Drider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 3 turns, and requires 1 saving throw against DC 16 to overcome. Elder Spider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d8 points of Strength damage every 6 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 20 to overcome. Elfshot: This poison has an onset (and recurrance) time of 2 turns, causing its targets to fall into a deep slumber. It requires 4 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome the effect fully. Ettercap Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Dexterity damage every 3 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Formian Venom: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Strength damage every 7 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 14 to overcome. Giant Bee Venom: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution damage every 4 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 11 to overcome. Giant Spider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 8 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 16 to overcome. Giant Wasp Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Dexterity damage every 4 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 18 to overcome. Green Abishai Venom: This poison inflicts 1d8 points of Constitution damage every 10 turns, and requires 4 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Greenblood Oil: This mild toxin inflicts 1d2 points of Constitution damage every 7 turns, and requires 2 successful saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Guardian Naga Venom: This poison inflicts 1d10 points of Constitution damage every 7 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 19 to overcome. Id Moss: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Intelligence damage every 4 turns, and requires 5 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Imp Venom: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Dexterity damage every 2 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Insanity Mist: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Wisdom damage every 4 turns, and requires 4 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Karmic Venom: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Luck damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Lich Dust: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 17 to overcome. Magori Venom: This poison inflicts 2d6 points of Constitution damage every turn, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 19 to overcome. Malyss Root Paste: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Dexterity damage every 5 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Medusa Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every turn, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 14 to overcome. Monsterous Centipede Venom: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Dexterity damage every 5 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 11 to overcome. Nitharit: This poison inflicts 1d8 points of Constitution damage every 2 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Osyluth Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 7 turns, and requires 5 saving throws against DC 14 to overcome. Phase Spider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Strength damage every 4 turns, and requires 10 (!!) saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Quasit Venom: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Dexterity damage every 2 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Red Abishai Venom: This poison inflicts 1d10 points of Constitution damage every 10 turns, and requires 4 saving throws against DC 17 to overcome. Sassone Leaf Residue: This poison inflicts 3d6 hit points worth of toxic damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 16 to overcome. Shadow Essence: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Strength damage every 7 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 17 to overcome. Spider Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Strength damage every 20 turns, and requires 6 saving throws against DC 12 to overcome. Spirit Naga Venom: This poison inflicts 1d8 points of Constitution damage every 7 turns, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 18 to overcome. Striped Toadstool: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Intelligence damage and 1d2 points of Wisdom damage every 3 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 11 to overcome. Terinav Root: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Dexterity damage every 4 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 16 to overcome. Thri-Kreen Venom: This poison inflicts 1d2 points of Strength damage every 7 turns, and requires 5 saving throws against DC 13 to overcome. Ungol Dust: This poison inflicts 1d3 points of Charisma damage every 3 turns, and requires 3 saving throws against DC 15 to overcome. Viper Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage every 1 turn, and requires 2 saving throws against DC 14 to overcome. Vrock Spores: Vrocks can release clouds of spores from their bodies that get underneath any nearby victims' skin, burrowing into their bodies and growing into thin, piercing grey vines. Water Naga Venom: This poison inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution damage every 7 turns, and requires 4 saving throws against DC 17 to overcome. Wyvern Venom: This poison inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage every 3 turns, and requires 5 saving throws against DC 17 to overcome. {MM} Return to Main Help Menu | ![]() |