![]() | =========================== = ARCANE SPELLS BY SCHOOL = =========================== Abjuration ========== 1 Endure Acid WaterAuth Endure Cold MystAegis, ElemCov, WaterAuth Endure Fire MystAegis, EnergyMag, HeartFlame Endure Lightning MystAegis Endure Sound MagOll Erase MystAegis Mage Armor AdventArts, MystAegis Protection from Chaos TwinAxis Protection from Evil MystAegis, SilverMag, TwinAxis, CelLion, Planar Bindings Protection from Good TwinAxis Protection from Law TwinAxis Protection from Undead MystAegis, ArsMortis, SilverMag, MasDeath Shield AdventArts, MystAegis, EnergyMag, ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, CelLion Spiritwrack MystAegis, PlaceTime, Planar Bindings 2 Gaze Reflection MystAegis Iron Mind MystAegis, CrysMind Protection from Arrows MystAegis, ArsBell Resist Acid MystAegis, WaterAuth Resist Cold BookShadows, WaterAuth Resist Fire AdventArts, MystAegis, ElemCov, HeartFlame Resist Lightning EnergyMag, ElemCov Resist Sound MagOll, ElemEndur Resist Water AdventArts, ElemEndur 3 Dispel Magic FundMagick, CelLion Magic Circle vs. Chaos TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Evil SilverMag, ConSumm, TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Good TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Law TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Undead ArsMortis, SilverMag Minor Globe of Invulnerability SilverMag, Trick&Trap 4 Abjure SilverMag, ConSumm Aura of Abjuration Trick&Trap, CelLion, ETCodex Dismissal SilverMag, ConSumm Endure the Elements ElemEndur Protection from Acid WaterAuth Protection from Cold ElemCov, WaterAuth Protection from Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame Protection from Lightning ElemEndur, TStorms Protection from Sound MagOll Wandwierd SilverMag 5 Energy Buffer ElemEndur Mooncloak SilverMag Resist the Elements ElemEndur 6 Banishment CelLion Protection from Elements ElemEndur Arcana ====== 1 Chromatic Orb MagManual, Trick&Trap Feather Fall MystAegis, Trick&Trap, LordAir Grease TomeMagic, WaterAuth Knock AdventArts, TomeMagic Mending AdventArts, TomeMagic, Artificer's Obscurement Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth Wall of Fog TomeMagic, ArsBell, BookShadows, LordAir, WaterAuth Wizard Lock FundMagick, TomeMagic 2 Animate Rope TomeMagic, MagManual Glitterdust TomeMagic, LordAir Passwall AdventArts, TomeMagic, PlaceTime, Murder2, EarthSong Pyrotechnics MagManual, Trick&Trap, HeartFlame Spirit Net GreyAsh, GiftDeath Wall of Doors Trick&Trap Web TomeMagic, Murder2 Wind Wall TomeMagic, LordAir 3 Alisdair's Fundamental Breakdown Artificer's Explosive Runes ConSumm, Trick&Trap, EarthSong Keen Edge ArsBell, Artificer's, CelLion Minor Creation Artificer's Stinking Cloud Venom&Curses, LordAir, WaterAuth Wall of Ice ElemCov, WaterAuth 4 Copy FundMagick, CrysMind Fabricate Artificer's Solid Fog LordAir, WaterAuth Transmute Rock to Mud ElemCov, WaterAuth, EarthSong Tremor ElemCov, CelLion 5 Cloudkill Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth, GreyAsh Major Creation Artificer's Wall of Stone Artificer's, EarthSong Watery Double WaterAuth 6 Disintegrate Murder2, Shadow, GreyAsh, GiftDeath Divination ========== 1 Arrow Mind PracDiv Daggerspell PracDiv Detect Secret Doors PracDiv, CrysMind Detect Stairs PracDiv Detect Undead PracDiv, ArsMortis Read Magic FundMagick, Murder2, CrysMind, WordsPow True Strike PracDiv, Murder2 2 Detect Objects PracDiv ESP SilverMag, Murder2, BookShadows, CrysMind Identify FundMagick Infravision AdventArts, Murder2 Revealed Lore CrysMind, WordsPow See Invisibility AdventArts, PracDiv 3 Anyspell PracDiv, CrysMind, WordsPow Clairvoyance SilverMag, Murder2 Detect Monsters AdventArts, PracDiv Insightful Stroke MagOll, CrysMind, ETCodex Lorecall Artificer's, MagOll Magic Mapping SilverMag Warning CrysMind 4 Detect Magic CrysMind, WordsPow Mord's Lucubration CrysMind Nemesis Spell GreyAsh Premonition SilverMag, Murder2, ETCodex Track Monster ConSumm, Trick&Trap, Murder2 5 Dream Murder2 Open the Third Eye CelLion Power Word: Stop Murder2, WordsPow Wizard Sight Murder2, CrysMind 6 Power Word: Stun Murder2, WordsPow True Seeing CrysMind, ETCodex Enchantment =========== 1 Cause Fear BookGlamour, GreyAsh Charm Person BookGlamour, Trick&Trap, BookShadows Friends BookGlamour, Trick&Trap, BookShadows Nystrom's Magical Aura TomeMagic, BookGlamour Sleep BookGlamour, Venom&Curses, Murder2, BookShadows Spook BookGlamour, MagManual, Shadow 2 Dire Charm BookGlamour, Venom&Curses Eagle's Splendour BookGlamour Hideous Laughter Venom&Curses, MagOll Hypnotism BookGlamour, MagOll, BookShadows Touch of Idiocy BookShadows 3 Deep Slumber SilverMag, MagOll, Murder2 Fire Charm HeartFlame Heroism MagOll Hold Person SilverMag, CelLion Minor Malison Venom&Curses Sign of Discord Trick&Trap Suggestion BookGlamour 4 Charm Monster Trick&Trap Confusion Venom&Curses Crushing Despair CelLion, GreyAsh Emotion MagOll Fear ETCodex 5 Dominate Person CrysMind Dream Murder2 Hold Monster ETCodex Lesser Symbol WordsPow, GreyAsh Lower Resistance Murder2, CelLion, ETCodex, Planar Bindings 6 Immortal Grandeur MagOll 8 Othello's Irresistable Dance Evocation ========= 1 Burning Hands EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame Color Spray MagManual Dancing Lights TomeMagic, MagManual Floating Disc AdventArts, LordAir Force Bolt EnergyMag, CelLion Magic Missile FundMagick, AdventArts, EnergyMag Minor Light AdventArts, HeartFlame Shield AdventArts, MystAegis, EnergyMag, ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, CelLion Shocking Grasp EnergyMag, ElemCov, Trick&Trap, LordAir 2 Acid Arrow WaterAuth Decastave ArsBell Electric Loop LordAir, TStorms Flaming Sphere HeartFlame Globe of Shadow MagManual, Murder2, BookShadows, Shadow Gust of Wind ElemCov, LordAir, TStorms Scorcher EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame, CelLion Shatter MagOll, EarthSong, GreyAsh, TStorms 3 Deeper Darkness Murder2, Shadow, ETCodex Fireball ElemCov, HeartFlame, ETCodex Flame Arrow HeartFlame Icelance WaterAuth Lightning Bolt ArsBell, ElemCov, LordAir, CelLion, TStorms, ETCodex Mystic Lantern HeartFlame Thunderlance MagOll, LordAir, TStorms 4 Chill Shield TStorms Fire Shield ElemCov, HeartFlame Force Missiles Artificer's, TStorms Ice Storm ElemCov, WaterAuth, TStorms Shout Trick&Trap, MagOll, CelLion Vitriolic Sphere ConSumm, GreyAsh Wall of Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame 5 Cone of Cold WaterAuth, TStorms Fire Lotus HeartFlame, CelLion Mooncloak SilverMag Telekinesis Murder2, CrysMind 6 Chain Lightning TStorms Illusion ======== 1 Change Self MagManual, Murder2, BookShadows Chromatic Orb MagManual, Trick&Trap Color Spray MagManual Dancing Lights TomeMagic, MagManual Nystrom's Magical Aura TomeMagic, BookGlamour Phantasmal Force MagManual, ConSumm, BookShadows, Smoke and Mirrors Ventriloquism MagManual, Murder2, LordAir 2 Blur SilverMag, BookShadows, LordAir Hypnotic Pattern MagManual, Murder2 Improved Phantasmal Force Smoke and Mirrors Invisibility BookGlamour, MagManual, Murder2 Mirror Image MagManual, Trick&Trap Scare ArsMortis, Venom&Curses Visage of Death ArsMortis, GreyAsh 3 Adamant Facade Trick&Trap, CelLion Animate Shadows Murder2 Displacement PlaceTime, Trick&Trap, Murder2 Group Invisibility ETCodex Illusory Stance Murder2, Smoke and Mirrors Nondetection Murder2, BookShadows Spectral Force ConSumm, Smoke and Mirrors 4 Hallucinatory Terrain Smoke and Mirrors Improved Invisibility Trick&Trap, Murder2 Improved Spectral Force Smoke and Mirrors Phantasmal Killer Venom&Curses, Murder2, GiftDeath Shadow Magic Shadow Shadow Monsters Shadow Summon Shadows Shadow, MasDeath 5 Advanced Illusion Smoke and Mirrors Color Burst Smoke and Mirrors Demi-Shadow Monsters Shadow Dream Murder2 Misdirection Murder2, Smoke and Mirrors Nightmare GreyAsh 6 Demi-Shadow Magic Shadow Mirage Arcana Smoke and Mirrors Shades Shadow Necromancy ========== 1 Chill Touch ArsMortis, WaterAuth False Life MortalCoil, BookShadows Halt Undead ArsMortis Minor Drain ArsMortis, BookShadows, GreyAsh Protection from Undead MystAegis, ArsMortis, SilverMag, MasDeath Rigor Mortis ArsMortis, GreyAsh 2 Aura of Death GiftDeath Bladethirst ArsMortis, MortalCoil, Murder2, BookShadows, EarthSong, Crimson Rites Choke Venom&Curses, Murder2, LordAir, GreyAsh Ghoul Touch ArsMortis, GreyAsh Scare ArsMortis, Venom&Curses Spectral Hand ArsMortis Spirit Net GreyAsh, GiftDeath Visage of Death ArsMortis, GreyAsh 3 Animate Dead ArsMortis, ETCodex, MasDeath Blackmantle ArsBell, MasDeath Major Drain GreyAsh Skull Trap Artificer's, MasDeath Spirit Armor ArsBell, Artificer's, CelLion Vampiric Touch Trick&Trap 4 Contagion Venom&Curses, GiftDeath Enervation Trick&Trap, Murder2 Revenance MasDeath Summon Shadows Shadow, MasDeath 5 Create Corporeal Undead MasDeath Create Spectral Undead Planar Bindings, MasDeath Eldritch Bolt Shadow, GreyAsh Lesser Symbol WordsPow, GreyAsh Skeletal Spikes MasDeath 6 Necrosynthesis MasDeath Undeath to Death CelLion Thaumaturgy =========== 1 Convulsion BookGlamour, MortalCoil, Murder2, GiftDeath Enlarge MortalCoil, CelLion Expeditious Retreat AdventArts, MortalCoil, ArsBell, Murder2 False Life MortalCoil, BookShadows Jump AdventArts, MortalCoil, LordAir Reduce MagManual, MortalCoil Shocking Grasp EnergyMag, ElemCov, Trick&Trap, LordAir Sleep BookGlamour, Venom&Curses, Murder2, BookShadows Spider Climb AdventArts, Murder2 2 Bear's Endurance MortalCoil, EarthSong, CelLion Bull's Strength MortalCoil, ArsBell, EarthSong, CelLion, GreyAsh Cat's Grace MortalCoil, ArsBell, CelLion Choke Venom&Curses, Murder2, LordAir, GreyAsh Heightened Senses Levitation FundMagick, SilverMag, Murder2, LordAir Ray of Enfeeblement BookShadows 3 Fly Trick&Trap, LordAir, TStorms Gaseous Form ElemCov, Murder2, BookShadows, LordAir Haste PlaceTime, ArsBell Heroism MagOll Polymorph Self Trick&Trap Slow MortalCoil, PlaceTime, Venom&Curses Water Walking WaterAuth 4 Burning Blood HeartFlame, MasDeath, Crimson Rites Evard's Black Tentacles ConSumm, GreyAsh Polymorph Other Venom&Curses Stoneskin ElemCov, EarthSong Waves of Weariness GreyAsh 5 Baleful Polymorph Venom&Curses Force Shapechange ConSumm, Trick&Trap Open the Third Eye CelLion 6 Fiendform Planar Bindings Tevlar's Transformation ETCodex Weavecraft ========== 1 Alarm AdventArts, PlaceTime Call Companions PlaceTime Magic Weapon BookGlamour, MortalCoil, ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, BookShadows, EarthSong Monster Summoning I FundMagick, ConSumm Mount AdventArts Phase Door FundMagick, AdventArts, MagManual, PlaceTime Spiritwrack MystAegis, PlaceTime, Planar Bindings 2 Apportation PlaceTime, Artificer's, CrysMind Ethereal Blade BookShadows, CelLion Mana Theft PlaceTime, Venom&Curses, Smoke and Mirrors Monster Summoning II PlaceTime, ConSumm Summon Swarm Venom&Curses Transposition PlaceTime 3 Blink PlaceTime, Murder2 Conjure Vortex ConSumm Dimension Door PlaceTime, SilverMag Greater Magic Weapon ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, EarthSong Monster Summoning III ConSumm Phantom Steed ArsBell, Shadow, ETCodex Rope Trick PlaceTime, Murder2 4 Aura of Abjuration Trick&Trap, CelLion, ETCodex Dimensional Anchor ETCodex Dismissal SilverMag, ConSumm Lesser Planar Conjuration ConSumm, Planar Bindings Monster Summoning IV ConSumm Shift Level ETCodex 5 Distance Distortion PlaceTime Lower Resistance Murder2, CelLion, ETCodex, Planar Bindings Monster Summoning V ConSumm Steal Magic Trick&Trap, GreyAsh Teleport ETCodex 6 Monster Summoning VI ConSumm Fire Magic ========== 1 Burning Hands EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame Endure Fire MystAegis, EnergyMag, HeartFlame Log of Everburning Produce Flame 2 Flame Blade HeartFlame, CelLion Flaming Sphere HeartFlame Heat Metal Pyrotechnics MagManual, Trick&Trap, HeartFlame Resist Fire AdventArts, MystAegis, ElemCov, HeartFlame Scorcher EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame, CelLion 3 Fire Charm HeartFlame Fireball ElemCov, HeartFlame, ETCodex Flame Arrow HeartFlame 4 Burning Blood HeartFlame, MasDeath, Crimson Rites Fire Shield ElemCov, HeartFlame Protection from Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame Wall of Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame 5 Fire Lotus HeartFlame, CelLion Flame Strike Earth Magic =========== 1 Dust Devil Sandblast 2 Magic Stone Might of the Oaks Soften Stone Stone Tell 3 Earthmaw Explosive Runes ConSumm, Trick&Trap, EarthSong Meld into Stone 4 Rooting Spike Growth Stoneskin ElemCov, EarthSong Transmute Rock to Mud ElemCov, WaterAuth, EarthSong Tremor ElemCov, CelLion 5 Wall of Stone Artificer's, EarthSong Air Magic ========= 1 Dust Devil Obscurement Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth Wall of Fog TomeMagic, ArsBell, BookShadows, LordAir, WaterAuth 2 Choke Venom&Curses, Murder2, LordAir, GreyAsh Gust of Wind ElemCov, LordAir, TStorms Speed of the Wind Wind Wall TomeMagic, LordAir 3 Gaseous Form ElemCov, Murder2, BookShadows, LordAir Stinking Cloud Venom&Curses, LordAir, WaterAuth 4 Air Walk Solid Fog LordAir, WaterAuth 5 Cloudkill Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth, GreyAsh Control Winds Water Magic =========== 1 Obscurement Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth Wall of Fog TomeMagic, ArsBell, BookShadows, LordAir, WaterAuth 2 Blur SilverMag, BookShadows, LordAir Persistance of the Waves Rainstorm Resist Water AdventArts, ElemEndur Snowstrike 3 Create Food and Water Create Water Water Walking WaterAuth Waterspout 4 Natural Erosion Part Water Solid Fog LordAir, WaterAuth Whirlpool 5 Watery Double WaterAuth Light Spells ============ 1 Call Light Chromatic Orb MagManual, Trick&Trap Color Spray MagManual Dancing Lights TomeMagic, MagManual Faerie Fire 2 Sunscorch 3 Mystic Lantern HeartFlame 4 Searing Light 5 Color Burst Smoke and Mirrors Darkness Spells =============== 2 Globe of Shadow MagManual, Murder2, BookShadows, Shadow 3 Animate Shadows Murder2 Deeper Darkness Murder2, Shadow, ETCodex =================== = SPELLS BY CLASS = =================== Wizard Spells ============= 1 Alarm AdventArts, PlaceTime Arrow Mind PracDiv Burning Hands EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame Call Companions PlaceTime Cause Fear BookGlamour, GreyAsh Change Self MagManual, Murder2, BookShadows Charm Person BookGlamour, Trick&Trap, BookShadows Chill Touch ArsMortis, WaterAuth Chromatic Orb MagManual, Trick&Trap Color Spray MagManual Convulsion BookGlamour, MortalCoil, Murder2, GiftDeath Daggerspell PracDiv Dancing Lights TomeMagic, MagManual Detect Secret Doors PracDiv, CrysMind Detect Stairs PracDiv Detect Undead PracDiv, ArsMortis Endure Acid WaterAuth Endure Cold MystAegis, ElemCov, WaterAuth Endure Fire MystAegis, EnergyMag, HeartFlame Endure Lightning MystAegis Endure Sound MagOll Enlarge MortalCoil, CelLion Erase MystAegis Expeditious Retreat AdventArts, MortalCoil, ArsBell, Murder2 False Life MortalCoil, BookShadows Feather Fall MystAegis, Trick&Trap, LordAir Floating Disc AdventArts, LordAir Force Bolt EnergyMag, CelLion Friends BookGlamour, Trick&Trap, BookShadows Grease TomeMagic, WaterAuth Halt Undead ArsMortis Jump AdventArts, MortalCoil, LordAir Knock AdventArts, TomeMagic Mage Armor AdventArts, MystAegis Magic Missile FundMagick, AdventArts, EnergyMag Magic Weapon BookGlamour, MortalCoil, ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, BookShadows, EarthSong Mending AdventArts, TomeMagic, Artificer's Minor Drain ArsMortis, BookShadows, GreyAsh Minor Light AdventArts, HeartFlame Monster Summoning I FundMagick, ConSumm Mount AdventArts Nystrom's Magical Aura TomeMagic, BookGlamour Obscurement Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth Phantasmal Force MagManual, ConSumm, BookShadows, Smoke and Mirrors Phase Door FundMagick, AdventArts, MagManual, PlaceTime Protection from Chaos TwinAxis Protection from Evil MystAegis, SilverMag, TwinAxis, CelLion, Planar Bindings Protection from Good TwinAxis Protection from Law TwinAxis Protection from Undead MystAegis, ArsMortis, SilverMag, MasDeath Read Magic FundMagick, Murder2, CrysMind, WordsPow Reduce MagManual, MortalCoil Rigor Mortis ArsMortis, GreyAsh Shield AdventArts, MystAegis, EnergyMag, ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, CelLion Shocking Grasp EnergyMag, ElemCov, Trick&Trap, LordAir Sleep BookGlamour, Venom&Curses, Murder2, BookShadows Spider Climb AdventArts, Murder2 Spiritwrack MystAegis, PlaceTime, Planar Bindings Spook BookGlamour, MagManual, Shadow True Strike PracDiv, Murder2 Ventriloquism MagManual, Murder2, LordAir Wall of Fog TomeMagic, ArsBell, BookShadows, LordAir, WaterAuth Wizard Lock FundMagick, TomeMagic 2 Acid Arrow WaterAuth Animate Rope TomeMagic, MagManual Apportation PlaceTime, Artificer's, CrysMind Aura of Death GiftDeath Bear's Endurance MortalCoil, EarthSong, CelLion Bladethirst ArsMortis, MortalCoil, Murder2, BookShadows, EarthSong, Crimson Rites Blur SilverMag, BookShadows, LordAir Bull's Strength MortalCoil, ArsBell, EarthSong, CelLion, GreyAsh Cat's Grace MortalCoil, ArsBell, CelLion Choke Venom&Curses, Murder2, LordAir, GreyAsh Decastave ArsBell Detect Objects PracDiv Dire Charm BookGlamour, Venom&Curses ESP SilverMag, Murder2, BookShadows, CrysMind Eagle's Splendour BookGlamour Electric Loop LordAir, TStorms Ethereal Blade BookShadows, CelLion Flaming Sphere HeartFlame Gaze Reflection MystAegis Ghoul Touch ArsMortis, GreyAsh Glitterdust TomeMagic, LordAir Globe of Shadow MagManual, Murder2, BookShadows, Shadow Gust of Wind ElemCov, LordAir, TStorms Heightened Senses Hideous Laughter Venom&Curses, MagOll Hypnotic Pattern MagManual, Murder2 Hypnotism BookGlamour, MagOll, BookShadows Identify FundMagick Improved Phantasmal Force Smoke and Mirrors Infravision AdventArts, Murder2 Invisibility BookGlamour, MagManual, Murder2 Iron Mind MystAegis, CrysMind Levitation FundMagick, SilverMag, Murder2, LordAir Mana Theft PlaceTime, Venom&Curses, Smoke and Mirrors Mirror Image MagManual, Trick&Trap Monster Summoning II PlaceTime, ConSumm Passwall AdventArts, TomeMagic, PlaceTime, Murder2, EarthSong Protection from Arrows MystAegis, ArsBell Pyrotechnics MagManual, Trick&Trap, HeartFlame Ray of Enfeeblement BookShadows Resist Acid MystAegis, WaterAuth Resist Cold BookShadows, WaterAuth Resist Fire AdventArts, MystAegis, ElemCov, HeartFlame Resist Lightning EnergyMag, ElemCov Resist Sound MagOll, ElemEndur Resist Water AdventArts, ElemEndur Revealed Lore CrysMind, WordsPow Scare ArsMortis, Venom&Curses Scorcher EnergyMag, ElemCov, HeartFlame, CelLion See Invisibility AdventArts, PracDiv Shatter MagOll, EarthSong, GreyAsh, TStorms Spectral Hand ArsMortis Spirit Net GreyAsh, GiftDeath Summon Swarm Venom&Curses Touch of Idiocy BookShadows Transposition PlaceTime Visage of Death ArsMortis, GreyAsh Wall of Doors Trick&Trap Web TomeMagic, Murder2 Wind Wall TomeMagic, LordAir 3 Adamant Facade Trick&Trap, CelLion Alisdair's Fundamental Breakdown Artificer's Animate Dead ArsMortis, ETCodex, MasDeath Animate Shadows Murder2 Anyspell PracDiv, CrysMind, WordsPow Blackmantle ArsBell, MasDeath Blink PlaceTime, Murder2 Clairvoyance SilverMag, Murder2 Conjure Vortex ConSumm Deep Slumber SilverMag, MagOll, Murder2 Deeper Darkness Murder2, Shadow, ETCodex Detect Monsters AdventArts, PracDiv Dimension Door PlaceTime, SilverMag Dispel Magic FundMagick, CelLion Displacement PlaceTime, Trick&Trap, Murder2 Explosive Runes ConSumm, Trick&Trap, EarthSong Fire Charm HeartFlame Fireball ElemCov, HeartFlame, ETCodex Flame Arrow HeartFlame Fly Trick&Trap, LordAir, TStorms Gaseous Form ElemCov, Murder2, BookShadows, LordAir Greater Magic Weapon ArsBell, Artificer's, Murder2, EarthSong Group Invisibility ETCodex Haste PlaceTime, ArsBell Heroism MagOll Hold Person SilverMag, CelLion Icelance WaterAuth Illusory Stance Murder2, Smoke and Mirrors Insightful Stroke MagOll, CrysMind, ETCodex Keen Edge ArsBell, Artificer's, CelLion Lightning Bolt ArsBell, ElemCov, LordAir, CelLion, TStorms, ETCodex Lorecall Artificer's, MagOll Magic Circle vs. Chaos TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Evil SilverMag, ConSumm, TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Good TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Law TwinAxis Magic Circle vs. Undead ArsMortis, SilverMag Magic Mapping SilverMag Major Drain GreyAsh Minor Creation Artificer's Minor Globe of Invulnerability SilverMag, Trick&Trap Minor Malison Venom&Curses Monster Summoning III ConSumm Mystic Lantern HeartFlame Nondetection Murder2, BookShadows Phantom Steed ArsBell, Shadow, ETCodex Polymorph Self Trick&Trap Rope Trick PlaceTime, Murder2 Sign of Discord Trick&Trap Skull Trap Artificer's, MasDeath Slow MortalCoil, PlaceTime, Venom&Curses Spectral Force ConSumm, Smoke and Mirrors Spirit Armor ArsBell, Artificer's, CelLion Stinking Cloud Venom&Curses, LordAir, WaterAuth Suggestion BookGlamour Thunderlance MagOll, LordAir, TStorms Vampiric Touch Trick&Trap Wall of Ice ElemCov, WaterAuth Warning CrysMind Water Walking WaterAuth 4 Abjure SilverMag, ConSumm Aura of Abjuration Trick&Trap, CelLion, ETCodex Burning Blood HeartFlame, MasDeath, Crimson Rites Charm Monster Trick&Trap Chill Shield TStorms Confusion Venom&Curses Contagion Venom&Curses, GiftDeath Copy FundMagick, CrysMind Crushing Despair CelLion, GreyAsh Detect Magic CrysMind, WordsPow Dimensional Anchor ETCodex Dismissal SilverMag, ConSumm Emotion MagOll Endure the Elements ElemEndur Enervation Trick&Trap, Murder2 Evard's Black Tentacles ConSumm, GreyAsh Fabricate Artificer's Fear ETCodex Fire Shield ElemCov, HeartFlame Force Missiles Artificer's, TStorms Hallucinatory Terrain Smoke and Mirrors Ice Storm ElemCov, WaterAuth, TStorms Improved Invisibility Trick&Trap, Murder2 Improved Spectral Force Smoke and Mirrors Lesser Planar Conjuration ConSumm, Planar Bindings Monster Summoning IV ConSumm Mord's Lucubration CrysMind Nemesis Spell GreyAsh Phantasmal Killer Venom&Curses, Murder2, GiftDeath Polymorph Other Venom&Curses Premonition SilverMag, Murder2, ETCodex Protection from Acid WaterAuth Protection from Cold ElemCov, WaterAuth Protection from Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame Protection from Lightning ElemEndur, TStorms Protection from Sound MagOll Revenance MasDeath Shadow Magic Shadow Shadow Monsters Shadow Shift Level ETCodex Shout Trick&Trap, MagOll, CelLion Solid Fog LordAir, WaterAuth Stoneskin ElemCov, EarthSong Summon Shadows Shadow, MasDeath Track Monster ConSumm, Trick&Trap, Murder2 Transmute Rock to Mud ElemCov, WaterAuth, EarthSong Tremor ElemCov, CelLion Vitriolic Sphere ConSumm, GreyAsh Wall of Fire ElemCov, HeartFlame Wandwierd SilverMag Waves of Weariness GreyAsh 5 Advanced Illusion Smoke and Mirrors Baleful Polymorph Venom&Curses Cloudkill Murder2, LordAir, WaterAuth, GreyAsh Color Burst Smoke and Mirrors Cone of Cold WaterAuth, TStorms Create Corporeal Undead MasDeath Create Spectral Undead Planar Bindings, MasDeath Demi-Shadow Monsters Shadow Distance Distortion PlaceTime Dominate Person CrysMind Dream Murder2 Eldritch Bolt Shadow, GreyAsh Energy Buffer ElemEndur Fire Lotus HeartFlame, CelLion Force Shapechange ConSumm, Trick&Trap Hold Monster ETCodex Lesser Symbol WordsPow, GreyAsh Lower Resistance Murder2, CelLion, ETCodex, Planar Bindings Major Creation Artificer's Misdirection Murder2, Smoke and Mirrors Monster Summoning V ConSumm Mooncloak SilverMag Nightmare GreyAsh Open the Third Eye CelLion Power Word: Stop Murder2, WordsPow Resist the Elements ElemEndur Skeletal Spikes MasDeath Steal Magic Trick&Trap, GreyAsh Telekinesis Murder2, CrysMind Teleport ETCodex Wall of Stone Artificer's, EarthSong Watery Double WaterAuth Wizard Sight Murder2, CrysMind 6 Banishment CelLion Chain Lightning TStorms Demi-Shadow Magic Shadow Disintegrate Murder2, Shadow, GreyAsh, GiftDeath Fiendform Planar Bindings Immortal Grandeur MagOll Mirage Arcana Smoke and Mirrors Monster Summoning VI ConSumm Necrosynthesis MasDeath Power Word: Stun Murder2, WordsPow Protection from Elements ElemEndur Shades Shadow Tevlar's Transformation ETCodex True Seeing CrysMind, ETCodex Undeath to Death CelLion 8 Othello's Irresistable Dance Priest Spells ============= 1 Bane Bless Call Companions Call Light Command Cure Light Wounds Detect Evil Detect Undead Divine Favor Doom Entropic Shield Holy Summoning I Inflict Light Wounds Invisibility to Undead Magic Weapon Protection from Evil Protection from Undead Sanctuary Shield of Faith Slow Poison Valor Vigor 2 Aid Bear's Endurance Bull's Strength Calm Emotions Chant Consecrate Cure Moderate Wounds Desecrate Enthrall Find Traps Globe of Shadow Heal Mount Holy Summoning II Inflict Moderate Wounds Magic Stone Make Whole Negative Plane Protection Resist Acid Resist Cold Resist Fire Resist Lightning Resist Sound Shatter Shield Other Silence Spiritual Hammer Wind Wall 3 Bestow Curse Cause Blindness Create Food and Water Cure Disease Cure Serious Wounds Deeper Darkness Dispel Magic Draw upon Holy Might Glyph of Warding Greater Magic Weapon Hold Person Holy Summoning III Inflict Serious Wounds Magic Circle vs. Evil Magic Circle vs. Undead Magic Vestment Mystic Lantern Prayer Remove Curse Ring of Blades Spiritual Fortitude Sticks to Snakes Water Walking 4 Abjure Contagion Cure Critical Wounds Death Ward Dimensional Anchor Dismissal Dispel Fatigue Divine Power Ethereal Jaunt Free Action Holy Summoning IV Inflict Critical Wounds Invocation Magic Resistance Neutralize Poison Part Water Protection from Acid Protection from Cold Protection from Fire Protection from Lightning Protection from Sound Restoration Searing Light Spell Immunity 5 Dispel Evil Disrupting Weapon Divine Agility Flame Strike Hallow Hold Monster Holy Orb Holy Summoning V Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Insect Plague Lesser Symbol Lower Resistance Resist the Elements Righteous Might Slay Living Wall of Stone 6 Animate Objects Antilife Shell Banishment Etherealness Glyph of Warding, Greater Harm Heal Heroes' Feast Holy Summoning VI Protection from Elements True Seeing Undeath to Death 7 Blasphemy Druid Spells ============ 1 Call Companions Call Light Calm Animals Camouflage Cure Light Wounds Detect Animals and Plants Detect Natural Traps Dust Devil Entangle Faerie Fire Forest Wall Hawkeye Ice Dagger Invisibility to Animals Jump Lifesight Log of Everburning Longstrider Magic Fang Obscurement Pass without Trace Produce Flame Puffball Sanctuary Sandblast Shillelagh Slow Poison Stunning Jolt Summon Nature's Ally I Vigor Wall of Fog 2 Aid Alicorn Lance Barkskin Bear's Endurance Beast Claw Bull's Strength Chill Metal Creeping Cold Cure Moderate Wounds Detect Elementals Flame Blade Flaming Sphere Forestation Gust of Wind Heal Mount Heat Metal Hold Beast Infravision Might of the Oaks Persistance of the Waves Pyrotechnics Rainstorm Resist Acid Resist Cold Resist Fire Resist Lightning Resist Sound Resist Water Snowstrike Soften Stone Speed of the Wind Stone Tell Summon Nature's Ally II Summon Swarm Sunscorch Tree Stride Warp Wood Wind Wall 3 Blight Plants Call Lightning Create Water Cure Disease Cure Serious Wounds Dispel Magic Dominate Animal Earthmaw Ironwood Meld into Stone Mystic Lantern Prayer Summon Nature's Ally III Wall of Ice Water Walking Waterspout 4 Air Walk Antiplant Shell Contagion Control Plant Cure Critical Wounds Death Ward Dire Regression Endure the Elements Free Action Giant Vermin Ice Storm Invocation Natural Erosion Neutralize Poison Protection from Acid Protection from Cold Protection from Fire Protection from Lightning Protection from Sound Repel Vermin Restoration Rooting Solid Fog Spike Growth Summon Nature's Ally IV Thornwrack Transmute Rock to Mud Wall of Fire Whirlpool 5 Animal Growth Baleful Polymorph Commune With Nature Control Winds Corrupt Animal Flame Strike Insect Plague Resist the Elements Summon Nature's Ally V Turnclaw Wall of Stone Wall of Thorns 6 Antilife Shell Fire Seeds Protection from Elements Summon Nature's Ally VI {MM} Return to Main Help Menu | ![]() |